Ginger Snap Crafts: May 2014


Easy Pasta Salad {summer recipes} #DinnerDone

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser. #DinnerDone #CollectiveBias #shop

Hello! How is your weekend treating you so far? We are busy, busy as usual. Today we are finishing up our deck in our backyard. Our sunroom building permit expires on Tuesday. Eek! So that means our final inspection is coming up quick! We are down to the last few things! Yay! With all of the remodeling going on around our house we’ve had a lot of nights where I’ve went the easy cooking route. ha! ;) Today I’d love to share one of these easy meals & a perfect summer recipe ~ an easy pasta salad. I seriously could eat this everyday. It’s so good! So keep reading to get the yummy recipe made with the best canned tomatoes around. :)

Easy Pasta Salad at #pasta #salad #dinnerdone #cbias


Last Minute Reminders

Hello! I just wanted to pop in really quick before I take off for the weekend. I do have one yummy post scheduled for tomorrow though! ha! So be sure to check that one out. ;) I wanted to let you know & remind you about a few things that I’m sure you’ll want to check out!

First ~ check out this fun onesies round up from Lauren at The Thinking Closet. She is amazing by the way! Follow her! :) It is the cutest round up I’ve ever seen. Annnnd you might see a little something from me! ;)


BBQ Chicken Pizza {recipe}

This post is brought to you by KC Masterpiece & DataRank.

Hello! How are you? Summer is oh so close! We only have one more day of school! Yay! Summer means lots of time by the pool, long walks & family time. Summer also means lots of BBQ & easy recipes, right? Who wants to be in the kitchen when there is so much fun to be had? Not me! That’s for sure! ;) Today I’m excited to share an easy BBQ chicken pizza recipe that is made with only 5 ingredients & is ready in less than 30 minutes. You can’t beat that! ha! So keep reading to get the yummy recipe. :)

BBQ Chicken Pizza at #ad


How to Paint Perfect Stripes with Frog Tape® #frogtape

This post brought to you by FrogTape Brand Painter’s Tape. All opinions are 100% mine.

Hello! If you follow me on instagram you know that we have been busy with a few home improvement projects over the last little while. Well...I guess it's been more like the past year! ha! ;) We are almost done with our sun room addition. Yay! For those of you who don't know we've added a sun room just off of our kitchen & living room. It has two entrances one on the left side of the picture, & then we will have French doors in the opening on the right side of this picture. (The doors aren't up in this picture. We took them off to trim them after we installed the floor.) Anyways, I ended up repainting our entire kitchen during the process. Which left me with a nice blank slate to work with. I thought it would be fun to add some stripes to this one small section of wall between the two entry ways. So today I'd love to show you how to paint perfect stripes with a FrogTape how-to tutorial. So keep reading to see how easy this was to do! :)

Over 30 Fruity Recipes

Hello! Summer is almost here! We only have 3 more days of school. We are having a hard time getting up in the morning, my kiddos have holes in all of their jeans, & we definitely can’t find any socks! haha! Buuuuut I think we are going to make it! ;) We are so ready for a little relaxation! That’s for sure! One of my favorite things about summer are the yummy fruity recipes. So today I’ve rounded up over 30 Fruity Recipes that were linked up to last week’s {wow me} wednesday party. Remember this week’s party is going on right now! So if you are a blogger I’d love to see your latest projects, ideas or recipes. You can link up right {HERE}. You might want to check out this delicious feature post first though. Yum! :)

Over 30 Fruity Recipes at #linkparty #features #fruit #recipes


Celebrating Smilestones with Orajel™

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Orajel™ Kids. #Orajel #Smilestones #ad

Hello! I’ve been a mom for almost 17 years now! Yikes! That’s so hard to believe! Over the years I’ve used a lot of Orajel™ products on my kiddos’ teeth & gums! I love that Orajel™ has something for every stage ~ from baby’s first teeth until they are brushing on their own & all the #smilestones in between. ;) To celebrate all of these smiling milestones Orajel™ is sponsoring a fun contest over on facebook where you can be entered to win a grand prize trip for four to Beaches Resort. Sounds fun, right? So keep reading to find out all the details. ;)

Celebrating Smilestones #orajel #smilestones #sponsored


{wow me} wednesday #156

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

I’m so glad YOU are here!

