Ginger Snap Crafts: August 2013


Candy Corn Monster Cookies {recipe} with a bonus Hot Apple Cider {recipe)

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and its client. #HarvestFun #CBias #shop

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year! One reason is because my birthday is in October. ha! ;) It’s also because fall means it’s time for some yummy fall recipes & lots of fall baking! Yum! :) Today I’d love to share a yummy candy corn monster cookies recipe made with Candy Corn M&M’s white chocolate candies. Yes, I said candy corn! Eek! You can find them now at Walmart. I also have a very easy hot apple cider recipe made with Mott’s Apple Juice to share with you as well. So keep reading! :)

Candy Corn Monster Cookies #HarvestFun #cbias #spon #recipe


Create Custom Art from Your Child’s Drawing from Twin Dragonfly Designs {Kid Craft Contributor}

Custom Art from a child's drawing

Disneyland {or a $600 Disney or VISA gift card} Giveaway

Good morning! Are you up bright & early? ha! ;) I hope so, because this morning I have any ah-mazing giveaway, & yes,  this is the biggest & most exciting giveaway ever on Ginger Snap Crafts! Eek! :)

Today I have teamed up with several of my favorite bloggers to bring one of our readers the chance to win an ah-mazing prize package! The winner of this giveaway will win a 4 night hotel stay along with (2) 3-day 1 park/day tickets to Disneyland and Disney California Adventure Parks. If you live a gazillion miles from Disneyland (like me!) and travel, expense & scheduling won’t allow you to visit Disneyland you can opt to receive a $600 Disney OR Visa gift card instead. Oh yay! This is going to be fun! So keep reading to see how YOU can enter! :)

Disneyland Castle


12 Awesome Back to School Ideas

It’s my favorite day of the week! I get to feature some of you! Thank you so much for linking up to {wow me} wednesday each week! This week’s party is still going on, so make sure you have linked up! (You can link up by clicking here.) Today I am excited to be featuring 12 awesome back to school ideas that were linked up to last week’s party! Enjoy! :)

12 Awesome Back To School Ideas #linkparty #feature #backtoschool #gingersnapcrafts


Healthy Snacks for Kids ~ Are You Ready for Some Service? #SIMPLEGiving

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and their client.

On Saturday my son, Rylan, had his very first football game! Actually 3….yes, we had 3 football games in one day! It was a football jamboree, & each team played short 30 minute games throughout the day. Even though we were super busy (& hot ha!) that day, we were still able to squeeze in a little bit of service by donating some healthy snacks to some kiddos in need.

I’ve blogged about Champions for Kids before, and I absolutely love how easy they make it to get involved & give back to the community! This month in select stores in Arkansas & Missouri you can find #SIMPLEGiving pallets & donation boxes at Walmart. Keep reading to find out what to look for at Walmart, & I’ll show you some healthy snacks ideas that make awesome donation items.

Are YOU ready for some service Healthy Snacks for Kids in need #SIMPLEGiving #cfk #cbias #shop

DecoArt Multi-Surface Satin Paint Giveaway {40 colors!!!}

This post is brought to you by DecoArt. If you are looking for {wow me} wednesday click here.

Today I am excited to take part in a huge giveaway for one of YOU! Yay! :) DecoArt is giving away it’s entire line of Americana Multi-Surface Satin Paint!!! That is 40 bottles of awesome-ness! What I love about these paints is that they can be used on just about any surface ~ wood, metal, fabric, glass, ceramics & more. Just think of all the projects you could start working on! :) Americana Multi-Surface Satins are available for purchase at Michaels, A.C. Moore, Hobby Lobby, and other fine craft retailers. Keep reading to see a project sneak peek using this paint, & be sure you enter to win some of your own! :)

#Decoart Americana Multi-Surface Satin Paint Giveaway 40 colors!!! #giveaway #ad


{wow me} wednesday #118

This post is brought to you by Handpicked by The Storybook Shoppe.

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

Before we get started I wanted to let you know about a brand new blog that just launched last week. Handpicked by The Storybook Shoppe reviews children’s books, & they give you the option to buy the books right in the post! :) I love this! My daughter refuses to read “boring” books, so I love that you can get book reviews right on their site. This makes it so easy to buy books that you know your kiddos will love!

blog header
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You can check out the reviews of these two books by clicking on the pictures. :) Make sure you sign up for their email updates while your over there so you’ll know when they post new books! You are going to LOVE Handpicked! You can also keep in touch with Handpicked by The Storybook Shoppe on twitter & facebook. :)

SO are you ready to PaRty?

