Elizabeth @ Lizy B {Christmas Break Guest}
Rachel @ Architecture of a Mom {Christmas Break Guest}
I'm so excited to be here at Ginger Snap Crafts for Christmas Break! A big thanks to Ginger for letting me take part. And now, a little bit about me:
Raquel @ Organized Island {Christmas Break Guest}
Hi, First of all I would like to thank Ginger for welcoming me to her wonderful blog! I am Raquel and I blog at Organized Island.
I am a mother of two grown children, a former productivity manager and a wife that loves to cook and entertain. I started blogging because I wanted to share tips and tricks that have I have learned over the years, that save me time and money. I am so excited to be here at Ginger Snap Crafts sharing with you my top 5 of 2012. How did the year go by so fast? Ginger asked me to share some of my favorite posts.
Lyuba @ Will Cook For Smiles {Christmas Break Guest}
OK…take it away, Lyuba!
Kristen @ Make the Best of Everything {Christmas Break Guest}
Hello! My name is Kristen and I blog at Make the best of everything! I have such an amazing time sharing recipes and homemade gift from my home in Iowa. Blogging has connected me with so many people. I just love it!
My blog slogan is that " The Happiest people make the best of everything!". I find this to be a true statement in more then one way! My blog is known for my " Homemade Childrens gifts."
Today, I am going to share some of my most popular gifts. I LOVE making homemade gifts for all the special kids in my life. I have 5 nephews, 1 niece, A goddaughter, a handful of second cousins and a 1 year old son! If possible, I like to give them Homemade gifts that help them learn! Here are five of my favorite gifts I have made them!
Eva @ Tales of the Scotts {Christmas Break Guest}
Hi everyone! I'm Eva and I blog over at Tales of the Scotts. I'm a stay-at-home momma to two little people that keep me on my toes. Much to my patient husband's chagrin, my dining room table is always full of little "projects" I have going on.
I'm really happy to be here on Ginger Snap Crafts and am excited to share with you my favorite projects over the past couple of years.
Liz @ Love Grows Wild {Christmas Break Guest}
Lowri @ Papervine {Christmas Break Guest}
PaperVine is a fun, crafty blog packed full of great paper crafting ideas and tutorials with the odd kids craft and cooking tip thrown in! I live on a vineyard in Marlborough, New Zealand with my husband and three young children and I am thrilled to be a guest here at Ginger Snap Crafts.
Here are my Top Five Tutorials this year. Each link will take you to a full-color tutorial showing exactly how to re-create the project shown. Click on the title to be taken to the complete post.
Marty @ Marty Musings {Christmas Break Guest}
Today I’d love to welcome Marty from Marty's Musings.
Thank you, Ginger, for allowing me to share some of our projects with you and your readers today. My hubby and I have teamed up this year for some fun home projects and these are our top five favorites:
Chalk Painted Hutch - This hutch was totally transformed from dark ugly brown wood to this lovely Provence color from Annie Sloan chalk paints.
{wow me} wednesday #83 {Build Your Blog Conference ticket giveaway}

So glad YOU are here!
Merry Christmas to YOU!!!
Tonight I’ve got an awesome giveaway for YOU! Many of your know the ladies from Six Sisters’ Stuff. They are awesome! They have put together a wonderful blog conference, & they want YOU to be there. {You can find out how to purchase your ticket on their Build Your Blog Conference blog. Right now the price is $99 but the price will be going up after Dec. 31st. So hurry!}
Eliza @ Eliza K Prints {Christmas Break Guest}
We wish you a Merry Christmas!
Just wanted to pop in & wish you all a very Merry Christmas!
I hope you all are having a healthy, warm & wonderful day full of family & good times!
{picture by Kristen Hallmark Photography}
Heather @ Raising Memories {Christmas Break Guest}

Rita @ Pink Polka Dot Creations {Christmas Break Guest}
Hi all you Ginger Snap fans. I am so excited to be here. I love Ginger's blog and all of the fun creative ideas that she shares with all of us. She is just so cute!
I am Rita from Pink Polka Dot Creations:
where I love to share fun craft ideas, sewing projects, holiday ideas, yummy quick easy recipes, DIY projects, party games and ideas, and lots of fun whimsical printables for you to use! I would love for you to come to Pink Polka Dot Creations and look around for awhile!
I want to show you my top five posts from last year:
Sheryl @ Lady Behind the Curtain {Christmas Break Guest}
Hello Ginger Snap Crafts readers! I'm happy to meet you and be visiting here today.
