Ginger Snap Crafts: Layered Paint & Stencil Design on a Pillow {tutorial} #tulipforyourhome

Layered Paint & Stencil Design on a Pillow {tutorial} #tulipforyourhome

This post is brought to you by I Love to Create. All opinions are my own.

Hello! Happy Friday to you! I am so ready for the weekend! Yay! Today I am excited to bring you a fun tutorial using the awesome Tulip for Your Home paints, stencils & pillow cover to show you how to make a layered paint & stencil design. It is really quite easy, and I really loved the results. So keep reading to see how I designed my pillow. :)

 Layered Paint & Stencil Design Tutorial at #tulipforyourhome #ilovetocreate #paints #stencils

#tulipforyourhome #ilovetocreate #paints #stencils

First you’ll need a few supplies. :)

#tulipforyourhome #ilovetocreate #paints #stencils

You will need some Tulip Soft Matte fabric paint in two different colors. This fabric paint is great to use because it doesn’t get stiff like regular acrylic paints would if you used them. It stays nice & soft.

#tulipforyourhome #ilovetocreate #stencils

You’ll also need some textile stencils. These stencils from Tulip are so much fun. I loved the big chevron pattern, and the butterfly was perfect. What’s great about these stencils is that they can be used over & over again. Just wash gently with soap & water between use.

#paints #stencils

You’ll also need some Tulip Stencil Spray Adhesive. I love this stuff! It will help keep your stencil in place while you are working on your pillowcase. You’ll also need a roller brush to apply the paint. I love this large foam one from Tulip.

pillow stenciling

Before you begin make sure you slide something inside your pillowcase to prevent the paint from bleeding through to the other side. I just cut a piece of poster board to fit inside mine.

adhesive spray

Then spray the back of your stencil lightly with the spray adhesive. Let it dry for a few minutes. Then carefully place your stencil on the pillowcase exactly where you want it. Smooth it down with your hand. Now you are ready to paint! ;)

paint roller how to stencil

Using the foam roller you will gently roll paint over your stencil. Be careful not to put too much paint on your brush. Just a nice thin layer is all you need. Let dry. If you’d like you can do one more coat (or two) until you get the look you want.

how to stencil #tulipforyourhome #ilovetocreate #paints #stencils

After you are satisfied with the color, gently remove your stencil. Be careful! You don’t want to smear the paint!

#tulipforyourhome #ilovetocreate #paints #stencils #pillows

After your first layer of paint is completely dried, it’s time to layer your stencil. I sprayed the adhesive again to the back of my butterfly stencil, & then I placed it where I wanted it. This time I put some painters tape around the edges of my stencil. I didn’t want the yellow paint to get where it shouldn’t be. ;) Then just like you did before, gently roll on the contrasting paint color. It took several coats to get full coverage. Then gently remove the tape & the stencil. Let dry! Insert a pillow form, and then you are done! Isn’t that a cute pillow?

stenciled pillow #tulipforyourhome #ilovetocreate #paints #stencils#tulipforyourhome #ilovetocreate #paints #stencilsLayered Paint & Stencil Design Tutorial at #tulipforyourhome #ilovetocreate #paints #stencils

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(the makers of Tulip products) in the following places:
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Check out some more amazing #tulipforyourhome #ilovetocreate projects below! :)

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This project & post were created for Ginger Snap Crafts by Ginger Bowie.