Ginger Snap Crafts: diy cupcake stand {tutorial}

diy cupcake stand {tutorial}

cupcake stand #WalmartPlaid
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I was recently given a fun assignment from Plaid & Walmart.
I received a box of goodies from Plaid
along with a $25 gift card to Walmart.
My job was to browse Walmart looking for a
surface or surfaces to use my fun new Plaid products on!
I was so excited & couldn’t wait to get started.

cupcake stand supplies #WalmartPlaid

When I got to Walmart I headed straight for the craft department.
I was amazed at the selection from Plaid!  So many possibilities!
{Has anyone noticed the craft department at Walmart?  It’s gRoWinG! Yay!)

Here are the supplies I ended up using:

cupcake stand plaid supplies

from Plaid
paint, brushes & Mod Podge

bought at Walmart
Plaid Large Oval Plaque ($6.67)
Plaid Jumbo Oval Plaque ($11.97)
12 oz. Mod Podge Clear Acrylic Sealer ($5.67)
total: $24.31 plus tax

from my “stash”
2 wooden furniture legs
wood glue

cupcake stand 3

Here’s how I made my diy cupcake stand…it was so easy!

cupcake stand how to

1. Painted all the wood white using this super cool foam brush from Plaid.  It fits right on to your paint bottle!  Loved it!

2.  I cut some fabric with my Cameo, & then I used the Mod Podge from Plaid to apply the fabric to my plaques.  (This was the first time I’ve used Mod Podge with fabric…it is awesome!!)

3. Then I used wood glue & screws to hold the plagues together.  I put heavy books on top for 24 hours until my glue was nice & dry.  Then I sprayed my cupcake stand with the Mod Podge Clear Acrylic Sealer to give it a protective finish.

cupcake stand 2cupcake stand 5

I really LOVE how it turned out!
Annnd it’s even cuter with cupcakes on it! Winking smile

cup cake stand 4cupcake standcupcake stand 10cupcake11

You can connect with Plaid on
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You can also find more great projects
from both Plaid & Walmart on
the Walmart Crafts Pinterest Board
& the Plaid-Walmart Pinterest Board.

Thank you so much stopping by my blog!
If this is your first time visiting I’d love to keep in touch.


I wrote this post as part of a paid campaign with Plaid Crafts & Blueprint Social. #WalmartPlaid
The opinions in this post are mine.

Check out some more fun projects using
Plaid Crafts & Walmart:
