Ginger Snap Crafts: February 2013


15+ green crafts, recipes, fonts & ideas #featured

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet.

Today I’m featuring 15+ green ideas, recipes, crafts & fonts.
I’m posting this a little bit later than usual because this morning I shared
a St. Patrick’s Day craft {or 2} & a HUGE Silhouette Portrait Giveaway. Yay!
I promise you don’t want to miss out. So go enter!! :) I’m soooo excited!!!

Now for some ah-mazing features! :)

15  green ideas #StPatricksDay_thumb[1]

2 Easy St. Patrick’s Day Projects {tutorials} + a Silhouette Promotion & a Silhouette Portrait™ Giveaway {Yes….a giveaway!! Eek!!}

There is seriously so much going on in this one post! I hope you’ll hang with me because at the end we have one ah-mazing giveaway for a Silhouette Portrait™!!!  Eek!!! I am so excited for one of you!  I also have an awesome Silhouette promotion to tell you about and a quick tutorial for St. Patrick’s Day using shamrocks & Silhouette Studio® Designer Edition. OK, are you ready? Here we go! ;)

#Silhouette Promotion


{wow me} wednesday #92

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

A few weeks ago I told you I was busy getting ready for our Cub Scout Blue & Gold banquet. Well everything turned out great…except I forgot to bring all the mother’s ribbons that I had made! grrrr! Oh well! Next pack meeting I’ll bring them for sure. ;)

Anyways, I just wanted to show you the cute centerpieces the Cub Scouts made for the tables. Our theme this year was robots…so they made robot centerpieces, of course! (These would be great for a robot themed birthday party for older kids, too!)  It’s just a tin can, magnets, nuts & bolts. So cute!

make your own robot_thumb[2]

DIY Shutter Headboard {tutorial}

A few weeks ago I revealed my new mom cave, & today I wanted to show how I made our super easy DIY shutter headboard.

DIY shutter headboard from


Lifestyle Crafts Templates Sale & giveaway #LifestyleCrafts

Happy, happy Monday!

Well, let’s start this week out right! ha! I have an ah-mazing Lifestyle Crafts sale
to tell you about, and to kick it off we are going to have a giveaway! Yay!



cheesy potato soup {recipe}

Earlier this week I shared my famous lasagna recipe, and today I’d love to share one more of our family’s favorite dinner recipes ~ cheesy potato soup. Yum!

cheesy potato soup from #recipe

2013 & a $25 VISA gift card {giveaway}

This post brought to you by All opinions are 100% mine.

It's been a little while since I've been apartment shopping! I would of loved to of had something like to help in finding the perfect place to call home. (Did you know that also has a mobile app available for your iPhone, iPad or Android?  They do!)

The last time I remember apartment shopping was when we first got out of college, & my hubby got his first "real " job in Humble, Texas just north of Houston. So I thought it would be fun to use to go on "virtual" apartment hunting trip to see what apartments I could find near there! is very easy to navigate.  You just enter the town & state or zip code & click enter!  You can also narrow down your search by price, size, bedrooms, monthly payment or even amenities. is not just for apartments either!  You can search for single family homes, condos or just about any where you could call home. They also offer floor plans, reviews & virtual tours to help you in your  home selection process! made my "apartment hunting" pretty easy, and all from the comfort of my own home, too. ;) Well... it was hard but I did narrow my virtual apartment hunt to these top 3 choices. Here is what I liked best about each one! {Annnnd see how you could win a $25 VISA gift card!}

10+ DIY Home Decorating Projects #featured

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet!

This week I’m featuring 10+ ah-mazing DIY home decorating projects
that were linked up to last week’s {wow me} wednesday party.

10  DIY Home Decorating Projects


Spring Room Makeover + Disney’s OZ: The Great & Powerful Sweepstakes #WorldMarket #pmedia

Spring is almost here! Yay! I love spring! I also love shopping at World Market & checking out all their ah-mazing spring décor ideas! I love browsing their website. While I was looking around I picked out a few things that I’m LOVING for this springtime season from World Market’s Victorian Isles Collection.

{Keep reading to find out all the details about World Market’s Disney’s Oz: The Great & Powerful Sweepstakes & how YOU can enter!}

world market Victorian Isles collection #WorldMarket #pmedia


{wow me} wednesday #91

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

Well…remember last week when I said we were expecting some snow?

world's smallest snowman

Nancy @ Small Things with Love {guest blogger}

Today I’m so excited to have Nancy over on my blog!  Her projects are ah-mazing, & I’m so excited to have her share some of them with you! Take it away, Nancy! :)

Hi, I'm Nancy and I blog over at Small Things with Love.

I could not be more excited to be guest posting here today.  Ginger's blog was one of the first that I really got hooked on.  And then, after you are hooked reading a blog, pretty soon you have to start blogging yourself (isn't that how it goes?).

I have been blogging for just under a year, and in that year I have learned a lot--and created some fun projects along the way.  Here are a few of my favorites:

Felt Mug Cozy for those cold winter days.


my famous lasagna {recipe} #CookClassico

I can’t believe Valentine’s Day is already over! This year is flying by! Can’t time just stop for a little while so I can catch up? ha! ;)

Well, last week we had a special dinner date as a family on Valentine’s Day! It was so much fun! I even made my famous lasagna! :) #cookclassico

my famous lasagna #recipe #CookClassico


busy board clip boards {tutorials}

Well, a couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to be one of the contestants on this season of So You Think You’re Crafty! Well if you were following along you might of noticed that I got booted off pretty quick!  Anyhoo….that’s the way it goes sometimes, I guess! ha! ;) They are down to the last 4 or 5 contestants over there…so check it out.  It’s getting pretty exciting! :)

Well, I made these busy board clip boards for the {for the boys} round , and unfortunately they are the project that got me kicked off…but I thought I’d share them anyways! ha! ;)  They were super easy to make, & your kiddos {boy or girl} will love them!  I know mine do.

