Ginger Snap Crafts: DIY Book Cover with Duck Tape®

DIY Book Cover with Duck Tape®

This post brought to you by Walmart. All opinions are 100% mine.

Well, it's back to school time already! Can you believe it? Where did the summer go? My kiddos start back this week! So, of course, we have done plenty of back to school shopping over the last couple of weeks! While I was at Walmart buying school supplies I couldn't help but notice all of the awesome Duck Tape® that they carry in their store! Wow! I couldn't resist & bought home a few rolls (ok...a bunch of rolls!) to help us get ready for back to school! Yes, you can use Duck Tape® for lots of things ~ even projects for school. Today I am excited to show you how I made this super easy & fun DIY book cover using Duck Tape®!


For this project you'll need three things: a book to cover, scissors & some fun Duck Tape®


To start off you'll need to make some Duck Tape® fabric. So first you will need to cut your Duck Tape® into strips that are about 3 inches longer (on each side) than the book that you will be covering. Just open your book & lay it down on the table. Then measure your Duck Tape® strips accordingly.


You'll keep laying out strips of Duck Tape® sticky side up & overlapping them just a little so they will stay together.


Once you have a piece of fabric that is wide enough to cover your book stop, and then you'll begin layering a contrasting color or print on top sticky side down. Overlap these strips as well. :)


Once you are through trim the edges with scissors. Now you have a nice, sturdy & fun piece of Duck Tape® fabric to work with! :)


If you need to ~ trim it down to be the same length as your book.


Then tuck in the edges of your book cover into the back & front covers of your book.


Then to hold on the book cover securely you'll use a contrasting color of Duck Tape® on both sides along the edge.


You'll tuck your tape around the edge to secure. That's it! Now you have a sturdy & stylish book cover to keep your school book looking nice all year long!


With all the different styles & designs of Duck Tape® (which makes Duck Tape® the best thing ever!) you could come up with many more combinations to make book covers that match your style & personality! :)


Follow @TheDuckBrand and the hashtag #DuckTapeAtWalmart for some more fun back to school ideas & creative inspiration using Duck Tape®! :) Duck Tape® is inexpensive & fun. It can be used by parents, teachers & students for tons of back to school projects. It's a great item to have on your back to school shopping list! :)


Have you ever used Duck Tape® to make something? What patterns are your favorite?


You can check out my Duck Tape® clutch here. :)

Remember you can always buy Duck Tape at Walmart 
in the craft, paint & back to school departments. :)

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