Super Hero Sock Puppies Inspired by Disney’s Super Buddies {tutorial}

This post is brought to you by Disney. #ad #superbuddies

Sometimes my kiddos think this blogging gig is pretty dog-gone cool! ha! Especially when it involves them! Recently our family got a sneak peek at the brand new movie, Disney Super Buddies! Eek! So exciting! My kiddos have really enjoyed all the movies in this series, & this one did not disappoint! It has quickly become one of their favorites, and we have watched it again & again! We liked it so much that we were inspired to make some Super Hero sock puppies to go along with the movie! Keep reading to see how we did that and to find out when you’ll be able to see the new Disney Super Buddies movie, too! Yay! :)

Super Hero Sock Puppies inspired by Disney's Super Buddies


Introducing the Fall Contributors Team at Ginger Snap Crafts

First, I just wanted to give a big THANK YOU to everyone who applied to be a contributor at Ginger Snap Crafts! I was once again blown away by all the talented bloggers we have out there in blogland! You ladies are amazing! It was an honor, & I am humbled to have so many apply! I plan on continuing to have contributor spots on my blog. So if you didn’t get selected this time there will be many more opportunities to apply! Thank you all again! :)

Today I am so excited to introduce the amazing fall contributors team at Ginger Snap Crafts. Once again we have a varied group with lots of talent! Each of these ladies has something amazing & different to offer to all of you! I hope you enjoy getting to know these ladies better over the next several months! :) Keep reading to find out a little more about each of them & where you can find them online!

Introducing the Fall Contributors at #gingersnapcrafts #contributors #fall

Back to School with BIC® {school goals}

This post brought to you by BIC®. All opinions are 100% mine.

It's back to school time! Our family was so excited to be asked to create a back to school writing project using BIC Atlantis® pens. The first thing that I thought of was using the BIC Atlantic pens to write down some of our back to school goals for the year! We love to do this every year, and it’s a great way for the kiddos to really think about what they want to accomplish during the school year. So keep reading to see what some of our goals are, and you can see how to enter to win some fun back to school prizes from BIC®.

Silhouette Portrait™ Winner & Silhouette Sketch Pen Promotion Reminder

This post is brought to you by Silhouette.

Good morning! Hope you are having an awesome Monday morning! :) Well, if your name is Niki today is your day because you have won your very own Silhouette Portrait™! Yay! I sent you an email yesterday, and I need to hear back from you very soon! Congrats! :)

If you didn’t win don’t worry you still have a few more days to take advantage of the awesome Silhouette Sketch Pen promotions. This sale runs through August 29th! Just make sure you go here & use the code GINGERSNAP to get your hands on a new Silhouette! :) Keep reading to see some of the fun projects I’ve made using my Silhouette & Silhouette Sketch Pens plus I have a break down on exactly what is included in each bundle! :)

August Silhouette Promotion use code GINGERSNAP


Felt Flower Collage by Small Things with Love {contributor}


Learning How to Use a Letterpress ~ Class Sign Up

This post is brought to you by Studio Calico & Lifestyle Crafts.

Today I am excited to tell you that Lifestyle Crafts is partnering with Studio Calico to bring you an awesome Letterpress Class! Yay! This class will focus on using letterpress with Project Life®, cards, layouts & mini albums! (Have you seen the Project Life® kits all over blogland? So, so cute! I’m so excited about the Studio Calico Letterpress Plates that coordinate with Project Life®. Eek!) I was also excited to try out some letterpress plates from Studio Calico that were made especially for the class! Keep reading to find out how I used them, & how you can sign up for the letterpress class! :)

a letterpress class #lletterpress #lifestylecrafts

12 Projects Using Aqua

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here} if you haven’t yet!

As I was going through the links from last week….a color just popped out at me! ;)
So many fun projects & recipes included the fun color ~ aqua!
So today I’m sharing 12 projects using that color! Enjoy! :)

12 projects using #Aqua #feature #linkparty #gingersnapcrafts


Teacher Gift with Silhouette Sketch Pens, a Silhouette Promotion & a Silhouette Portrait™ Giveaway

This post is brought to you by Silhouette. Looking for {wow me} wednesday? Go here.

As you probably heard….since I’ve been talking about it all week! ha!….my kiddos have gone back to school! It has been so quiet with them gone all day long! I miss them like crazy, but it has given me a chance to start on some new projects with my Silhouette! Yay!

Today I’d love to show you how I made this super easy teacher gift using a Silhouette Sketch Pen & my CAMEO. It was so fast, too! I also have a fun Silhouette Sketch Pen promotion to tell you about AND a Silhouette Portrait™ giveaway!! Yes, I said giveaway!! So keep on reading! ;)

easy teacher gift with Silhouette Sketch Pens #gingersnapcrafts #tutorial #teachergift


{wow me} wednesday #117

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

Hope you all are having a fantastic week!
We headed back to school this week.
Here’s our first day of school picture I posted on instagram.
{BTW you can follow me @gingersnapcraft if you’d like to!}
Awwww….they are getting much too big for this momma!



