Ginger Snap Crafts: 2018


The Best Crafts from 2018 From Your Favorite Bloggers

Good morning! The new year is almost here, and before we get to that I always love looking back on what we’ve done this year! I’ve partnered with a few of my favorite craft bloggers to bring you some of our best crafts from 2018. I hope you enjoy this look back as much as I did. :) Next week I’ll be sharing my top ten posts of 2018. So stay tuned for that! A big thanks to Anna from Practical & Pretty for putting this all together. :)



8 New Years Ideas

Hello there! This year has flown by! Can you believe it’s almost 2019! Today I am excited to feature 8 New Years Ideas that were linked up at the last {wow me} wednesday party! These are so fun, and quite a few of them are especially for the kiddos. :) Remember this week’s party is still going on. Feel free to swing by & check that out right here. Buuuuut first enjoy this fun New Years post! Happy New Year! :)

8 New Years Ideas at #newyears #party #partyideas #newyears


{wow me} wednesday #383

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Merry Christmas! :)

Last week I featured some DIY Mason Jar Christmas Crafts!
You can check them all out right over here.

DIY Mason Jar Christmas Crafts at #Christmas #crafts #DIY #masonjars


DIY Mason Jar Christmas Crafts

Good morning! Christmas is 4 days away! :) Last night my oldest got home from college, so now our festivities can officially begin. :) Mason jar crafts are some of my favorites. Annnnnd today I am excited to feature 10 DIY Mason Jar Christmas Crafts that were linked up over the last several {wow me} wednesday parties. Remember this week’s party is still going strong. Be sure to swing by & check that out when you can. If you are a blogger, be sure to link up your most recent ideas & projects. I’d love to see them & feature you, too. You can do that here. Buuuuut first check out this week’s very merry feature post. Enjoy! :)

DIY Mason Jar Christmas Crafts at #Christmas #crafts #DIY #masonjars


What is Epoch Health? See How to Get a Free Health Screening.

This post is sponsored by Epoch, but all opinions are my own.

Good morning! With a new year coming up, I know many of us are thinking about goals and what we want to accomplish in the year to come. I know I am! :) One of the things that is always on the top of my list is my health and my family’s health. You can’t take your health for granted, and it’s essential to go in for regular check ups. Recently, my husband & I have been thinking a lot about our health. We aren’t young anymore! ha! We are both in our 40s, and it’s way passed time to start taking our health and well being more seriously. Recently my husband received a free health screening at Epoch Health. Today I would love to share a little bit about our experience & invited you to get a free health screening for yourself or your spouse, as well. Let’s get started!

What is Epoch Health

{wow me} wednesday #382

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Last week I featured 8 Vintage Christmas Ideas!
You can check them all out right over here.

8 Vintage Christmas Ideas at #holiday #Christmas #homedecor #forthehome


Glitter Snowman ornaments {tutorial}

Good morning! Only 8 days until Christmas! Eek! Are you ready? ;) I’m getting there! ha! I still have so many things on my to do list. I’m sure you do, too! Buuuut I wanted to share this simple Glitter Snowman Ornament craft with you. I made these with my Cub Scouts last week, & they are so cute & easy. :)

Glitter Snowman Ornament at #crafts #snow #snowman


10 Things Not to Forget This Holiday Season

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #ad #poweringtheholidays #collectivebias

Good morning! The big day is almost here! We are almost in the single digits countdown! Are you ready? It seems like every year I’m down to the last minute on so many things. I’m trying to do better this year. ha! Buuut I’m usually a wrap everything on Christmas Eve kind of girl. I kind of like that tradition. ;) Thank goodness everything usually works out when I do that. It wasn’t always that way though! There has been many a Christmas Eve when I’m in the middle of “Santa” mode, & I have realized I have forgotten something! Like the batteries! Eek! Right now you can receive a $5 Walmart eGift card when your purchase $15 worth of Energizer® batteries or lights this holiday season. Today I am sharing my 10 Things Not to Forget this Holiday Season list with you! I want to hear what’s on your list, too!

