Ginger Snap Crafts: Heather @ Raising Memories {Christmas Break Guest}

Heather @ Raising Memories {Christmas Break Guest}

Oh, hello there! My name is Heather Lynne and I blog over at about fun things parents can do with or for their kids. These are almost always things that I have tried with/for my 2 little girls. I also include my photography, occasional product reviews & giveaways, and other projects I try. I have a link party every Sunday called “Sharing Time” for other bloggers to share their best posts and find great posts. I'm so happy to be with you all over here today! (Thanks for having me, Ginger!) Today I'm going to share with you the top five projects from my blog in 2012:
1. He Said/She Said Bridal Shower Game
2. DIY Window Seat Cushion Tutorial (with removable pillow "case")
3. Extra Easy DIY Rainbow Cake (the easiest way to make this cake!)
4. 7 Educational Activities to do with your Toddler
5. Pinkalicious Birthday Party

I hope you'll come over & visit me, maybe stay awhile & get to know me better. I'd love it if you left some comments, so I can get to know YOU, too!

Thanks again for having me here, it's always good to visit! :)

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Thank you so much, Heather!
{Visit Raising Memories
to see more!}

Thank you so much stopping by my blog!
If this is your first time visiting I’d love to keep in touch.

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