DIY Book Cover with Duck Tape®

This post brought to you by Walmart. All opinions are 100% mine.

Well, it's back to school time already! Can you believe it? Where did the summer go? My kiddos start back this week! So, of course, we have done plenty of back to school shopping over the last couple of weeks! While I was at Walmart buying school supplies I couldn't help but notice all of the awesome Duck Tape® that they carry in their store! Wow! I couldn't resist & bought home a few rolls (ok...a bunch of rolls!) to help us get ready for back to school! Yes, you can use Duck Tape® for lots of things ~ even projects for school. Today I am excited to show you how I made this super easy & fun DIY book cover using Duck Tape®!


How To Join a Link Party & Link Party Tips {blogging tips}

This post was originally seen in Plucky's Second Thought Blogging Tips & Tricks series! :)

I've been blogging for almost 2 & 1/2 years & the two biggest things that helped my blog grow have been Pinterest & link parties! We'll save Pinterest for another day. ha! Today I'd love to share some tricks & tips when it comes to link parties.

Before we get to that you need to know what a link party is & how to link up to one! :)

A link party is hosted on someone else's blog usually weekly, monthly or seasonally. You can also host one on your blog if you want to! (Annnd just in case you haven’t heard I have a link party on my blog that goes live every Tuesday at 7 pm central. I'd love to have you link up!) A link party is great because you get to come over to another blog & link up your latest projects & ideas. Other bloggers & blog readers will be able to see your projects, and hopefully you'll gain some more exposure & readers for your own blog. It's also a great way to meet & connect with other bloggers. Most link party host also do a weekly feature post featuring some of the link ups. My feature post are always on Thursdays. Link parties are awesome!

OK...first's a quick tutorial on how to join a link party! :)


Blouse Refashion from Kristina J. {fashion contributor}

I'm so excited to be a part of Ginger's summer tutorials and share with you a sneak peek at one of the projects from my DIY style book titled The Chic Girl's Guide to a One-of-a-Kind Wardrobe. With cooler weather just around the corner, I wanted to show how you can take a cropped summer top and refashion it to create the perfect blouse for work.

how to refashion a blouse


Over 15 Posts Every Blogger Should Read

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet!

As I went through last week’s party I noticed a trend!
There were a TON of blogging tip & trick posts!
Next to great craft tutorials, blogging tip posts are some of my favorites.
I love hearing from other bloggers & learning from them. :)
So today I’m featuring over 15 posts that every blogger should read.

Over 15 post every blogger should read


DIY Vintage Mason Jars with DecoArt Glass Paint

This post is brought to you by DecoArt. If you are looking for {wow me} wednesday go here. :)

Did you know that DecoArt makes specialty glass paints that include writers, glitter & transparent paints, stains, & even glass markers? Yep, they sure do! :) Today I’d love to show you how I made these DIY vintage mason jars using some Americana Transparent Glass Paint. I love how super easy they were to put together. So keep reading to see how simple & quick these DIY vintage mason jars were to make! I even have a link to 20+ other DecoArt Glass Paint projects from some of my favorite bloggers! :)

DIY Vintage Mason Jars #bluemasonjars #decoart #glasspaint #gingersnapcrafts


{wow me} wednesday #116 & a Call for Fall Contributors

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

I hope you are enjoying my current summer contributors!
They are all crazy talented, & I have enjoyed having them here.
(I still have a few more to introduce you to each week until the end of August.)
You can check out all their great blogs over on my sidebar.

Tonight I’m excited to tell you that I’m looking
for 12 new fall contributors for Ginger Snap Crafts.

Looking for Fall Contributors @

Keep reading to find out all the details! :)


Over 20 of my Favorite Silhouette Vinyl Projects

This post is brought to you by Silhouette.

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! Thank you to everyone who entered the Silhouette Cameo giveaway! You guys rocked it! Seriously, there were so many entries! I really appreciate your support. :) The very lucky winner is Diane, and I am sending you an email right now. I hope to hear from you very soon! Congrats! :) You are going to LOVE your new machine.

To celebrate Silhouette’s awesome promotions that are still going on right now today I am sharing over 20 of my all time favorite Silhouette vinyl projects that I’ve done. I absolutely LOVE my Silhouette. I use mine weekly, and I have used it in a majority of the projects you see on this blog. :) If you are a crafter the Cameo or Portrait is a must have tool. It’s truly amazing! Enjoy! :)

Over 20 of my favorite Silhouette vinyl projects #gingersnapcrafts #vinyl #diy


Homemade Funfetti Cookies from The Taylor House {contributor}

Hi, everyone!  This is Chrissy from The Taylor House!  I am so excited to be sharing a recipe with you today here at Ginger Snap Crafts. 