I am Sheryl from Lady Behind The Curtain. I've been blogging for almost 2 years and LOVE everything about it! I started this blog in preparation of being an empty Nester. I have been planning parties, events and catering for almost 30 years. After many months of my husband encouraging me to start a blog I finally gave in and completely fell in love with it! I discovered a whole community of people that loved to do what I loved to do. It has been so much fun learning how to blog and meeting new people.
Kimberly @ My Pinterest Reality {Christmas Break Guest}
Katie @ Fun Home Things {Christmas Break Guest}
Hi! My name is Katie Drane and I'm the thrifty crafter, Southern cooking enthusiast, and human encyclopedia of random tips behind Fun Home Things. I am so happy to be here at Ginger Snap Crafts sharing my top 5 posts with you. Thanks Ginger!
This has been an amazing year for Fun Home Things. What started out as a creative outlet for me right before my daughter started preschool, has quickly grown into a full time gig and I am loving every minute of it. Choosing my top 5 favorite projects was tougher than I thought, but I finally narrowed it down and I'm excited to be sharing them with you today.
Melanie @ Bear Rabbit Bear Crafts {Christmas Break Guest}
and I blog over at Bear Rabbit Bear Crafts.
Hopefully some of you recognize me,
but for those of you who do not,
here's a few brief tidbits about me and my blog:
Snowman Soup neighbor gift {with free printable}
I’m not sure who originally came up with the idea of Snowman Soup, but whoever did was a genius! It makes the perfect neighbor gift when the weather outside is frightful. ;) It is also super easy {& affordable} to put together!
We have made these before, & this year we doing them again! The kiddos helped me put them together today. {Really hoping none of our neighbors read my blog! ha!} ;)
To make these you’ll need:
- brown paper lunch sacks
- ribbon
- hot chocolate packets
- candy canes
- Hershey Kisses
- mini marshmallows
- Snowman Soup printable {download below}
First we put the marshmallows in quart size ziploc bags. Then we put those & everything else inside the paper lunch sack.
Then we just folded the bag over. Punch two holes and attach the poem with a ribbon.
Now we are all ready for our Christmas Eve deliveries!
You can download the Snowman Soup file HERE. Then upload it to your favorite photo place & have them made into 4x6 prints. Super easy!
Thank you for stopping by!
If this is your first time visiting I’d love to keep in touch.
Subscribe to {Ginger Snap Crafts} by Email
Santa Banner & Reindeer T-shirts {kid craft tutorials} #BloggersforSandyHook
I haven’t been able to watch the news this past week without crying. The stories of those that were taken way too soon just hits too close to home. So heartbreaking. I have a 6 year old daughter, & I can’t imagine the pain & grief these families are going through. My thoughts & prayers go out to all of those that were affected by this horrible tragedy.
If any good can come out this tragedy is that I hope all of us take time to slow down, hug our children, spend time with them, listen to them & never take a second for granted. There is nothing more important to me than my family & my children. I am so grateful for each of them & the opportunity I have to be their mom.
Alexandra @ In Designer Jeans {Christmas Break Guest}
Its so great to be sharing my favorite projects from 2012 here at Ginger Snap Crafts.
I have both success and failures when it comes to trying out new things
but share the journey regardless of the end result!
and have completed projects that I never would have thought I could!
Hope you enjoy them! :)
20+ Holiday Ideas, Recipes & Crafts {take a look at you}
It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU! Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here} if you haven’t yet!
Thank you all so much for sharing each week!
Here’s a few of my favorites from this week & last week’s {wow me} wednesday parties!
Reindeer Cocoa @ Dukes & Duchesses
Christine @ The DIY Dreamer {Christmas Break Guest}
Hi There Ginger Snap Crafts readers!! I’m Christine, a full-time Mom to two gorgeous little ladies, Wife to my best friend, Crafter, Blogger and The DIY Dreamer. is where you’ll find lots of crafts, do it yourself projects and FUN! I'm soooo EXCITED to be here today to share with you my Top 5 Projects for the Holidays including 3 holiday decorations and 2 gift ideas. Lets start off with my 3 Top Holiday Decorations.
First off would have to be the Wall Mounted Advent Calendar.
I’m dreaming of a mom cave with La-Z-Boy furniture! #MomCave #CBias
I know most of you are dreaming of a white Christmas right now, right? Not me! I’m actually hoping for a dry Christmas. We are headed to our family’s the day after Christmas. So snow would not be good for traveling! We are crossing our fingers for good weather.