10 Things NOT to Forget this Holiday Season at

1. Batteries!!!!!

Many years one of those things that has been forgotten are the batteries! Which isn’t good when toys & games (that need batteries) are always on the top of my kiddo’s Christmas list. I don’t really have this problem anymore, because I love to stock up on Energizer® batteries all year long & especially at the holidays. Annnnnd this holiday season you can score a $5 Walmart eGift card when your purchase $15 of Energizer® batteries or lights. :)

don't forget batteries


8 Vintage Christmas Ideas

Hello there! It’s cold! Yesterday we did get above freezing though! :) How’s the weather where you are??? Anyone have any snow? My sister lives in North Carolina, and they got a bunch. :) Today I am excited to be featuring 8 Vintage Christmas Ideas that were linked up to the last two week’s {wow me} wednesday parties. All of these ideas can be used year after year, and they’ll always look ah-mazing! Don’t forget! This week’s party is still going on. Feel free to swing by & check out even more fantastic holiday ideas. If you are a blogger, be sure to link up your ideas. I’d love to see them & feature you, too. You can do that here. Buuuut first check out this very merry feature post. Enjoy! :)

8 Vintage Christmas Ideas at #holiday #Christmas #homedecor #forthehome


{wow me} wednesday #381

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Last week I featured 10 Hot Cocoa Ideas!
You can check them all out right over here.

10 Hot Cocoa Ideas at #hotcocoa #hotchocolate #yum

Get Well Basket with Free Printables

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® andNicePak, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #nicencleanwipes

Good morning! It’s December….the holidays are here. Yay! Unfortunately, it’s also the start of cold & flu season. Ick! We are busy & our to do lists are long. Annnnnd we don’t have time to be sick, & we definitely don’t have time for the kiddos to get sick. ha! That’s why I love Nice ‘n CLEAN Antibacterial Hand Wipes. They are the perfect thing to throw in your bag, to have around the house, in your car, & really anywhere you like to kill germs. ;) They are also perfect as part of a Get Well Basket! When I hear that one of my mom friends is sick, I love to drop by a basket full of comfort, cheer & germ killing wipes to help them & their families feel better soon. Let me show you how I put this basket together! :)

get well soon basket with free printables at #getwell #gift #giftideas


Rowan’s Bear

Good morning! Today I’d love to share someone & something that is near & dear to my heart, my sister, Megan & her organization, Rowan’s Bear. I’ve introduced you to Megan before. She’s amazing! :) A little over two years ago, Megan & her husband, Ryan lost their baby, Rowan. Megan has turned her grief into something amazing. She started Rowan’s Bear.


A little bit about Megan from Rowan’s Bear:

Megan Whitworth likes to describe her life as an unwritten story, still being told.

In the summer of 2016 her story changed forever - Megan lost her baby at 12 weeks pregnant, a boy named Samuel Rowan Whitworth. Not one to hide her story, nor the love for her son, Megan shares the ups and downs of dealing with pregnancy loss, her daily battle with grief, and having a child in Heaven on her blog, Rowan + Hope.

After losing Rowan, Megan's arms were empty, and they ached to hold her baby. Two days after losing her son, Megan visited a local Hallmark store with her sister and mother when the trio found a plush teddy bear that fit perfectly in Megan's arms. The teddy bear swiftly became a comfort for Megan as she dealt with grief and missing her son.

Megan wanted to help other grieving mothers and fathers, and that is where the idea of Rowan's Bear began. Partnering with Birchwood Trading Co., Megan and a team of volunteers are now sending the same plush teddy bear that she found comfort in to families who are enduring pregnancy and infant loss for no charge. 

Megan Whitworth from Rowan's Bear - For Grieving Mothers and Fathers


10 Hot Cocoa Ideas

Good morning! One our favorite things to do as a family each winter is to host a hot chocolate bar. There are so many fun variations & yummy toppings & party ideas planned all around hot cocoa that you can do. So today I am excited to feature 10 Hot Cocoa Ideas that were linked up to the last two {wow me} wednesday parties. Remember this week’s party is still going on. So be sure to swing by & check that out. If you are a blogger be sure to link up some of your latest projects & ideas right here. I’d love to see them & feature you, too. Buuuut first, stick around & check out this hot & yummy feature post. Enjoy! :)

10 Hot Cocoa Ideas at #hotcocoa #hotchocolate #yum


{wow me} wednesday #380

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Last week I featured 10 Holiday Recipes!
You can check them all out right over here.

Ten Holiday Recipes at #holiday #recipes


Easy Gutter Fix with Gorilla Waterproof Tape & $250 Home Depot Gift Card Giveaway

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of The Gorilla Glue Company. All opinions are 100% mine.

