Ginger Snap Crafts: June 2013


Summer Hoodie Tutorial from Jedi Craft Girl {contributor}

Hi!  I am Amanda from Jedi Craft Girl!  I am so totally excited
to be a Summer Contributor here at Ginger Snap Crafts.  
I love Ginger & all her amazing projects & ideas!!


Over 10 Breakfast Ideas #linkparty #feature

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet!

Summer is here! Yay! Annnd for us that means there is more time to fix breakfast! ;)
So here are over 10 yummy breakfast ideas you can try out with your family.
Enjoy! :)

Over ten yummy breakfast ideas at #gingersnapcrafts #linkparty #feature #recipe


Just a few things before I flash back to 1991…..

Looking for {wow me} wednesday? Go here.

I hope that blog post title caught your attention! haha! ;) Yes, I’m having a little trip down Memory Lane this week. Ummmm….yes, 3 of my sisters & I are going to the NKOTB, Backstreet Boys & Boys II Men concert this Friday in Dallas. Wahoo!! Can’t wait! You can follow my sister, Megan on instagram at @LaughMegan to see what we are up to! She’s way better at updating than me! ha! Buuuut before I leave today for Dallas I wanted to let you know about HUGE Lifestyle Crafts sale, share a quick 4th of July craft, give some giveaway reminders & let you know where I’ll be sharing a fun kid craft today… keep reading to find out all the fun details! :)



{wow me} wednesday #109

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

Lots of things going on on the blog right now!
Be sure to drop by the $100 Amazon gift card giveaway,
and the 4th of July DecoArt giveaway. Good luck! ;)

If you have a fun summer project for kids please be sure
to link up to the Design Dazzle Summer Camp Link Up
that I’m co-hosting with a few other fabulous bloggers.

Then check out this festive paint chip 4th of July banner
from my ah-mazing contributor, Chase the Star.


On Friday you’ll find another awesome contributor post from Jedi Craft Girl!

SO are you ready to PaRty?

DIY 4th of July Shorts with DecoArt {tutorial} & a DecoArt Giveaway

This post is brought to you by DecoArt.

Just popping in to share a quick last minute DIY 4th of July shorts tutorial, AND I have a fun giveaway from DecoArt so you could make these & lots more. Yay! So keep reading! :)

shorts for the 4th of July #gingersnapcrafts #tutorial #decoart #4thofJuly

Make Your Own Monster Cups {monster craft} #MUJuice #CBias

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and their client.

Have you heard that Monsters University is in theaters right now? Have you seen it yet? We plan on seeing it at the drive-in in a few weeks. (A visit to the drive-in is a summer time tradition for us!) Anyways, to get the kiddos excited about the movie we decided to have a fun Monsters University party one afternoon last week! We wanted to do a monster craft, play with some Monsters University toys & have a healthy drink & lunch. We decided to make our own monster cups, and then after that we had a fun monster themed lunch with Juicy Juice!

Make Your Own Monster Cups #MUJuice #gingersnapcrafts #tutorial


DIY Vertical Gardens Inspired by

Have you’ve been over to yet? If not, GO! ;) It is an awesome site where you can link up your latest diy projects, home improvement ideas & even post questions about your latest home dilemma! is the largest home & garden resource on the web with tons of firsthand experience & advice from hundreds of thousands of home enthusiasts, bloggers and professionals. It is awesome!

So you can imagine how super thrilled I was when asked me to curate a Vertical Garden clipboard for them! :) All of these projects (including my own DIY Herb Garden) can be found over on Just click the picture, & it will take you over to my DIY Vertical Garden clipboard on Then you can click over & found out more about each one. :)


You can follow me over on here., thank you so much for the opportunity! :)

Thank you so much stopping by my blog!
If this is your first time visiting I’d love to keep in touch.
Don’t miss a post! Subscribe by email or bloglovin’.



This post was created for Ginger Snap Crafts by Ginger Bowie.