My kids love fun and different cookie recipes, don’t get me wrong, a good chocolate chip cookie is hard to beat but they love changing it up with new options.  I decided to make my own version of Funfetti Cookies for my boys and they loved them!



10+ Ways to Have Fun with your Food

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet!

Today I’m excited to feature over 10 ways to have some fun with your food! :)

10  Ways to Have Fun with Your Food #linkparty #features #gingersnapcrafts #food


{wow me} wednesday #115 & a Swanky Press Discount

This post is brought to you by Swanky Press.
Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

Tonight’s party is brought to you by Swanky Press! Swanky Press is an awesome place to start for all things personalized, & they have tons of fun stuff for back to school! :)

Swanky Press
Swanky Press is a one stop destination for hip personalized goods and cool party goods.  Most of their designs are original to Swanky Press so you won't find them anywhere else.  They also will customize your order free of charge. You can change the color, patterns, fonts or design as you choose.  Best of all, Swanky Press donates to Blood:Water Mission. With every order, Swanky Press helps provide clean drinking water to a child in Africa for an entire year. Love that!

Here are just a few of the fun personalized products you can find over at Swanky Press.
What I LOVE about these roomy lunch kits is that the inside lid is chalkboard!
You can write fun messages to your kiddos! Isn’t that so cute??!!

Right now you can use the code LB0708 to get $5 off all lunchboxes at Swanky Press until August 9th! So hurry! These lunch boxes are perfect for getting ready and going back to school. :)

SO are you ready to PaRty?

Easy Wedding Gift with Silhouette Vinyl & a Silhouette CAMEO® Giveaway

This post brought to you by Silhouette.

Happy Tuesday! Well yesterday I told you that I was headed to Texas for my little sister’s wedding! Yehaw! Well, I’m pretty sure she is going to be too busy to be reading my blog this week, so I’m going to go ahead & show you her wedding gift! Shhhhhh! ;)

My sister, Leigh did something similar for me when we got married a few years ago! Well, maybe it was more that a few years ago! ha! ;) Anyways, I bought a huge 2 gallon glass canister at Walmart & filled it with all those kitchen gadgets that they’ll need ~ a can opener, peeler, measuring cups & spoons, salt & pepper shakers, corn on the cob holders, spatula, whisk, etc. Then I made it extra cute by adding some fun Silhouette vinyl to the outside of the canister! Keep reading to see how I did it! Annnnd I’ve got a Silhouette promotion & giveaway for you, too! Yay! :)

easy wedding gift using Silhouette vinyl lettering #gingersnapcrafts


$225 Amazon Gift Card, $35 Ribbon Retreat Gift Card & Cut It Out Frames {giveaway}

Good morning! :) Today I have an awesome giveaway for YOU! My good friend, Emily from The Benson Street is celebrating her 1st Blog Birthday! I am so excited to share in this celebration with her, & we have lots of great prizes! This is huge!!! :)

The Benson Street's Birthday Giveaway

Jellys are back! #JellysAreBack #jbeans #pmedia

This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Jelly Beans but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #JellysAreBack #jbeans

Happy Monday! I hope you all are having a great start to your week. :) Our family is just about to head out for a quick trip to Texas. My little sister is getting married on Friday in Houston! Eek! So excited for her & her hubby to be! :) Since it’s my youngest sister getting married I’ve been thinking back to when we were younger. Oh the good old days! ha! ;) Do you remember jelly shoes? Right before my little sister was born I remember my Grandmother taking me to the store & buying me my own pair of jelly shoes. I thought I was so cool. Well, have you heard #JellysAreBack? Yes, we can all be that cool again! Yay! ;)

Jellys are back! #jellysareback #pmedia #jbeans


Easy Lunch Idea with Velveeta Cheesy Skillets Singles

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and their client. #PersonalFeast #shop #CBias

Whew! What a day! We ended up doing all of our school shopping at once ~ school supplies, clothes, shoes & everything! By the time we got home we were starving especially my boys! They are always hungry I think. ha! :) A few days ago I had made a different  trip to Walmart to pick up a few things, & I had grabbed some of the new Velveeta Cheesy Skillets Singles! Today they made the perfect on-the-go meal for my boys!

easy on-the-go meal for the men in your life #PersonalFeast #shop


Floral Printable Stationary from Minted Strawberry {contributor}













Over 10 Clever Ideas for Your Walls

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet!

Today I am excited to feature over 10 clever ideas for your walls!

Over 10 Clever Ideas for Your Walls #linkparty #features #gingersnapcrafts