Good morning! As most of you know we recently built our own home. It was a process! Whew! ;) We had our final inspection a few months ago. I was so excited to have our LAST one! They came back & said everything looked great, buuuuuuuuuut we would have to add gutters before we could convert our construction loan into a conventional home loan. What??!! To say we were a little bit busy over the next several days putting up gutters is an understatement. ha! We had to work quickly, so that we could close on our home on the originally scheduled day. I didn’t want anymore delays. In our rush we forgot to seal one of our gutter joints. Unfortunately, the first time it rained we had a mini waterfall on the side of our house right through that gutter seam. Thank goodness I found an Easy Gutter Fix with Gorilla Waterproof Patch and Seal Tape. Let me show you how! (Annnnnd I have a fun Home Depot giveaway for you, too!)

Easy Gutter Fix with Gorilla Waterproof Patch & Seal Tape


10 Holiday Recipes

Good morning! The holidays are upon us, & that means it is time for some holiday food! Yum! Today I am excited to be featuring 10 Holiday Recipes that were linked up to the last two {wow me} wednesday parties. Remember this week’s party is still going strong! Be sure to stop by & check out the latest link ups. If you are a blogger, be sure to link up your ideas & projects, so I can feature you, too. You can do all of that right here. Buuuuut first check out this yummy feature post. Enjoy! :)

Ten Holiday Recipes at #holiday #recipes


Easy Holiday Paper Crafting with Cricut {tutorial}

This post is brought to you by Cricut.

Good morning! Thanksgiving is over, and it’s time to bust out those Christmas crafts, DIY holiday decorations & handmade holiday gifts. Am I right? ;) I have always loved to craft. I haven’t always been the best at it though. ha! That all changed when I learned that getting the right tools can be a game changer. That’s how I feel about my Cricut Maker. With the Cricut Maker I feel like I can do anything. :) Paper crafting has always been a little bit overwhelming to me, but with the Cricut Maker and the new scoring wheel. I was able to whip out these cute DIY gift boxes and gift tags in no time at all, and they turned out so cute! So keep reading to see how Easy Holiday Paper Crafting can be with your Cricut Maker & scoring wheel. :)

Easy Holiday Paper Crafting with Cricut #cricut #cricutmade #cricutmaker


{wow me} wednesday #379

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Last week I took the entire week off from blogging.
It was glorious! I’m glad to be back though! :)

Since I didn’t do a feature post last week. Check this out!
You can get 15+ DIY Ornament tutorials right here.

15  DIY Ornaments #Christmas #crafts #DIY


{wow me} wednesday #378

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

First, of all Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope you are surrounded by lots of family & yummy food. :)

Thank YOU for being here!

Last week I featured 8 Rustic Christmas Ideas!
You can check them all out right over here.

8 Rustic Christmas Ideas at #christmas #rustic #farmhouse #forthehome


8 Rustic Christmas Ideas

Goooooooood morning! Are you a pre-Thanksgiving Christmas decorator or after Thanksgiving? I’m definitely the latter, buuuuut I do enjoy looking at Christmas ideas any time. ;) Annnnnd today I am excited to feature 8 Rustic Christmas Ideas that were linked up to the last two {wow me} wednesday parties. Aren’t they pretty?? Remember this week’s party is still going on. Feel free to pop over here to see what everyone is up to this week. Buuuuut first check out this very Christmas-y feature post. Enjoy! :)

8 Rustic Christmas Ideas at #christmas #rustic #farmhouse #forthehome


{wow me} wednesday #377

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Last week I featured 10 Pumpkin Recipes!
You can check them all out right over here.

10 Pumpkin Recipes at


Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse Waffle Bar {party Idea}

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #EggoAndDisney #LoveMyEggo #CollectiveBias

Good morning! Guess who’s celebrating a birthday this month? M-I-C…..K-E-Y…..M-O-U-S-E! Did you sing that in your head when you read it? ;) Annnnnd it’s a big one! Mickey Mouse is turning 90 years old! So, it’s a great time to celebrate along with him by hosting a Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse Waffle Bar for your family! Eggo Mickey Homestyle Waffles, 16ct makes celebrating all things Mickey even easier. Let me show you how! :)

happy birhtday mickey mouse


10 Pumpkin Recipes

Turkey Day is coming up quick! Gobble! Gobble! :) Annnnnd today I am so excited to feature 10 Pumpkin Recipes with you today that were linked up to last week & this week’s {wow me} wednesday parties. Remember this week’s party is still going on. Feel free to swing by (link up your ideas, if you’re a blogger!) and check out all the fun ideas right here. But first, check out this yummy pumpkin-y feature post. Enjoy! :)

10 Pumpkin Recipes at


{wow me} wednesday #376

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Last week I featured 15 Delicious Desserts!
You can check them all out right over here.

