Ginger Snap Crafts: June 2014


Banana Pudding Pops {recipe}

This post was first seen over at Nap-time Creations as part of their Summer Fun Series.

Hello! How are you? Did you have a fabulous weekend? We sure did! We are been super busy cleaning & organizing our house, and I did a little laundry room makeover, too! I’ll share some pictures soon. I love having extra time in the summer to get some things done! Plus it’s awesome having my big kids home. They are such good helpers ~ most of the time! ha! ;) This summer my kiddos & I are obsessing over making our own popsicles! Yum! We found these ice pop molds a few weeks ago, and we have been having fun coming up with different popsicle creations like these Banana Pudding Pops. They are so yummy, and the perfect treat after a hard day’s work! ;) So keep reading to get the recipe! :)

Banana Pudding Pops at #popsicle #summer #recipe


Just a warning if you buy a Silhouette….

Hello! It’s Friday! Yay! We have tons of fun things planned for this weekend & next. I thought I’d pop in really quick to warn you IF you are thinking about buying a Silhouette (remember this month’s promotion?) that it might keep you pretty busy! ha! ;) As you know I use mine all. the. time. Check out what I made with my Silhouette just this week alone!

My mom called earlier this week, & she said that she had seen a printable at that had her favorite scripture on it. She wanted to know if I could make a vinyl sign with the same scripture. Of course! ;) It took a little work to design it & weed all the vinyl….but I kind of love it. I hope she does too! ;)

Helaman 512 vinyl sign at


10 Photography Tips & Tricks + Some Ideas for Displaying Photos in Your Home

Hello! It’s Thursday! Time for another post featuring YOUR awesome ideas! ;) Today I am so excited to be featuring 10 Photography Tips & Tricks plus some ideas for Displaying Photos in Your Home that were linked up to the last several {wow me} wednesday parties. Remember this week’s party is still going strong! So make sure you check out what’s been linked up this week, and if you are a blogger make sure you link up your latest projects & ideas! You can do that right {HERE}. I know we’d all love to see what you’re up to! ha! ;) Buuuuut first check out this picture perfect feature post. :)

10 Photography Tips & Tricks & some ideas for displaying photos in your home at #linkparty #features


{wow me} wednesday #160

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

I’m so glad YOU are here!

Earlier today I shared all the details of the brand new Silhouette promotion!
As usual, it is a good one! So make sure you go {HERE} for all the details. :)
{Annnnd yes, you read that right EVERYTHING is 30% off using the code GINGERSNAP.}

Silhouette Promotion June 24th until July 5th using code GINGERSNAP

50+ Summer Activities For Your Kids + a new Silhouette Promotion

This post is brought to you by Silhouette.

Hello! How are you? How is summer treating you so far? Wonderful, I hope! ;) Summer is lots of fun, but those hot summer afternoons can get a little tough. Especially when the kiddos get a little bored & think that they have nothing to do, right? ;) Well, I have something fun that will solve that problem around your house. Today I am excited to share over 50 Summer Activities for Your Kids. I printed all of these ideas out, cut them into strips & then put them inside this cute mason jar that I made using my Silhouette. Now when my kiddos are bored, I send them over to the jar to pick out a activity to do. Some are just for fun ~ I did put some service ideas, chores & organization projects in there, too. ha! ;)(Actually those are some of our favorites!) I also have a brand new Silhouette promotion to tell you all about. So keep reading! :)

50  Summer Activities for Your Kids at #SilhouettePortrait #SilhouetteCAMEO #Silhouette #summer #kidactivities


15 Things to Do with Your Family When The Lights Go Out {with Duracell} #PrepWithPower

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #PrepWithPower #CollectiveBias

Hello! Well, the official first day of summer was Saturday! Can you believe how fast this year is flying by? It’s a little crazy! ha! ;) Summer means lots of fun times but it also means we are at the peak of summer storms & severe weather. Summer is also a time when the power tends to go out unexpectedly. So it is a good time to collect a few supplies & activities to keep on hand to help your kiddos stay busy & to calm their fears when your family is in a storm or loses power. So today I am excited to share 15 things to do with your family when the lights go out with a little help from Duracell batteries. I’ll also be sharing what we pack in our 72 hour kit, and I’ll have a link to a Duracell coupon! Yay! So keep reading! ;)