{Did you see my for the boys round up yesterday??}

Here’s how I made our busy board clip boards:

busy board from Ginger Snap Crafts


10+ ideas & tutorials {for the boys} #featured

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!
By the way, Happy Valentine’s Day!! I hope your day is going lovely! :)
Last week I featured 30+ Valentine’s ideas
so check that out if you need any last minute ideas!
This week’s party is still going on as well,
so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet!

This week I’m featuring 10+ ideas & tutorials….for the boys!

10  ideas & tutorials for the boys


{wow me} wednesday #90

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

Not too much going on here (besides it being party #90!!!).
Buuut they are calling for snow TONIGHT! Yay!

Let it Snow block with PSA Essentials_thumb[1]

Last minute Valentine ~ Crazy for You, Valentine {free printable}

I’ve got a super easy last minute Valentine (plus a free Valentine printable!) for any of you who might have waited until the last minute to get those Valentine’s together! Eek! ;)

crazy for you valentine free printable

You’ll need:

  • crazy straws
  • white card stock
  • twine or ribbon
  • hole punch
  • free printable

crazy for you straws

First, you’ll download this printable right HERE.

Then print it off onto some white card stock.
Cut into strips.  Then punch a hole in one end.

crazy straws for valentines

Use some twine or string to attach the paper slips to the crazy straws.
Annnnd that’s it! You’re all done! Now how easy is that? :)

crazy straw valentines

These are sure to be a hit at your Valentine’s party!
I know my kiddos go crazy for crazy straws! ha! ;)

crazy for you valentine free printable

For can find more cheesy Valentine ideas here.

Thank you so much stopping by my blog!
If this is your first time visiting I’d love to keep in touch.

Subscribe to {Ginger Snap Crafts} by Email


chocolate peppermint brownies {recipe} #rethinkwhatyoudrink

Our family tries to eat as healthy as we can. We eat lots of fruits, vegetables & whole grains. Recently we’ve also tried Silk Soy Milk. Silk Soy Milk is great milk alternative because it gives you as much calcium as milk, is very low in saturated fat and is 100% cholesterol-free. Silk Soy Milk is also 100% lactose & dairy free. So it’s great if you have those kinds of allergies. #rethinkwhatyoudrink

A few months ago I shared one of our favorite smoothie recipes made with Silk Fruit & Protein. Yummy!  Every time we go by the diary case my 3 year old wants me to buy some more!  He loves it. Recently I found out you can even cook with Silk Soy Milk!  I don’t know why I’ve never thought of that before, so I was eager to try it out.  Today I’d love to show you how I made this yummy chocolate peppermint brownies with Silk Soy Milk.

 chocolate peppermint brownies made with Silk Soy Milk


Don’t forget about these amazing deals & promotions!

I know I usually don’t post on the weekend unless it’s important! ;)
Well, this is important stuff! ;)
I wanted to remind you about 3 ah-mazing deals going on
right now from PSA Essentials, Silhouette & La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries. 
Some of these deals & promotions are ending very SOON! 
So make sure you check them out today! :)

good deals


Apple of My Eye {juice box} Valentine + 7 more cheesy Valentine ideas

I shared an easy Valentine idea a few weeks ago
over on C.R.A.F.T. in Jamie’s Share the Love Series.
Jamie rounded up a group of bloggers to
share clever, cheesy Valentine treats for everyone.
At the bottom of this post is a link to all of the
other cute Valentines that were shared in the series.
So if you need last minute Valentine ideas you’ve come to the right place! ;)


30+ Valentine Ideas, Tutorials & Recipes

Today I’m excited to share 30+ Valentine ideas, tutorials & recipes
that were linked up to this week & last week’s {wow me} wednesday parties.
From the looks of things you guys are ready for Valentine’s Day,
if you’re not then here are some ah-mazing ideas to get you started!

30 -Valentine-day-ideas-tutorials-recipes

St. Patrick’s Day Pennant Banner with Silhouette Double-Sided Adhesive {tutorial}

Today I’d love to show how I made this easy St. Patrick’s Day pennant banner using my Silhouette, Silhouette double-sided adhesive & Silhouette glitter.

St. Patrick's Day pennant banner via #silhouette


Mini Candy Cane Valentine Pops {with an XOXO tag tutorial} #valentine

mini candy cane Valentine pops

{wow me} wednesday #89

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

Well, look at what I’ve been working on…ugh! ;)


Mother’s Ribbon ~ Boy Scout Mother’s Pins {tutorial}

Cub Scout Mother's Necklace from


Craft Organization in a Small Space {label tutorial} #LifestyleCrafts

Craft Organization in a small place with #LifestyleCrafts

My Ten Favorite Silhouette Projects {+ February Silhouette Promotion} #Silhouette

I am so excited to let you know about Silhouette’s ah-mazing February Promotions! :)

  • When YOU use the promo code GINGERSNAP between February 1st and February 14th you can get 1 Silhouette Portrait™ and 1 double-sided adhesive starter kit for $179.99. {That is an awesome deal!!!}
  • If you already have a cutting tool and are just interested in the double-sided adhesive starter kit you can purchase the starter kit for $12.99.
  • To get these ah-mazing discounts you’ll need to click {here} or click the picture below:

#Silhouette February 2013 promotion

Next week I’ll be sharing a tutorial using the double-sided adhesive from Silhouette!
Can’t wait to show you!  Buuut until then here are my top ten favorite Silhouette projects.