Ginger Snap Crafts: {5} tips to get your bathroom guest ready #CleanHands

{5} tips to get your bathroom guest ready #CleanHands

We have had LOTS of guest this summer which makes us super happy!  Yay!
We had 8 cousins at our Cousin Camp for a week & then yesterday my husband’s parents arrived.  Having company is always exciting…especially for the kiddos!
Before our guest arrive we always make sure we have everything “guest ready”!
{Or as my kiddos would say, “Mom makes us clean the house! Ugh!”}
Winking smile

One of the rooms that gets the MOST attention before the guest
arrive is the bathroom!  Having our bathroom guest ready is important.
Nothing would be worse than having our guest arrive to a yucky bathroom. Eeww!
So today I’d LOVE to share my {5} tips to getting your bathroom guest ready.

Tip #1:  You guessed it….clean!!!!  Before your guest arrive it’s important to clean
everything really well.  Our kid’s bathroom also doubles as the guest bath when we
have company…so everything gets a thorough cleaning from the mirrors,
floors, bathtub and even the toilet~eeww!  Another bonus of cleaning the bathroom~
the nice clean smell afterwards!  Love the smell of clean.  It makes this momma happy!

Tip #2: Stock up!  When you have guest {especially a lot of guest} you want
to make sure you stock up on all the essentials~ shampoo, soap & the most important thing~ toilet paper!  You don’t want to have to run to the store while the company is in town or worse yet run out of something. So stock up on all of those bathroom essentials! 
Also, let your guest know where you store your extra supplies so they can find them.

Tip #3:  Make sure you have lots of fresh & clean bath towels for your guest.
I remember visiting some friends, & they only had one towel in the guest bath.
Eeww!  Is it just me…or is towel sharing kind of icky??  What are your thoughts?
When you have lots of guest it’s nice to have a towel for each visitor. 
{So if you visit me I promise you’ll get a clean un-used towel.}
Winking smile

Tip #4:  Have some extra personal items on hand like toothbrushes,
deodorant, razors, floss…items your guest might of forgotten.
This will help you avoid extra trips to the store, too.

Tip #5:  Pick up some Kleenex Hand Towels.  Cloth hand towels get dirty really quick.
The last thing you want to be doing when guest are visiting is the laundry or
having your guest dry their hands on dirty towels. Another eeww!
So having Kleenex Hand Towels are the perfect addition to your guest bathroom.

Join the 14 million people who have already joined the Clean Hands campaign
by using Kleenex Hand Towels, and click here for savings and more!
#CGC #CleanHands #spon
Thank you so much stopping by my blog!
If this is your first time visiting I’d love to keep in touch.



I was selected for participation in this campaign as a member of Clever Girls Collective.