I have a fun giveaway from Faith Christian Jewelry going on right now.
You can find out more about them {HERE} & enter to win below.

Faith Christian Jewelry $50 Giftcard Giveaway at #giveaway #spon

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Faith Christian Jewelry $50 Gift Card Giveaway

This post & giveaway are brought to you by Faith Christian Jewelry.

Hello! Today I am so excited to bring you a fun giveaway from Faith Christian Jewelry. Faith Christian Jewelry carries everything from home decor, rings, necklaces, art, children’s jewelry, statues & more. You can find everything you need to show your faith. All orders over $25 get free shipping, too. You have to love that! ;) I had fun browsing Faith Christian Jewelry, & I’ve picked out some of my favorite items to show you. Annnd I have a $50 gift card to giveaway to one of YOU, too! So keep reading. :)

Faith Christian Jewelry $50 Giftcard Giveaway at #giveaway #spon


15 Fun Things to do This Summer {summer kick off}

Hello! Well, Memorial Day is the official kick off of summer vacation! Wahoo! I am so ready! :) I’ve told you before how much I love summer & what it means to me. Summer is a special time to enjoy your family. I just love it. We have big plans this summer, so I’ll be taking it easy on the blog, especially during the month of July. We have two huge trips planned for either side of the country that month. It should be lots of fun. We are headed to North Carolina for a week, and then later that month we will head to Yellowstone, Idaho & Utah. What an adventure! I can’t wait! :) To kick off the start of summer I’ve rounded up over 15 of our family’s favorite things to do in the summer. Enjoy!

15 Fun Things to do this Summer at #summer #summerfun #kidscrafts #kidactivities

Summer Fun with Kiwi Crate #KiwiSummerFun

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Kiwi Crate.

Hello! Summer is just around the corner! Yay! Annnnd it’s that time of year where moms everywhere are wondering what we are going to do with the kiddos this summer! Am I right? ha! :) Well, I can help you out! Yay! Kiwi Crate will be introducing their annual Summer Adventure Series next month! For the months of June, July & August their monthly crate themes will center around fun summer themed projects for kiddos & their families! If you haven’t heard of Kiwi Crate before keep reading! I’ll give you a peak at what’s inside a typical Kiwi Crate box, and I have a coupon code for you, too! So here we go! :)

Summer Fun with Kiwi Crate #KiwiSummerFun #ad

The award-winning Kiwi Crate is a monthly subscription service that provides all the supplies you will need to get your kids using their creativity, & they’ll be learning at the same time, too. Now that a win~win situation! Each month Kiwi Crate has a different theme. To see the summer time themes you’ll have to click over {HERE}. They are so fun! You’re going to love them! :) We just got our Kiwi Crate for May, and the theme was Farm Fun. I can’t believe how much was packed into that one little box. It’s amazing! :)

What's in the box #ad


How to Make a Reusable Stencil with your Silhouette {tutorial}

This post is brought to you by Silhouette.

Hello! I know one of the new products from Silhouette that everyone has been talking about is the new reusable Silhouette Stencil Material. I know when I first saw it that I couldn’t wait to try it out! I was so excited to get my hands on some last week. Yay! So today I’m excited to share an easy how to make a reusable stencil with your Silhouette tutorial. You are going to love this stuff! ha! ;) Annnd remember it is 25% off right now using the code GINGERSNAP when you shop at Awesome! OK….so here we go! :)

How to Make a Reusable Stencil with your Silhouette at #SilhouetteCAMEO #SilhouettePortrait #stenciling #tutorial #spon


What BIC® 4-Color™ are you? #LoveBIC4Color

This post brought to you by BIC 4-Color pen. All opinions are 100% mine.