I have been dreaming of a mom cave though! You know a place just for me. Maybe it could include a comfy chair or sofa from La-Z-Boy furniture. Do you have a spot like that in your home or are you still dreaming like me? ;) Well, let me tell you why I’ve had a mom cave on my mind lately. #MomCave
{wow me} wednesday #82

So glad YOU are here!
It’s been a crazy couple of weeks.
I am so looking forward to the next couple of weeks.
My kiddos get out of school on Thursday.
I can’t wait! :)
Last week I had the opportunity to do some
craft segments on one of our local news stations.
Eeek! That was a huge jump out of my comfort zone!
Buuut I’m glad I did it, annnd my daughter even got
to do one segment with me! She was so excited.
To see my news segments you can go here, here, here and here.
Nancy @ Maddalee Blog {Christmas Break Guest}
Hi everyone, and thank you so much, Ginger, for having me over! I love coming to see what's going on here at Ginger Snap Crafts.
I'm Nancy, the voice behind the Maddalee Blog. I have been in design for over twenty years and have found that sharing some of my projects and fun on the Maddalee Blog has become very rewarding for me. I love creating the projects and meeting new friends! So let's get on with some of the fun! One of my first "projects" is Maddalee herself, a printable paper doll set that I have shared with many Maddalee friends. She has inspired a number of additional projects, so many in fact that I can't post them all here! This little spin-off project includes Maddalee, her best friend Jessa and Maddalee's new puppy Wriggley, all set and ready to go as ornaments to decorate any little corner of your home.
Brittney @ Smart Girl Style {Christmas Break Guest}
I’m so excited to be kicking off Christmas Break here at Ginger Snap Crafts. Yay!
I’ve got a fabulous line up of wonderful bloggers that I’m excited for you to meet!
So here is our first one ~ Brittney from Smart Girl Style….
Hey everyone! I'm so happy to be here at Ginger's. I'm Brittney, and I blog over at smartgirlstyle. It's a pretty relaxed place, where I share with you my DIY journey, which is fueled by handfuls of cookies and spray paint. Not necessarily used together, but I'm not above such things, either.
I just started blogging a few months ago, so you'll have to forgive my rookie-ness. Even so, I've got some favorite posts over there. (On an unrelated note, sometimes I have favorite children, too...but that's just between me and the thousands of you. My four kids will never know, right guys?...guys?...)
Here they are, in no particular order. Feel free to link over to my blog for full discussion & details, which will likely be chock-full of intelligent wit and charm.*
(*An absolutely true statement, if you replace the words "intelligent" with "semi-coherent," and "wit and charm" with "babblings.")
1. Ombre Painted Dresser. I did this one on a whim, one day picking out some paint I liked and having a go on an old, beat up dresser. Love how it turned out kind of beachy and sunset-y and super-cashe. (Short for "casual," for those of you who aren't fluent in abbrev.)
Christmas Break starts TOMORROW!!
Just wanted to take a second
to thank all the wonderful bloggers
that will be participating in
Christmas Break at Ginger Snap Crafts.
I am so excited & honored to have each
& every one of YOU on my blog!
Each of YOU are so talented, unique
& have so much to offer the blogging community!
Thank you for allowing me to have a little
more time with my family this holiday season!
I really, really appreciate it! Thank you!
Family Heirloom Recipe Features {10 homemade recipes}
A BIG thank you to everyone who linked up to Family Heirloom Recipe party.
So many delicious & yummy family recipes were shared ~ you can check them all out here.
I want to give another huge shout out to all my co-host!
The Bold Abode | The Happier Homemaker | Ginger Snap Crafts | Unskinny Boppy
Setting for Four | A View Along the Way | Will Cook for Smiles | A Nest for All Seasons
If you scroll down to the bottom of this post you can still download
The Blogger’s Holiday Heirloom Recipe book for free! Yay!
Here are a few of YOUR recipes that caught my eye! Yummy!
Homemade Peanut Chocolate Treats @ Shift Ctrl Art
take a look at you {ornament edition}
It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU! Yay!
Did you see my ornament round up from yesterday?
Well…. here are a few more handmade ornaments!
These are all from last week’s {wow me} wednesday party!
Cinnamon Sparkle Ornaments @ One {Little} Momma
10 handmade Christmas ornaments {take a look at you}
Throughout the month of December I will be spotlighting handmade ornaments.
You can check out my:
{light bulb} snowman ornament
jumbo gift tag ornaments
{chalkboard} ornaments
I also want to feature some of YOUR handmade ornaments.
Check out these amazing & unique handmade ornaments. :)
Polka Dot Glitter Ornament @ Southern Scraps