take a look at you {my favorites}
It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU! Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here} if you haven’t yet!
Thank you all so much for sharing each week!
Here’s a FEW of my favorites from last week’s {wow me} wednesday party!
Easy Chevron Pillow from Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom
{wow me} wednesday #66

So glad YOU are here!
How is YOUR week going?
Last week was our local county fair.
Some of my favorite fair pictures always come from the petting zoo!
My kids had a blast! We so look forward to the fair each year.
flossing & my bucket list {Yes, they are related!} #CompleteCare
Raise your hand if you LOVE to floss?? Ummmm…probably no one is raising their hand right now. ha! Do you dread going to the dentist & hearing the “you really need to floss” speech? Ugh! I’ve been there, too. Buuut did you know that flossing regularly actually improves life expectancy since it decreases your likelihood of gum and heart disease? In just a minute I’m going to share my bucket list that I can accomplish all because flossing is helping me live a healthier, longer life. Waterpik makes two great products for families like mine that make flossing fun & so much easier. We all know that brushing alone is not enough.
take a look at you {my favorites}
It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU! Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here} if you haven’t yet!
Thank you all so much for sharing each week!
Here’s a FEW of my favorites from last week’s {wow me} wednesday party!
Coconut Lime Cupcakes from Bear Rabbit Bear
{wow me} wednesday #65

So glad YOU are here!
Lots going on around here for us! School started this week.
Annnd our little man turned the big 3! Wowzers! Time flies!
{Yes, we practiced holding up 3 fingers. It’s harder than it looks!}
When my kiddos turn 3 it means potty training time! Wahoo!
I’m so excited. He’s my last one in diapers!
So Monday is our big day! We usually pick a day…
pick out some super cute undies, talk it up
& then just go cold turkey…no looking back.
Usually it takes about a week. So wish us luck!
Well enough potty talk….ha!
Are you ready to PaRty?
Great Deal Alert {Lifestyle Crafts}
Lifestyle Crafts has an awesome deal this week!
FREE shipping all week long! Yay!
Free shipping is sooooo hard to resist….I know I’ll be making an order soon!
reflecting on our {intentional} summer
Such a bittersweet day for this momma!
I have one starting kindergarten & one starting high school!
I’m not sure which one makes me more teary eyed!
Oh how I love having my kiddos home & being their mom!
It’s the best. job. ever.
I absolutely LOVE summer time, too.
We had such a great time! So much fun!
Blog Hop {Link up your blog!}
with Kelly from Live Laugh Rowe
& several other fabulous blogs to bring you the:
teacher gift {tutorial}
Today I’ve got a cute, quick & so easy teacher gift.
I made these for some primary teachers at church.
{Primary is the children’s organization at our church.}
We had two of our teachers going off to college,
so these made the perfect going away gift.
You could always change it up,
& say “I hope we have a ball this year!”
Then use these as back to school teacher gifts!
take a look at you {15+ back to school ideas}
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here} if you haven’t yet!
Thank you all so much for sharing each week!
One Smart Cookie Teacher Gift from It’s Overflowing
{wow me} wednesday #64

So glad YOU are here!
Thank you so much for stopping by each week to share your talents!
for my husband’s niece’s wedding.
We stayed in the Hermitage Hotel {fancy!}.
It was so nice to be pampered for the weekend.
My kiddos wanted to move in & stay forever…
they said they could get used to being pampered! ha!
mason jar drink cups {tutorial}
buuut I wouldn’t leave you guys without a cute & easy tutorial, too!
Here’s one that I shared over at Skip to My Lou a few weeks ago.

take a look at you {my favorites}
It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU! Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here} if you haven’t yet!
Thank you all so much for sharing each week!
Here’s a just a FEW of my favorites from last week’s {wow me} wednesday party!
Lemon Raspberry Cheesecake Bites from Shugary Sweets
{wow me} wednesday #63

So glad YOU are here!
So are you enjoying the Olympics?
When I was a little girl I just knew I was
going to grow up to be an Olympic gymnast.
Obviously that didn’t work out so
I became a craft blogger instead! ha!
SO are you ready to PaRty?
{fun & healthy} back to school lunch ideas
take a look at you {my favorites}
It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU! Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here} if you haven’t yet!
Thank you all so much for sharing each week!
Here’s a FEW of my favorites from last week’s {wow me} wednesday party!
Summertime Fun {The List} from Design Stash