Ginger Snap Crafts: May 2012


take a look at you {my favorites}

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet!

Thank you all so much for sharing each week!

 Here’s a FEW of favorites from last week’s {wow me} wednesday party!
{If you would like to pin any of these PLEASE click over to the original post first so proper credit is given.  Thanks!}


Tulle Wreath from A Night Owl

kool summer

“Kool” Summer Gift Idea from The Crafted Sparrow

free summer fun {Leap Frog Summer Camp}

Thank you to LeapFrog for sponsoring my post about Leapfrog Summer Camp. To sign up for LeapFrog Summer Camp, please click here. #CleverLFCamp #spon

Summer time is here!  Yay!  I love summer…the freedom, sleeping in & getting to spend LOTS of time together but at the same time I want it to be a productive summer, too.  Each summer we make a summer schedule.  We have park day, water day, library day & so on.  We also have “summer school” in the afternoon for the older kiddos.  I usually hunt online for ideas or buy expensive workbooks but this year LeapFrog is making it easy with their FREE Summer Camp! 
My 5 year & almost 3 year old will be participating!



GE {lighting} room makeover #GELighting

If you are looking for {wow me} wednesday click HERE.

ge lighting room makeover


{wow me} wednesday #53

Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

Here are the {most viewed links} from last week!
Congrats, ladies!  Thank YOU so much for sharing!

52 teacher gift idea

Teacher Gift Idea from A Little Knick Knack

52 chocolate chip cookie cupcakes

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes from Tempting Thyme

52 flower pot address numbers

House Number Planter from From the Life of His Wife

52 subway art

Family Subway Art from House Made Home

52 teacher gift plaque

Teacher Gift Idea from Burton Avenue

Nettie Made {giveaway}

Today I’d love to introduce you to Nettie from Nettie Made.

nettie made

So here she is to tell YOU a little bit about herself. 
Take it away, Nettie! Smile

I am inspired by natural colors. 
Simple things like the shades of red
in a sliced open strawberry can spark my imagination. 
I am also a big fan of art deco and mid century modern art. 
The recent cocktail craze is fantastic,
and inspired my "Eat Drink and be Merry" recipe cards -
a fun hostess gift for a cocktail party! 
I do find it hard to limit myself to one art form.
I want to try and do everything! 
But ceramics and beading
are a few of my favorite things.

Here are a few things that you’ll find in her etsy shop!
She carries a wide variety of handmade goodies!

nettie made 2  nettie made 3nettie 7  nettie made 5


Wedding Week @ Love Grows Wild

Good morning!
I’m taking a break from blogging today
to celebrate Memorial Day with my family.

Buuuuut I want to let you know about a new series starting TODAY!!!

Liz from Love Grows Wild is hosting a week-long wedding series
starting today to celebrate her and her husband’s
1 year wedding anniversary over on her blog.

 Image Map


{washi tape} checkerboard clipboards {tutorial}

I shared this a couple of weeks ago over at A Pumpkin & a Princess.
So just in case you missed it over there thought I’d share it here, too.
So here they are one more time ~ my {washi tape} checkerboard clipboards!

clipboards with washi tape

Washi Tape Challenge Winners!!!! {Pinspired & Rewired}

Time to announce the winners from our Washi Tape challenge!
Thanks for the wonderful response to this month’s challenge!
It was so fun to check out all of your 'pinspired' projects.
Great job to everyone! 
We had a hard time choosing three winners,
but we finally narrowed it down. Smile


take a look at you {my favorites}

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet!

Thank you all so much for sharing each week!

 Here’s a FEW of my favorites from last week’s {wow me} wednesday party!

51 blueberry coconut custard mini tarts_thumb[1]

Blueberry Coconut Custard Mini Tarts from Baking with Blondie


{wow me} wednesday #52

Before we start~ if you have a washi tape project
you’ll want to check out our Pinspired & Rewired link party {HERE}
{huge prizes from Groopdealz are up for grabs for the top 3 projects}.

Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

It’s been ONE year since my first link party…crazy!
I guess I should of planned some kind of celebration!
Buuuut it has been crazy busy around here.
My kiddos last day of school was this past Friday!
{We only had 1 snow day this past year, so they got out super early!  Yay!}


Also, thanks to Mother Nature, we have about a bazillion peaches on our peach tree!
{Usually we have a late frost & it kills our peach blossoms but not this year. Yay!}
So yesterday {our first day of summer vacation} we made lots of peach jam,
& later we had {peach & blueberry} cobbler with ice cream for dessert.  Yum!
So to celebrate the big one year mark….how about I share a quick recipe?

peach & blueberry cobbler

{blast from the past} pencil holder ~ teacher gift idea

Need an easy & cute {annnd cheap!} idea for a teacher gift?
Well, here is a blast from the past!
I shared this cute & easy pencil holder last year
when my blog was brand spanking new,
so I’m not sure many of you saw it.  Winking smile


The Pass It On Project


Have you heard of The Pass It On Project?
If not, you can read more about {HERE}.