We Love Little Swimmers! #HuggiesSwimmers #pmedia

This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Huggies, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #HuggiesSwimmers

It is summer time! Wahoo! We have been doing a TON of swimming! Yay! One of the essential things that you will always find in our swim bag over the years is Huggies Little Swimmers. They have been a staple of summer fun at our house for a long time! We love Little Swimmers! Keep reading to see how you can get a Huggies Little Swimmers coupon from Target! :)

Huggies Little Swimmers #huggiesswimmers


Link Party Summer Camp ~ Ideas & Projects for Summertime Fun with Kids

Have you been following along over at Design Dazzle’s Summer Camp series?
I’ll be over there next week to share a fun kid craft! Yay! :)


To continue the Summer Camp fun, some of the bloggers participating in the 2013 Design Dazzle Summer Camp series are hosting a HUGE Summer Camp link party! The link party will run through July 26th and will include all of this year's projects, but we want YOU to link up your summer fun activities as well, so we can ALL get some great new ideas for the upcoming summer months! Feel free to link up any projects, ideas, crafts, etc. that you have created which involve Summer Fun & Kids. We want new ideas as well as ideas from years past...the more the better! All ideas added to our Summer Camp link party will automatically appear on all of the wonderful participating blogs seen below:

Paint Chip Flag Banner from Chase the Star {contributor}

Hello Ginger Snap Crafts readers, I'm Barbara from Chase the Star,
and I am thrilled to be here as one of Ginger's summer contributors!

The 4th of July is just around the corner so I thought I'd share a simple
and practically free craft idea you can make in no time, a Paint Chip Flag Banner!


Butter Pecan A&W Root Beer Floats #IceCreamFloat

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and their client. #cbias #shop

Nothing says summertime more to me than an #icecreamfloat! Growing up each summer my dad would play softball, and if he hit a homerun during the game we would drop by the store & pick up the some A&W root beer and ice cream. Then when we got home we would have root beer floats to celebrate! It’s one of my very favorite family traditions, and lucky for us my dad hit a lot of homeruns! ha! :) My dad’s favorite ice cream is butter pecan. So keeping with the “dad” theme, I decided to combine the two to make these yummy Butter Pecan Root Beer Floats.

Butter Pecan Root Beer Floats from #IceCreamFloat


Eleven Summer Ideas #linkparty #feature

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet!

We are having so much fun this summer, so I thought
it would be fun to feature some fun summer ideas today!
I think I used the word fun 3 times in that sentence. ha! Enjoy! :)

11 Summer Ideas #gingersnapcrafts #feature


{wow me} wednesday #108

Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

Lots of fun stuff is going on right now on the blog!
So much for the lazy days of summer! ha! ;)

Make sure you stop by to enter the $100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway,
check out the awesome messenger bag tutorial from contributor ~ Crazy Little Projects
& pop over to win an adorable chevron baby blanket from No Whining Pleez! :)

 ice_cream_3 Personalizedkidsmessengerbagtutorial1_thumb[2]No Whining Pleez! chevron baby blanket giveaway at #giveaway

On Friday I have another amazing contributor post from Chase the Star!

SO are you ready to PaRty?

No Whining Pleez! Pink or Grey Chevron Baby Blanket ~ winner’s choice {giveaway}

Are you ready for another fun giveaway? ;) If you haven’t entered the $100 Amazon gift card giveaway make sure you do! Now on to this adorable giveaway from No Whining Pleez! :) The owner of No Whining Pleez! is actually a really, really good friend of mine! Traci is amazingly talented, and I love everything she does! Her shop is full of adorable handmade goodness for babies that she sews herself. She has blankets, burp clothes, bibs, felt crowns & more. Today Traci is giving away the winner’s choice of a pink or grey chevron baby blanket! I also have a discount code for all of you to use in her shop. So keep reading to see how to enter & to snag that code! :)

No Whining Pleez! chevron baby blanket giveaway at #giveaway


Easy 4th of July Ice Cream Bars {recipe} & a $100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway!!!

Happy Monday! Annnd boy…. do I have a sweet treat for YOU! Yay! :) First up, I’m sharing a quick & easy 4th of July Ice Cream Bars recipe, & then I have a $100 Amazon Gift Card giveaway that one of YOU could use to buy your own ice cream maker, bowls, spoons & scoops (or you could just totally go crazy & buy whatever you wanted! ha!). So keep reading to find out all the sweet details! :)

easy #4thofJuly #icecream bars at


Over 30 Last Minute Gift Ideas, Recipes & Printables for Dad {Father’s Day}

Father’s Day is tomorrow! Yikes! Are you ready? If you’re not, don’t worry! I’ve got you covered! ha! ;) I had some of my amazing blogging friends share their very best ideas for last minute Father’s Day gift ideas, free printables & recipes all for Dad! You can get one of these ideas done today with a few simple supplies and/or using things you probably already have around the house! So let’s get started!

Over 30 Last Minute Gift Ideas, Recipes & Printables for Dad #FathersDay


Kids Messenger Bag from Crazy Little Projects {contributor}

Hello Ginger Snap readers! I am happy to be posting here - Ginger Snap has been one of my favorite blogs since I started my own blog last year. This is Amber from Crazy Little Projects. I love to sew and I am addicted to making bags. Especially hot pink ones. So today let's make a cute kids messenger bag ok?



Over 25 Berry Recipes #linkparty #feature

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet!

Berry season is in full swing! We have strawberries galore this year!
Soon it will be blueberry & blackberry picking time. Yay!
I can’t wait for some yummy blackberry cobbler & ice cream! :)
So today I’d love to share over 25 yummy berry recipes
that were linked up to {wow me} wednesday over the last several weeks.

Over 25 Berry Recipes #linkparty #feature #gingersnapcrafts

DIY Pack T-Shirts with Heat Transfer Material & a How to Text Wrap with your Silhouette {tutorial}

This post brought to you by Silhouette.

Hi there! Just popping in to remind you about the Silhouette Heat Transfer Promotions going on right now! You still have a few more days to snag a sweet deal on a Silhouette Cameo or Portrait, & all of their heat transfer material is buy one get one free. Yay! So if you already own a Silhouette now is the time to stock up on that! :) You’ll need to go here & use the code GINGERSNAP to take advantage of these ah-mazing deals. {All the details are at the bottom of this post.}

I have one more quick smooth heat transfer material project~ some DIY pack t-shirts ~ to share with you, & I learned how to text wrap (make my words go around in a circle) with my Silhouette! Eek! So exciting! :) So I’m sharing a tutorial on how to do that today as well. So keep reading! :)

DIY Pack T-shirts with Heat Transfer Material from #Silhouette #DIY #CubScouts #tutorial


{wow me} wednesday #107

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

Did you see the adorable Patriotic Patchwork Bunting from one of my awesome contributors, Rachel from R & R Workshop? You can see the full tutorial here.

Patriotic Patchwork Bunting
I love it! Annnd on Friday you’ll get to see
a fun sewing project from Amber at Crazy Little Projects. :)
I have the best contributors. I hope you’ll check them all out.
Their buttons are right over there on my sidebar. :)

SO are you ready to PaRty?

Less Time Cooking, More Time Playing {Quick Chicken Dinner or Lunch Idea} #ChickenFryTime

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and their client. #ad

It’s finally summer time around here! Wahoo! We are spending lots more time playing at the pool & less time in the kitchen that’s for sure. I’ve been looking for some quick chicken dinner & lunch ideas for my kiddos. I want something that’s healthy & yummy as well as, easy & fast!  We were excited to find out about Tyson Homestyle Chicken Fries that are available at Sam’s Club. Keep reading to find out how my kiddos liked them, and I also have an easy honey mustard dipping sauce recipe to share as well! It was soooo good with the chicken fries! :)

Less Time Cooking, More Time Playing with Tyson Chicken Fries #ChickenFryTime #ad


4th of July Face Painting with People Paint #DecoArt

The post is brought to you by DecoArt.

Our family just tried out People Paint by DecoArt for the first time. I love these body markers! They are so awesome! They can be used for birthday parties, holidays, events & more! They are so much easier to apply than the usual brush & paint. They were so fun to use, too. You can get some amazing detail with these markers. 4th of July is just around the corner, so we decided to have a little 4th of July fun with our People Paint. :)

People Paint by DecoArt

Silhouette Promotion Reminder & Giveaway Winner

#ad This post is brought to you by Silhouette.

Good morning! I hope you are having an awesome Monday! Today I’m busy getting my daughter ready for camp! She leaves tomorrow. This is her first time away from home, and she’s excited & nervous! :)

Just wanted to remind you about the amazing Silhouette Promotions that are still going on until June 15th. You can get some great deals on the Cameo & Portrait heat transfer bundles, & if your already own a machine all heat transfer products are buy 1 get 1 free. So it’s a great time to stock up! :) To snag these deals go here & use the code GINGERSNAP.

Keep reading to find out who won the Silhouette Portrait giveaway from last week (from over 3000 entries!).

Silhouette June promotion


Patriotic Patchwork Bunting from R & R Workshop {contributor post}

Hey Everyone! I'm Rachel from R & R Workshop and I'm so excited to be here on Ginger Snap Crafts today. I want to share one of my favorite projects I've done so far.. Patriotic Patchwork Bunting! When I think of the 4th or America, of course Red, White and blue colors come to mind  but so does Apple Pie and quilts. I thought it would be fun to make a patchwork bunting. It was seriously so easy to make and I want to share how you can make one too!


15+ Father Day Gift Ideas #linkparty #feature

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet!

Father’s Day is right around the corner! Check out over 15 fun Father’s Day Gift Ideas! :)

Over 15 Father's Day Gift Ideas #fathersday #features #gingersnapcrafts

Airwick Scented Oils at Sam's Club

This post brought to you by Air Wick. All opinions are 100% mine.

Everyone wants to have a home that smells as good as possible, right? I know I do! With 5 kiddos...annnd 3 of them are stinky boys (ha!)... that can be a challenge sometimes! A couple of weeks ago I was deep cleaning my oldest teenage son's room (Ewww!) when a package was delivered to our front door full of scented Airwick products! Yay! Talk about perfect timing! ha! Over the last few weeks we have been using some of these scented oils in our home, & our house has never smelled better! Keep reading to see where you can pick up some Airwick Scented Oils for your home at amazing prices! :)

Airwick Scented Oils at Sam's Club


{wow me} wednesday #106 & a Silhouette Giveaway

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

Did you hear about this month’s Silhouette promotions?
Just click below & use the code GINGERSNAP. :)

Silhouette June promotion

DIY Pillow with Silhouette Heat Transfer Material {tutorial} + a Silhouette Promotion & Silhouette Portrait {giveaway}

This post is brought to you by Silhouette. #ad #Silhouette

It’s that time again…time for another awesome Silhouette promotion! Yay! This month Silhouette has some great deals on their ah-mazing machines ~ the Cameo & the Portrait plus all of their heat transfer products are on sale!

I used some of their flocked heat transfer material to make this DIY pillow for our bed! I think it turned out so cute, and it was so easy to make. Keep reading to find our how I did it….plus I have another Silhouette Portrait giveaway for one of YOU!!!! Yay!!! :)

heat transfer material from #Silhouette #ad


Our Best Smiles with Colgate {free printable} #TotalSmile #shop

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and their client. #TotalSmile

Our family loves to put our best smiles forward! Your smile is the first thing people see! It’s so important to take care of your teeth, and have the healthiest & prettiest smile possible. A healthy smile is a happy smile! :) Our family loves using Colgate oral health products to keep our smiles looking their best! Recently we tried Colgate Total Mouthwash (which can be found at Target) to put our best smiles on. So keep reading to find out why we are smiling so much! ha! ;)

Our Best Smiles with Colgate Total Mouthwash #TotalSmile #Cbias