Hello! Have you seen the fun Bic® 4-Color™ Pens? Its the one that has the 4 Inseparable Colors in 1 Pen. Totally cool, right? This fun pen is a classic. They bring so much fun & color to your writing. They are also great for color coding your bills & notes. Annnnd did you know that now each color has their very own personality? Yes, they do! ;) Let me introduce you, & then you can decide what BIC® 4-Color™ you are! I'm Red, by the way! haha! ;)

10 Clever Ideas

Hello! It’s my favorite day of the week! I get to feature some of YOU! I love looking through the links each week, and I love getting to visit some of your blogs. :) You are so talented. Today I'm excited to feature 10 Clever Ideas that were linked up to last week’s {wow me} wednesday party! This week’s party is still going on right {HERE}. If you are a blogger I'd love to see what you are up to! Buuuut first enjoy this feature post full of some really clever ideas. Enjoy! :)

10 Clever Ideas at #linkparty #features


Silhouette Specialty Media Promotion & a Silhouette CAMEO Giveaway

This post is brought to you by Silhouette. #SilhouetteCAMEO #SilhouettePortrait

Hello! It’s time for another amazing Silhouette promotion! Yay! This month it is all about the ah–mazing specialty media products! Silhouette has some awesome bundle deals going on right now with both the Silhouette CAMEO & Silhouette Portrait, and all of their specialty media products are on sale, too. Awesome! :) So keep reading to find out all the details, see some of my favorite specialty media Silhouette projects AND I have a Silhouette CAMEO to give away to one of YOU! Eek! So here we go! :)

Silhouette Promotion May 21-31st using the code GINGERSNAP #SilhouetteCAMEO #SilhouettePortrait #spon



{wow me} wednesday #155

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

I’m so glad YOU are here!

Last week I featured over 10 yummy dip, salsa & dressing recipes.
Make sure you check them all out right {HERE}. :)

Over 10 Dip, Salsa & Dressing Recipes at #recipes #dips #salsa #linkparty #features_thumb[2]


Mini Gumball Machine End of School Gift Idea with Free Printable {tutorial}

Hello! How are you? Wonderful, I hope! Our weekend was awesome, but it was a little too short! ha! ;) I am so ready for summer vacation, & it will be here before you know it! Yay! School is just about to wind down. We have a little over two weeks left, & I can’t wait to have my kiddos home! We really do have a blast every summer. Well, today I am excited to share an easy end of school gift idea with you made with some mini gumball machines! Aren’t they cute? I snagged these gumball machines up at Walmart at Easter. They were only a $1! If you don’t have gumball machines you could always use a mason jar & gumballs like I did {HERE}. I also have some free printables. So keep reading! ;)

Mini Gumball Machine End of School Gift Idea with free printables at #printable #giftidea


I Can Read Children’s Book Giveaway #ICanReadathon

#Sponsored Thank you HarperCollins Children's Books for sponsoring this post. Join me as I participate in this month's #ICanReadathon!

Hello! If you follow me over on facebook (I hope you do!) then you might of noticed that I look an awfully lot like Amelia Bedelia lately. ha! ;) Actually in honor of this month’s I Can Readathon I have changed my profile picture to one of my favorite book characters growing up ~ Amelia Bedelia. Reading is so important to kiddos, & right now is the perfect time to take the pledge to read every day this month with your kids! Sometimes it’s hard to pick out the perfect book for your kiddos. That is why I am so thankful for the I Can Read Books. They make it so easy to find the perfect book for your child. I’m also excited to be giving away a set of these books to one of YOU! So keep reading!

I Can Readathon #icanreadathon


Over 10 Dip, Salsa & Dressing Recipes

Hello! It’s my favorite day of the week. I get to feature some of your amazing creations. With warmer weather here (finally!) I have been craving some salsa! I don’t know why but I always love chips, dips & salads this time of year, too. They are easy, quick, & you usually don’t have to turn on the oven. So that’s a win, win, win! ha! ;) So today I am excited to be sharing over 10 Dip, Salsa & Dressing Recipes that we linked up to the past several {wow me} wednesday parties. Remember this week’s party is still going on right {HERE}. So if you are a blogger, I’d love for you to link up your latest projects & ideas. Buuuuut first enjoy this yummy feature post! Enjoy! :)

Over 10 Dip, Salsa & Dressing Recipes at #recipes #dips #salsa #linkparty #features

Chocolate & Banana Smoothie {recipe}

This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Nestle, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #BreakfastEssentials #ad