15 Delicious Desserts at #dessert #recipes #yum[8]


Why You Need a Cricut EasyPress 2

This post is brought to you by Cricut.

Good morning! How was your weekend? Amazing, I hope! :) Has this year flown by for anyone else? I’m having a hard time believing that November is already here! So crazy! Soon Christmas will be here! Eek! Have you thought about what YOU want for Christmas yet? I know crafting goodies are always on the top of my list. Annnnnnd if you haven’t added a Cricut EasyPress 2 to your craft room, you totally should add it to your list! Let me tell you why! :)

Why you need a Cricut EasyPress 2

easypress 2


5 Simple Ways to Organize Your Kitchen

This post is brought to you by Life Storage.

Good morning! Are you ready for the weekend? Ours is going to be busy! ha! I’m helping with a craft day at our church, & my two daughters have all day activities with choir & their youth group on Saturday. So we will be running from one to the other! I’m also hosting Thanksgiving at our house this year. I think I’d much rather stay home & do some deep cleaning & organizing to get everything ready for that. ha! Oh well! That will have to wait until next weekend. ;) If organizing and cleaning are your thing, you’ll want to pop over to the Life Storage blog & check out 5 Simple Ways to Organize Your Kitchen. I’m also sharing how we made this DIY kitchen island (which I’m thinking about changing up!). I’ll keep you posted! ;)

5 Simple Ways to Organize Your Kitchen at LifeStorage Blog


15 Delicious Recipes

Hello! It’s my favorite day of the week! I get to feature some of YOU! ;) I really, really appreciate all of you linking up each week to {wow me} wednesday! You are awesome! Today I’m excited to be featuring 15 Delicious Recipes that were linked up to last week’s {wow me} wednesday party. It might not be the best idea the day after Halloween though….so pin this post for later. ha! Don’t forget this week’s party is still going on right here. So make sure you stop by to see what everyone is up to! If you are a blogger, I’d love to see what you’re up, too. Buuuuut first check out this delicious feature post. Enjoy! :)

15 Delicious Desserts at #dessert #recipes #yum


{wow me} wednesday #375

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Last week I featured DIY Costume Ideas!
You can check them all out right over here.

DIY Costume Ideas at #halloween #DIY #costumes #DIYcostumes


DIY Costume Ideas

Hello there! Halloween is next week. Eek! I know I’ll be using a little bit of my weekend making sure I have the kiddos’ costumes all ready to go for next week. Are you a procrastinator like me when it comes to Halloween or do you have everything all planned out already? If you still need some ideas, I’ve rounded up some cute DIY Costume Ideas that were linked up over the last several {wow me} wednesday parties. Remember this week’s party is still going on. You can check that out right here. In the meantime, check out these cute costumes! :)

DIY Costume Ideas at #halloween #DIY #costumes #DIYcostumes


Monster Trick or Treat Bag {tutorial} + Cricut Maker vs. Explore Air 2

This post is brought to you by Cricut. Affiliate links are used for your convenience. Thank you!

Good morning! The holidays are upon us, and I have been busting out projects left & right! ha! How about you? I love this time of year! It’s my favorite! From DIY Halloween costumes, home décor, Thanksgiving tablescapes, fall porches, Christmas ornaments & more, I am so glad I own a Cricut Maker! It makes all this crafting & creating a reality, & my results are so much better when I use a Cricut Maker. I would never be able to get everything done without my Maker. Today I’d love to share why the Maker is a better choice than any other cutting machine out there (even the Cricut Explore Air 2). I’m sharing the reasons why I’m glad that I have a Maker & why you should put one on your Christmas list, and I’m also sharing this fun Monster Trick or Treat Bag tutorial with you as well. Let’s get started! :)

Monster Trick or Treat Bag with Cricut #cricut #cricutmade #halloween #crafts


{wow me} wednesday #374

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Last week I featured 10 Apple Recipes!
You can check them all out right over here.