Well, my good friend Erin from How to Nest for Less emailed me a couple of weeks ago & asked me if I wanted to participate…of course, I said YES!!!  So the short & sweet version of The Pass It On Project is that you receive TWO handmade gifts from a fellow blogger~  one to keep & one to pass along.  Then you make 4 gifts & then chose 2 different bloggers to give them to.  They keep one & pass along the other, choose 2 more bloggers to participate & so on!  So not only do you receive a gift you also get to give someone a gift which to me is even more fun!

When my box from Erin arrived in the mail I was so excited!
I LOVE getting packages in the mail!  Don’t you? 
Annnd it’s especially exciting when it comes in such a cute package!

pass it along 1


Washi Tape Link Party {Pinspired & Rewired}

Pinterest Green Wording
Welcome friends!
It's time to share all the wonderful
Washi ideas that you've been working on!
Washi Tape
Your project must be inspired by any Washi tape project
you’ve pinned or have seen on Pinterest.
Include a link to your pinspiration in your post!


take a look at you {my favorites}

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here} if you haven’t yet!
Thank you all so much for sharing each week!

 Here’s a few of my favorites from last week’s {wow me} wednesday party!
50 pallet planter

Pallet Window Planter from I Should Be Mopping the Floors

50 handstamped

Where to Buy Stamps from Girl in Air

pocket bookmarks {with Lifestyle Crafts}

pocket bookmark


{wow me} wednesday #51

Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

Here are some of the most viewed links from last week’s party!

50 m&m birthday cake

M & M birthday Party from My Darling Days

50 birthday bubbles  50 how to sprout seeds

Birthday Bubbles from Madtown Macs
Creative Idea to Sprout Seeds from It’s Overflowing

no-cook strawberry freezer jam {recipe}



Personalized Lunch Box with Painters Paint Markers {tutorial} #ExpressYourself

painters paint markers

Where do I buy my washi tape? + washi tape round-up {Pinspired & Rewired}

Our washi tape inspired Pinspired & Rewired link party is THIS Friday!!!

We have fantastic prizes from Groupdealz for the top 3 projects.
You can get all the details about the prizes, rules & party {HERE}.

The biggest question I’m getting is:

Where do you buy washi tape?


Happy Mother’s Day

Hope you all are having fantastic Mother’s Day!

Thank you so much stopping by my blog!
If this is your first time visiting I’d love to keep in touch.


{berry} special treat for Mom {Lifestyle Crafts}

Mother’s Day is this weekend!  Can you believe it?  Are you ready??
We have lots of fun family time planned,
& I can’t wait to spend the weekend with my family. 
Today I’d love to show you a last minute Mother’s Day gift idea.
{I used the berry container die from Lifestyle Crafts to make this…it was so easy!}

berry special treat

{washi tape} tin cans {tutorial}

Last Friday we announced this month’s theme
for our Pinspired & Rewired challenge ~ washi tape!
Today each host will be sharing their washi tape tutorials on their blogs.
{The Gunny Sack ~ Southern Lovely ~ Family Ever After}

I’ve been on a washi tape crafting spree!  I’ve used it everywhere! 
Today I’ll also be sharing some more washi tape projects over on
A Pumpkin & a Princess with my {checkerboard clipboards}
& at Brown Paper Packages sharing my {summer journals}. 
So please go check those out when you get the chance!

washi tape tin cans

For this month’s challenge I chose to make
these super cute & easy {washi tape} tin cans.

Pinterest Green Wording (1)


take a look at you {Mother’s Day edition}

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet!

Thank you all so much for sharing each week!

I thought it would be fun to share some things
this week that I would LOVE to get for Mother’s Day! 
I think it’s pretty safe to assume that I’d LOVE
something that helps me get organized, ANYTHING yummy,
crafty, pretty &/or involves flowers & gardening!

 49 !GREENHOUSE TABLE @ HOME_edited-11

Recycled Greenhouse Benches from The Buzy Bug

Macy’s Heart of Haiti {Mother’s Day gift idea}

This Mother's Day, I'm working with Clever Girls in support of Macy's Heart of Haiti to shine a light on the "trade, not aid" program, which provides sustainable income to Haitian artisans struggling to rebuild their lives and support their families after the 2010 earthquake.

heart of haiti