Hello! It’s the end of the school year, & mornings are a little rough around our house! The kiddos just don’t want to get up early anymore. ha! ;) My youngest daughter has the roughest time of all. She likes to sleep in just like her momma! Thank goodness I do have one way that I can always get her up~ and that is to say, “I’ll make you a smoothie!” We love making smoothies for breakfast with Carnation Breakfast Essentials® Powder that you can find at Walmart. She loves them, and I love that it is an easy & nutritious breakfast. So keep reading to see how I made one our favorites ~ a chocolate & banana smoothie. Plus I’ll have a link to a coupon & links to more delicious smoothie recipes. So keep reading! :)

Chocolate & Banana Smoothie at #breakfastessentials #pmedia #ad


{wow me} wednesday #154

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

I’m so glad YOU are here!

I just wanted to remind you about the brand new
Evolution Advance from We R Memory Keepers.
It will debut tonight at midnight ET on HSN. Eek! :)
You can get lots more information in my post over {HERE}.



Flower Kraft Boxes {tutorial}

Hello! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! We had a little incident with our front door! haha! Buuuut I’m happy to say that we now have a front door again. Yay! So it all worked out. ;) It’s the 2nd Monday of the month which means it time for another Silhouette Challenge. Yay! This month the theme is flowers. At the end of this post I’ll have links to almost 30 different flower projects made by some of your favorite bloggers & their Silhouettes. One of my favorite things to make with my Silhouette are the 3D boxes. They are perfect for gift giving. Today I’m going to show you how I made these sweet little flower kraft boxes. So keep reading! :)flower kraft boxes from #SihouetteCAMEO #SilhouettePortrait #tutorial


Triple Cheeseburger {meal idea} #SayCheeseburger #CollectiveBias

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser. #saycheeseburger #collectivebias

Hello! How are you? Are you doing anything fun this weekend? Well, if your family is like our family (especially this time of year!) you are probably doing a little grilling this weekend, right? ;) One our favorite things to grill are hamburgers ~ especially cheesy hamburgers! ha! ;) Today I’d love to show you how we made these yummy triple cheeseburgers with Kraft. So keep reading! :)

 triple cheeseburger at #saycheeseburger #collectivebias #shop


Layered Paint & Stencil Design on a Pillow {tutorial} #tulipforyourhome

This post is brought to you by I Love to Create. All opinions are my own.

Hello! Happy Friday to you! I am so ready for the weekend! Yay! Today I am excited to bring you a fun tutorial using the awesome Tulip for Your Home paints, stencils & pillow cover to show you how to make a layered paint & stencil design. It is really quite easy, and I really loved the results. So keep reading to see how I designed my pillow. :)

 Layered Paint & Stencil Design Tutorial at #tulipforyourhome #ilovetocreate #paints #stencils

Blackberry Cobbler + the Ultimate List of Camping Ideas {recipe}

Hello! Happy Friday to you! Today I am so excited to be teaming up with some of my favorite blogging friends to bring YOU the Ultimate List of Camping Ideas. The weather is getting so nice, and it’s time to pack up that camping gear & head to the great outdoors, right? ;) Or how I like to do it camping in the backyard on the trampoline! So I can sneak inside when the kiddos go to sleep. haha! ;) Today I am sharing one our family’s favorite recipes ~ blackberry cobbler. I’ve included both a conventional recipe (in the oven) & one for your Dutch oven. So keep reading to get the yummy recipe & to see the Ultimate List of Camping Ideas. Enjoy! :)

Camping Ideas


Evolution Advanced Debuts Next Week!!! #wermemorykeepers

This post is brought to you by We R Memory Keepers.

Hello! You guys know how I excited I get when a brand new crafting tool goes on the market, don’t you? Well, to me it’s even better than Christmas morning! Eek! So exciting! :) Well, today I am so excited to tell you that We R Memory Keepers is releasing a brand new & improved cutting tool ~ the new Evolution Advanced next week. The Evolution Advanced is perfect for die-cutting, embossing, and letterpressing. Mark your calendars for this coming Wednesday, May 14th at midnight Eastern when the new Evolution Advanced will be debuted on HSN! HSN is offering a killer deal on this product, and there will be a very limited supply. So they will go quick! Keep reading to see the exciting & amazing features of this new crafting tool! :)


Tons of Cute & Easy Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

Hello! It’s my favorite day of the week I get to feature some of YOU, and one of my favorite holidays is coming up just around the corner ~ Mother’s Day! Yay! So I have rounded up tons of cute & easy Mother’s Day gift ideas that were linked up to last week’s {wow me} wednesday party! Yay! I’ve also included a few of my favorite Mother’s Day projects as well. If you haven’t checked out this week’s party make sure you do! If you are a blogger, I’d love to see YOUR ideas! This week’s party is going on right {HERE}. Buuuut first check out this fun feature post especially if you still need a gift idea! ha! Enjoy! :)

Tons of Cute & Easy Mother's Day Gift Ideas at


{wow me} wednesday #153

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

I’m so glad YOU are here!

Last week I featured 12 yummy dessert bar recipes!
Make sure you check them all out {HERE}. ;)

12 Dessert Bar Recipes at #linkparty #features #dessert #recipes

Last week I also featured 20 Teacher Gift Ideas.
It’s that time of year! So make sure you check them out {HERE}.

20 Teacher Gift Ideas at #silhouettechallenge #thesilhouettechallenge #silhouetteCAMEO #silhouetteportrait

Dutch Oven Backyard S’mores + the Great Outdoors with the Family {recipe}

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser. #CollectiveBias #mysummersavings

Hello! How are you? Can you sense a theme in the last few recipe posts I’ve shared over the last little bit? Yes, we are so enjoying the great outdoors with the family! After a super long winter, we are so excited for spring to finally arrive. Yay! :) We haven’t officially been camping yet though. Spring break was a little too cold for that! brrrr! Now school is in full swing, & we haven’t had a free weekend to get away. Buuuut my kiddos have been itching to go, so we compromised & had a little campout in the backyard. ;) It was so much fun! I wanted to try a new recipe, too! So I have some tips & what not to do’s to make some yummy Dutch oven backyard s’mores! So keep reading to see how our little camp out went & to get the recipe. :)

Backyard S'more Recipe at #collectivebias #shop


Washi Tape Photo Plaque {tutorial}

Hello! Happy Monday to all of YOU! :) I hope you had a wonderful weekend. We finally had some warm weather. Yay! It was awesome! Today I have a quick tutorial for this super cute & easy washi tape photo plaque. This would make a great gift for a special mom or grandma in your life for Mother’s Day which is coming up pretty quick! ;) So keep reading to see how I made it.

Washi Tape Photo Plaque at #wermemorykeepers #silhouetteCAMEO #tutorial


Mini Alphabet Book {tutorial} + National Scrapbooking Day Blog Hop & Giveaway

This post is brought to you by We R Memory Keepers.

Hello! Happy Friday to YOU! :) I have a ton of fun stuff going on in this post! Yay! By the way, did you know that today is National Scrapbooking Day? Yes, it is! To celebrate I have teamed up with We R Memory Keepers & some of the other Lifestyle Studios Design Team Members to bring you some fun tutorials on all of our blogs today. Yes, it’s a blog hop! :) Plus We R Memory Keepers is giving away one of their awesome Crafter’s Totes. I’ll have links to all those goodies in just a bit, but first let me show you how I made this fun Mini Alphabet Book using some awesome We R Memory Keepers products. :)

Mini Alphabet Book at #wermemorykeepers #lifestylestudios #papercraft #tutorial


12 Dessert Bar Recipes

Hello! I’m so glad to see YOU! It’s my favorite day of the week! I get to feature some your amazing ideas! Yay! ;) Today’s post is full of lots of yumminess! I’m featuring 12 delicious dessert bar recipes that were linked up to last week’s & this week’s {wow me} wednesday parties. You can check out this week’s party right {HERE} to see what everyone is up to this week. If you are a blogger ~ be sure to link up your latest ideas & projects. I’d love to see them! Buuuut first enjoy this scrumptious feature post! ;)

12 Dessert Bar Recipes at #linkparty #features #dessert #recipes