15 Things to Do with Your Family when the Lights Go Out #PrepWithPower  #CollectiveBias #shop

some ideas for your emergency kit

Mickey & Minnie DIY Cupcake Toppers #monthofDisney

Hello! Happy Monday to you! :) This month I am so excited to be participating in the Month of Disney series hosted by R & R Workshop & including some of my favorite bloggers. :) If you scroll down to the bottom of this post you’ll see some of the Disney inspired recipes, projects & ideas that have been shared so far. :) I decided to share these super easy Mickey & Minnie DIY Cupcake Toppers. You probably have almost everything you need to make these on hand. They’d be perfect for your next Disney inspired party. So keep reading! ;)

Mickey & Minnie DIY Cupcake Toppers at #disney #monthofdisney #party #ideas


Peanut Butter Fudge {recipe}

Hello! It’s Friday! Yay! Do you have any big plans for the weekend? Tonight we are making our own “drive in” in the backyard, and we are going to watch the Lego Movie. Have you seen it? The kiddos are so excited! :) Annnnd I am so excited to be sharing a yummy recipe with all of YOU this morning ~ peanut butter fudge! :) We are huge peanut butter fans at our house, and this recipe is one of our favorites. My teenage son can’t get enough of these. ha! Yum! So keep reading to see how to make these! ;)



Fourteen Patriotic Recipes, Projects & Ideas

Hello! It’s my favorite day of the week! I get to feature some of YOUR awesomeness! ;) I so enjoy going through the links each week & deciding on a theme to go with for my weekly feature post. Usually one just pops out at me! ha! Annnnd this past week it was all of the fun & spectacular patriotic ideas that were linked up. :) So today I am excited to share Fourteen Patriotic Recipes, Projects & Ideas that were linked up to last week’s {wow me} wednesday party! Remember this week’s party is still going on. So feel free to swing by & see what’s been linked up so far. Annnnd if you are are blogger, I’d love to see what you’re up to! You can link up {HERE}. Buuuut first check out this red, white & blue feature post. Enjoy! :)

14 Patriotic Recipes, Projects & Ideas at #linkparty #features#4thofJuly


{wow me} wednesday #159

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

I’m so glad YOU are here!

Last week I featured 13 pretty projects.
So make sure you check those out {HERE}.
13 Pretty Projects at #diy #homeprojects #linkparty #features


Hallmark Poster Cards for Kids #KidsCards

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser. #KidsCards #CollectiveBias #shop

Hello! Let’s talk a little bit about cards today! ;) Don’t you just love getting cards in the mail? I know I do, & my kiddos love it even more. Nothing is better than finding a surprise in your mailbox addressed especially for YOU! It is so fun giving & receiving birthday cards, good luck cards, get well soon cards or even better, just because cards. :) My kiddos have a bunch of cousins, and one of them has a birthday coming up really quick! So recently we swung by Walmart to do a little card shopping. We found the coolest poster cards for kids from Hallmark. They look just like a regular card but unfold into a full size poster! So keep reading to see what lucky kiddo is going to getting this awesome Batman card in the mail! :)

Poster Cards for Kids at #KidsCards #CollectiveBias #shop

DIY Photo Gifts {tutorial}

Hello! One of my favorite things about blogging is connecting with other bloggers & crafters. That is why I was so happy to find the Silhouette Challenge facebook group a few months ago. I have enjoyed participating in their monthly Silhouette Challenges. Recently the group decided to do a fun craft swap with each other. We were each matched up with a fellow crafter, we got to “meet” each other & then we swapped gifts. Sounds fun, right? My fabulous partner was Kelly from Simply Kelly Designs. She made me the most adorable gift! You’ll see her gift & some of the other swappers’ gifts in just a bit. Buuuut first I want to show you what I made Kelly ~ these DIY Photo Gifts. So keep reading! :)

DIY Photo Gifts at 


HUGE Summer Camp Link Party {summer ideas}

Hello! You all know how much I love summer! I recently shared over 15 of our family’s favorite things to do each summer. :) So today I am thrilled to be co-hosting a HUGE Summer Camp Link Party as part of Design Dazzle’s Summer Camp series! I can’t wait to see YOUR ideas! I’ll be featuring some of them on my blog later on this month. So keep reading to meet my other co-host, to link up your summer ideas & check out some of the fun summer ideas, projects, recipes & activities. Enjoy! :)