10 Apple Recipes at GingerSnapCrafts. com #apples #recipes #fall #yummy


Vintage Christmas Truck Sign + A Cricut Holiday Blog Hop {tutorial}

This post is NOT brought to you by Cricut. We just really love our machines. ha! Affilitate links are used for your convenience. Thank you! :)

Good morning! I am so, so excited about this fun blog hop all about the holidays we celebrate in December. Although, I am so not ready for Christmas YET! (My kiddos were so confused when I busted out this cute Vintage Christmas Truck Sign. They are so into Halloween right now! haha!) Buuuuut it’s never too early to prepare & start thinking about the holidays. I’ll have links to tons of other Cricut inspired holiday crafts at the end of this post. So, you’ll want to stick around for that after I share this easy vinyl sign tutorial with you. Let’s get started! :)

Vintage Christmas Truck Sign #cricut #cricutmade


Bob Ross & Happy Trees Couples Costume + Cricut cut files {tutorial}

This post is not sponsored, but affiliate links are used for your convenience. Thank you! :)

Good morning! Last week my college aged son sent me a message & wanted to know if I could help make him & his friend matching Halloween costumes. Of course, I was so willing to help out! It’s kind of my specialty. haha! He sent me a picture of something he had found online ~ a Bob Ross & Happy Trees costume. (So, this idea is totally not original, but too cute not to share!) I’m sharing the Cricut cut files for the Happy Trees t-shirt & for the paint palette plus where we found the perfect Bob Ross wig. So, let’s get started! :) (Oh! Annnnd I have links to tons of other DIY Halloween costume ideas, too!) :)

DIY Bob Ross and Happy Trees Couples Costume at #halloween #costume #cricut #cricutmade


10 Apple Recipes

Good morning! How are you? I love fall! Annnnnd one of my favorite things about fall is all the yummy apple recipes that you can eat! :) That’s why I am excited to share 10 Apple Recipes that were linked up over the last two {wow me} wednesday parties. Remember this week’s party is still going on. Be sure to swing by & check that out, if you can. You can do that right here. Buuuuuuut first enjoy this delicious feature post. :)

10 Apple Recipes at GingerSnapCrafts. com #apples #recipes #fall #yummy


{wow me} wednesday #373

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Last week I featured 12 Ways to Get Your Home Ready for the Holidays!
You can check them all out right over here.

12 Ways to Get Your Home Ready for the Holidays #holidays #forthehome #organization


12 Ways to get Your Home Ready for the Holidays

Gooooood morning! Anyone else hosting this holiday season? I am! Annnnnnd whew! I am already working hard getting my house ready. How many weeks until Thanksgiving? ha! I might need to call in some reinforcements. :) All kidding aside, hosting for the holidays can be a little bit stressful. That’s why I am excited to share these 12 Ways to Get Your Home Ready for the Holidays. All of these ah-mazing ideas were linked up to the last several {wow me} wednesday parties. This week’s party is still going on. Feel free to swing by & check it out here. Buuuuut first enjoy this very helpful feature post. :)

12 Ways to Get Your Home Ready for the Holidays #holidays #forthehome #organization


{wow me} wednesday #372

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Last week I featured 7 Fall Spaces!
You can check them all out right over here.

7 Fall Spaces at #fall #homedecor #forthehome


7 Fall Spaces

Hello! I hope your week has been going fabulous! :) I so love this time of year! (Annnd not just because my birthday was this week! ha!) I just love the cooler weather, all the colorful leaves (ours are just starting to change) & the trips to the pumpkin patch. Today I am so excited to share 7 Fall Spaces that were linked up to last week’s {wow me} wednesday party! If you haven’t checked out this week’s party yet you can do that here, and if you are a blogger I’d love to see your ideas! So head on over & link up ~ after you’ve checked out these ah-mazing fall spaces, of course! Enjoy! :)

7 Fall Spaces at #fall #homedecor #forthehome


DIY Under the Bed Storage Crates

This post is brought to you by Life Storage.

