Ginger Snap Crafts: Elizabeth @ Lizy B {Christmas Break Guest}

Elizabeth @ Lizy B {Christmas Break Guest}

Hi all! 
I'm Elizabeth and I write all about cookies over at my blog Lizy B!
I have lots of fun recipes and tutorials for making gorgeous sugar cookies.
(They're not always as hard as they look-I promise!)
Of course, you can't write about cookies all the time
(okay fine, I totally could),
so I have lots of fun stories about the munchkins and being
a mom, wife, baker and blogger all at the same time.
I'm so very happy to be guest posting at Ginger Snap Crafts!
This is one of my very favorite blogs to stalk.
Ginger always has the BEST ideas!
For this great idea...she asked for a round-up of favorite posts, so...
Here we 5 all-time favorite posts!

Those Hunger Games Cookies!

We loved this series of books in our house, especially my 12 year old son!
So when Amy from Living Locurto made free printables,
I knew they just had to be cookies!
There's lots of fun pictures of how I painted the mockingjay!
Here's a great tutorial...

Let's Talk About Writing on a Cookie!

One of questions I'm asked the most would be,
"How did you do that printing on that cookie!!!"

It takes practice...not gonna lie, but this tutorial breaks it down
and gives some tips to definitely make it easier!

My best tip?
Practice on paper...not on the cookie!
....and after a bit of practice, you can start having fun with fonts!

Valentines for my Rock Star

My son, Ethan was having a lousy day.
I made these for him hoping to cheer him up.

Then he had one of those moments when your kids say something
that makes your heart absolutely ache...

Love that kid.

I have a littler munchkin too!
His name is Jack.

For the Love of R2-D2!

Jack loves robots. LOVES!

If he could have anything in the world from Santa it would be R2-D2.

Or Wall-E.

Or Wall-E and R2-D2 and they would all be BFF's!

They would walk him to school everyday and carry his lunch box
and back pack and water bottle.

Yup...that's Jack. more post.
It's hard to pick!
I don't like to play favorites!

It's rainy, cold day here today and I could use a little sunshine,
so how about these?

Instant happy day!!!
This post is even a tutorial so you can make them too!!
Big thanks to Ginger for letting me come over and play today!
I hope you'll stop by my blog, Lizy B, and visit soon!
Love and Sprinkles,
Can't forget all those lovely links for following along!

Thank you so much, Elizabeth!
{Visit Lizy B
to see more!}

Thank you so much stopping by my blog!
If this is your first time visiting I’d love to keep in touch.

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