15 Fun Things to do this Summer at #summer #summerfun #kidscrafts #kidactivities


13 Pretty Projects

Hello! It’s my favorite day of the week I get to feature just some of your fabulousness! ;) I was blown away at the last several {wow me} wednesday parties. You guys have been busy! While I have been lounging by the pool ~ you have been getting your DIY on! ha! :) You have inspired me to tackle a few new projects in my house, too! ;) Today I’m excited to share 13 pretty projects to inspire you as well! Remember if you are a blogger, I’d love to see your latest projects & ideas at this week’s party that is going on right {HERE}. If you’re not a blogger feel free to browse the links to find some amazing inspiration! :) Buuuut first check out this pretty feature post. Enjoy! :)

13 Pretty Projects at #diy #homeprojects #linkparty #features

Stop Sorting Laundry with Purex® No Sort™ + Chore Chart Printables #LaundrySimplified

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser. #LaundrySimplified #CollectiveBias

Hello! Today we are going to be talking about something we all have to deal with ~ some of us more than others ~ laundry. ;) With 5 kiddos in our house sometimes it feels like the laundry is never done! So I am always looking for ways to cut back on the laundry, save a little time & save money all at the same time. That’s why I was so excited to find the brand new Purex® No Sort™ laundry detergent at Walmart . The rules have changed! Yay! With Purex® No Sort™ you can stop sorting laundry! This laundry detergent has a special dye transfer inhibitor that will prevent color bleeding & helps prevent bleeding stains. Awesome! So keep reading to find out more & see what I’m doing with all my extra time now! ;) Plus I have some free chore chart printables for you!

Stop Sorting Laundry with Purex® No Sort™   Free Chore Chart Printables #LaundrySimplified #CollectiveBias #shop

Summer Fun Ideas Series at Nap-time Creations

Good morning! I’m just popping in really quick to let you know that
today I am over at Nap-Time Creations sharing a fun summer recipe!
I also have links to 8 fun summer ideas below. Enjoy! :)

Summer Fun part 2

Banana Pudding Pops by Ginger Snap Crafts on Nap-Time Creations
Tin Can Lanterns by About a Mom
Crabby Onesie by My Mom Made That


Footprint & Handprint Flag {kid craft} #ultimateredwhiteandblue

Hello! I am so excited to be participating in the Three Cheers for the Red, White & Blue #ultimateredwhiteandblue round up today (organized by the amazing Abbey from The Cards We Drew) with 110 of your favorite bloggers! Yes, 110 bloggers! Yay! So you’ll want to keep reading because I’ll have links to all of their posts. Annnnd I’m sharing an adorable Footprint & Handprint Flag for your kiddos to make! So if you needed an idea for the 4th of July we have got you covered! ha! ;) So keep reading! :)
Printhandprint & footprint flag #kidcraft #4thofJuly


{wow me} wednesday #158

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

I’m so glad YOU are here!

Last week I featured eight Father’s Day gift ideas.
If you still need a gift for Dad make sure you check them out!
Eight Father's Day Gift Ideas at #linkparty #features #fathersday

You’ll find me over on Design Dazzle today!

Just popping in really quick to let you know that this afternoon I am over on Design Dazzle sharing this yummy strawberry yogurt pops recipe. Yum! So be sure to pop over there & check it out by clicking {HERE}! ;)

Strawberry Yogurt Pops from


Easy Patriotic 2x4 Blocks {tutorial}

Hello! Happy Monday! :) I hope you all had a fabulous weekend. Today I am excited to be participating in another Silhouette Challenge. Yay! I really look forward to these each month. This month we are all sharing fun patriotic ideas using our Silhouettes. So make sure you scroll down to the links at the bottom of this post. For my project I am sharing these easy 2x4 Patriotic Blocks using my Silhouette Portrait & some images from the Silhouette online store. So keep reading to see how I made this & for lots of fun red, white & blue ideas! :)

Easy 2x4 Patriotic Blocks at #silhouettechallenge #silhouetteCAMEO #silhouetteportrait #tutorial


Cupcake Ring Liners with Party Flags #wermemorykeepers

This post is brought to you by We R Memory Keepers.