Good morning! One of my loves (after all things crafty!) is organization! I just love finding clever, fun & aesthetically pleasing ways to organize all the things. Recently I was over on the Life Storage blog sharing how we added TONS of storage under one of my kiddos’ beds. This is one of those projects that I asked myself why we didn’t do this years ago! It was so easy, looks amazing & these storage crates hold so much stuff! You can get the tutorial right here. Buuuuuut first, stick around for a little bit. I’m sharing some of my favorite organization posts with you, too! Keep reading, if you’re an organization junkie like me. ha!

DIY Under the Bed Storage


Simple Halloween Porch with the Cricut Maker

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Cricut. The opinions and text are all mine.

It’s October! Eek! Time to bust out those handmade Halloween costumes & DIY Halloween crafts. Am I right? :) Annnnnnnd there is no better tool to make all your handmade Halloween dreams come true than the Cricut Maker. I am excited to share how I used my Cricut Maker to decorate our Simple Halloween Porch. I’m sharing the tutorials & cut files, so your can make these easy projects, too! Let’s get started! :)

Simple Halloween Porch with Cricut #cricutmade #cricutmaker


{wow me} wednesday #371

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Last week I featured 12 Fall Crafts!
You can check them all out right over here.

12 Fall Crafts at #crafts #fall #falldecor


12 Fall Crafts

Gooooood morning! Fall is definitely in the air. We’ve had cool mornings & perfect afternoons. I just love it! Today I am excited to be featuring 12 Fall Crafts that were linked up to the last several {wow me} wednesday parties. Remember this week’s party is going on right here. Be sure to swing by & check it out. In the meantime, enjoy these lovely fall crafts. :)

12 Fall Crafts at #crafts #fall #falldecor


Hot Glue Crayon Rubbings {tutorial}

This is not a sponsored post. I did receive a copy of the book, Hot Glue Hacks & Crafts for participating (& loved it!!!), & Cricut affiliate links are used for your convenience. :)

Hello there! It’s been a little while since I participated in Craft Lightning. Buuuuut I’m back! Yay! :) Annnnd this month is so fun! We are celebrating the release of the new book, Hot Glue Hacks & Crafts by Angie Holden & Carolina Moore. You’ll know Angie from The Country Chic Cottage & Carolina from 30 Minute Crafts. I’ve met both of them in real life at a Cricut event last year. Annnnnd they are just as awesome in person & oh so crafty. You’ll want to check out their book, for sure. :) So, you guessed it! This month’s theme is hot glue crafts that can be done in under 15 minutes! Let me show you how to make these Hot Glue Crayon Rubbings. :)

Hot Glue Crayon Rubbings at #crayon #kids #kidcrafts #hotgluehacks


{wow me} wednesday #370

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Last week I featured 10 Yummy Halloween Treats!
You can check them all out right over here.

10 Yummy Halloween Treats #halloween #treats #yum


10 Tips for Moving on a Budget

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of CORT Furniture Clearance Center. All opinions are 100% mine.

    Good morning! As most of you know our summer was full of moving! In June, we closed on our old house & moved into our brand new (almost finished!) home. Needless to say we have been busy! This week we are actually (finally!) rolling over our construction loan into a regular conventional loan & closing on our new home. Annnnd I will be so excited to finally be done with this whole process. I’ve learned a bunch along the way though! We were definitely on a budget throughout this whole process. Annnnd today I am excited to share 10 Tips for Moving on a Budget.

      10 Tips for Moving on a Budget #moving #budget #tips


      10 Yummy Halloween Treats

      Hello there! How are you? Halloween is sneaking up on us really quick! Eek! Next week I’ll be working on our cute Halloween inspired front porch, and I can’t wait to share all the details with you soon! Buuuuut today I am excited to be featuring 10 Yummy Halloween Treats from some of you! All of these were linked up to last several week’s {wow me} wednesday parties. This week’s party is still going strong. Be sure to swing by & check out this week’s amazing collection of ideas. If you are a blogger, be sure to link your ideas & projects, so I can feature you, too. You can do all of that right here. Buuuuut first check out this adorably spooky & delicious feature post. Enjoy!

      10 Yummy Halloween Treats #halloween #treats #yum


      {wow me} wednesday #369

      Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
      I’m so glad you are here. :)

      Last week I was dropping off my son at college. Gulp!
      So, I didn’t get a chance to put together a feature post. 
      So check out some simple Halloween ideas from me below. :)

      10 Simple Ideas for Halloween at #halloween #crafts_thumb[1]