Ginger Snap Crafts: {wow me} wednesday #77 + Nativity Vinyl {giveaway}

{wow me} wednesday #77 + Nativity Vinyl {giveaway}

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

So much going on!  Are you ready for Thanksgiving…next week??
Eek! I’m not! Hmmm….I better start planning our menu! ha!

Just a few things before we get started:
Interested in a Christmas ornament swap? Go {HERE}.

I’m auditioning (again!) for So You Think You’re Crafty…
please go {HERE} & help me get past the audition round. 

Annnd a little update on one of my most popular post~
my {handmade} nativity
One of my most asked questions is:
”Where can I get the vinyl??” 
I’ve always felt bad when I said sorry
you can only get it if you own a Silhouette.
Buuut guess what??? Silhouette now has commercial use available
for some of their images! Yay!  So if you own an etsy shop or sell crafts
at shows this is fantastic news!  You should definitely check it out.


Southpaw Crafts has just bought the commercial license to the EXACT
nativity vinyl that I used to make my nativity set & now sells it in her etsy shop!
She has also been SO generous to agree to sponsor a nativity vinyl giveaway!
Please enter in the form below & a winner will be contacted NEXT Tuesday.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

SO are you ready to PaRty?
The “rules” are simple.
Follow Ginger Snap Crafts. {Thank you!}
Grab a button or add a link somewhere on your blog.
Must be something made by YOU.
Link up to your post, not your main blog.
{No etsy shops, giveaways, round ups or business links, please.}
Visit other links, make new friends & most of all have fun!
Feel free to grab my {wow me} wednesday button!

Can’t wait to see what YOU link up!

Thank you so much stopping by my blog!
If this is your first time visiting I’d love to keep in touch.