Hello! I hope you’ve had a great week! :) Yesterday we celebrated my oldest son’s birthday. I can’t believe how fast they grow up! This weekend we are going to be busy doing things around the house, & we’ll probably squeeze in a little swimming, too. ;) Today I am excited to bring you another fun party project using some amazing We R Memory Keepers products. Cupcakes are some of my favorite things to serve at parties. Annnnnd when you dress them up with cupcake ring liners & party flags they will be so cute! So keep reading to see how you can make these for your next party. It’s so easy! :)

Cupcake Ring Liners with Party Favors at #wermemorykeepers #papercraft #spon


Eight Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Hello! How are you doing? Today is my oldest son’s birthday. So we will be celebrating all day long! ;) I always love birthdays. Well, not so much mine anymore. haha! ;) It’s also one of my favorite days of the week because I get to feature some of YOU! Yay! Today I’m excited to feature 8 Father’s Day Gift Ideas that were linked up to this week & last week’s {wow me} wednesday parties. Father’s Day will be here before you know! If you are a blogger & haven’t linked up to this week’s party you can still do that {HERE}. Buuuut first enjoy this feature post dedicated to dear old dad! ;)

Eight Father's Day Gift Ideas at #linkparty #features #fathersday


Shopping for Car Insurance for Your Teen Driver #Compare2Win

I am a member of the Collective Bias Social Fabric® Community.  Collective Bias has provided me with compensation for my time and effort to evaluate this website.  Participation in this program is voluntary. As always, all opinions are 100% my own. #Compare2Win #CollectiveBias #ad

Hello! Today instead of talking about something crafty or my latest recipe I would love to spend a few minutes talking about something even more important ~ teens & driving. Seriously ~ this is the one of the hardest thing I’ve had to worry about since becoming a mom almost 17 years ago. It’s scary! I thought the baby years (with no sleep!) & the wild toddler years(climbing on everything!) were rough but nothing compares to seeing your “baby” behind the wheel of a car. I have enough to worry about right now without worrying about car insurance, too! So I’m also excited to share with you a site ~ ~ where you can get car insurance rates & car insurance comparison from several different companies, all for free & in one spot. That makes it so nice & convenient. :) So keep reading!

Shopping for Car Insurance for Your Teen Driver at #CollectiveBias #shop

{wow me} wednesday #157

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

I’m so glad YOU are here!

Last week I featured over 30 Fruity Recipes.
Make sure you check out all of the deliciousness {HERE}. :)

Over 30 Fruity Recipes at #linkparty #features #fruit #recipes

Amazing Summer Snack Ideas #SummerGoodies

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser. #SummerGoodies #CollectiveBias #shop

Hello! Summer time is finally here for my kiddos! Yay! The last day of school was yesterday. :) My kiddos play so hard during the summer. They are always busy doing something ~ swimming, jumping on the trampoline, running in the sprinklers, playing outside, going to the park & everything in between. All that activity builds up a HUGE appetite. So I love having a variety of nutritious summer snack ideas on hand. Summer goodies that are easy to prepare, good for them & most of all delicious. ;) If your kiddos are like mine & are always looking for a snack (ha!) then keep reading! I’m sharing some of our favorites. :)

Amazing Summer Snack Ideas at #SummerGoodies #CollectiveBias #shop 


DIY Cards for Father’s Day + over 45 more gift ideas

This post is brought to you by We R Memory Keepers.

Hello! Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend. We are working like crazy to finish up the last little bit on our sun room & new deck. Final inspection is tomorrow! Eek! It feels like we are on an episode of Extreme Home Makeover. Only I don’t have a team of designers coming in to decorate! Bummer! ;) It’s also the last day of school for my kiddos! Yay! So lots of fun things happening around our house. Well, Father’s Day is sneaking up on us quick! So today I’m excited to show you some fun & simple DIY Cards for Father’s Day made with my Evolution & a cute shirt & tie card die from We R Memory Keepers. Plus I have links to over 45 more Father's Day gift ideas. So keep reading. :)

DIY Cards for Father's Day at #gingersnapcrafts #papercrafts #wermemorykeepers #lifestylestudios