Ginger Snap Crafts: Our Spider-Man Halloween Party #SpiderManWMT #CBias

Our Spider-Man Halloween Party #SpiderManWMT #CBias

Spiderman Party #SpiderManWMT

Halloween is one of our family’s favorite holidays.
Seriously we have so much fun, and look forward to it each year.
This year we were even more excited about Halloween because
we planning on seeing The Amazing Spiderman on Halloween
& having a #SpiderManWMT party with some of our friends.
It was a blast!  Here’s a little recap of our Halloween party!

the amazing spiderman party cupcakes

When the kiddos got home from school I had everything set up for them & their friends
to make spider cupcakes!  The kiddos were so creative with their cupcakes!


Next we made sure we knew how to stream The Amazing Spiderman to our TV.  {Remember we had pre-ordered our copy last month?} This is the first time we’ve actually used  When you sign up it also gives you the option to sign up for UltraViolet™. UltraViolet™ is a new movie industry standard that allows you to securely store your digital movie collection in a cloud & watch them later on any Vudu compatible device. We will also receive a DVD in the mail in a few days. Nice!

It was super easy to set up! We have a Roku box {which is Vudo compatible}, & we were able to log into our Vudo account on there & set up the movie pretty easily!  I had forgotten my password, but no worries…Vudo emailed me a link to reset it & we were ready! The older teenage boys watched the movie while the younger kiddos finished decorating their cupcakes! 

The Amazing Spiderman

Next we headed outside to do a little pumpkin carving!
We always carve our pumpkins on Halloween.
The kiddos get so creative making their jack-o-lanterns!

pumpkin carving

Here’s our jack-o-lanterns from later on that evening.
Didn’t they do a great job!?  Spooky!


After we were done with all the pumpkins we were hungry!
Earlier I had picked up some Marketside Pizza from Walmart.
These pizzas are HUGE!  I bought three 16 inch extra large pizzas,
& we had plenty for our family plus the 7 extra party go-ers!

marketside pizza walmart

To celebrate the release of The Amazing Spiderman Walmart released Amazing Spider-Man themed Augmented Reality triggers that are included on the pizza box & displays at Walmart. These trigger special Amazing Spider-Man experiences on your iPhone, iPad or Android in-store. Pretty cool!

pizza from walmart

Everyone really enjoyed the pizza as you can tell!

eating marketside pizza

Along with our meal we also had Marketside Cheesesticks & Salad! Yum!

#spidermanWMT #CBias

Pizza is always a hit with our family & friends!

marketside pizza from Walmart

Next we all got ready for some trick or treating! Wahoo!
Our neighborhood goes all out each year for Halloween!
I love where we live! 


My son, Rylan, was an old man!  Loved his costume!  He was soooo cute!

gsc trick or treat costumes

Here’s my daughter Cailey {on the right} & her two best friends!
The kids had a blast trick or treating!  Just look at that stash!

counting the candy on Halloween

So how was your Halloween? 
Do you have any fun Halloween traditions?

You connect with The Amazing Spiderman
on facebook, on twitter & on their website.

To find out how you can stream movies
through you can visit

Thank you so much stopping by my blog!
If this is your first time visiting I’d love to keep in touch.

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I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Sony Pictures Home Entertainment #CBias #SocialFabric All opinions are my own.