Ginger Snap Crafts: November 2013


Christmas Wonderful {link party}

Hello! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Now it’s time to break out all those Christmas decorations (if you haven’t already!) ha! I am sooooo ready for the Christmas season, and today I am over at The Inspiration Network sharing a yummy Peppermint Santa Cookies recipe. Yum! So make sure you pop over there & say hi if you have a chance! Also this month I was able to participate in Design Dazzle’s Christmas Wonderful Series. I have loved seeing all the wonderful ideas everyone has been sharing over there, and today it is YOUR turn! Yay! Keep reading to link up your fabulous Christmas projects & ideas! I can’t wait to see them! :)

Peppermint Santa Cookies at #cookies #recipe #Christmas


Silhouette Black Friday Promotion & an easy Christmas Subway Art {tutorial}

This post is brought to you by Silhouette.

Happy Thanksgiving! Today I am sooooooo excited to finally be sharing the ah-mazing Silhouette Black Friday Promotion!!!! Eek!!! It is truly ah-mazing! It is THE biggest promotion Silhouette has ever done, and I am sooooooo excited! Wait! I already said that twice! haha! Keep reading to get all the amazing details! :) Let me just say you might want to grab a friend, too! ;) UPDATE: Sarah A. won the Silhouette CAMEO giveaway….an email has been sent! Hope to hear from you soon! :)

Black Friday Silhouette Sale


{wow me} wednesday #131 & a More Than Paper Cutting Board Giveaway

This post is brought to you by More Than Paper.

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

As a big THANK YOU to all of YOU for being
such awesome readers of Ginger Snap Crafts,
I thought it would be fun to have a giveaway
for a beautiful cutting board from More Than Paper.

cutting board giveaway 

Kleenex Angel {sick day craft}

This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Kleenex but all opinions are my own. #pmedia #KleenexTarget #ad

It’s cold & flu season, annnnd if you have kiddos (like me!) you probably already knew that! haha! ;) With my 5 kiddos it seems like just about every other week or so someone has a cough or the sniffles. Usually when my kiddos are sick especially if they have a fever along with that runny nose I’ll try to quarantine them in my bedroom. I try to keep all the germs in one room. Sometimes it works, sometimes not so much, but I try. ;) Anyways, while they are in lock down I try to keep them entertained with some fun movies, yummy snacks & a craft or two to pass the time. Of course, they’ll have a big box of Kleenex, a favorite blanket & toy in there as well. Annnd sometimes we even use the Kleenex in our craft projects! Today I’m excited to show you how to make these easy Kleenex angels ~ a perfect sick day craft (or really anytime craft!). :)

Kleenex Angel from #KleenexTarget #ad


Pumpkin Pancakes {recipe}

This post was seen first over at A Girl & A Glue Gun.

Today I am so excited to be sharing this fun fall recipe ~ pumpkin pancakes! :) Which would be perfect for this week. Just sayin’! ha! I first saw this recipe in The Friend magazine last month, so I decided try it out on my family to see how they liked it! So keep reading to get the recipe, and I’ll let you know what we thought. ;)

Red & Green Chevron Stocking Giveaway from No Whining Pleez!

This post is brought to you by No Whining Pleez.

Good morning, & happy Monday! Thanksgiving is this week….and then Christmas will be here before you know it! One of our family’s favorite traditions is hanging our Christmas stockings from the mantel. I know many of your have this very same tradition so that’s why I am so excited about today’s giveaway of two adorable chevron Christmas stockings ~ one in green & one in red from the fabulous etsy shop, No Whining Pleez! Yay! Traci from No Whining Pleez! is one of my dearest friends, and she is so crazy talented! Keep reading to see more from No Whining Pleez!, and make sure you enter this fun giveaway!

No Whining Pleez giveaway


How to Sew a Bow from I Seam Stressed {contributor}

Hi there! I'm Tasha and I can usually be found over at I Seam Stressed, a blog showcasing my passion for sewing. I'm a mom of two, so most of the sewing I do is for my kids. Occasionally I'll get a wild hair and sew something for myself or my home, but sewing for children is what I find most rewarding.

Today I'm sharing a tutorial for a quick, basic sewing project that can be used in nearly any craft medium: BOWS! This might sound silly, but I've always been interested in the endless styles, fabrics, and scale of bows. No two bows are alike! After playing around with a few different dimensions, I think I've found my perfect bow. Instead of making you scroll through countless step-by-step photos, I've put together a short video tutorial. If you need more time with any step, just pause the video!

Easy Way to Make Gingerbread Houses {a fun kid craft tutorial}

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and its client. #HolidayMM #cbias #shop

It’s the holidays! Yay! I am always looking for fun crafts to do with my kiddos this time of year. One that we love to do every single year is to make gingerbread houses! I’m not going to lie sometimes decorating gingerbread houses can be a little tricky especially for the smaller kiddos. It’s hard to keep those walls from falling down! ha! ;) A few years ago we made gingerbread houses with some good friends of ours, and we learned from them the easy way to make gingerbread houses! Yay! So today I am excited to show you how to make gingerbread houses the easy way! This is such a fun craft to do as a family, & your kiddos will love it! So keep reading to see how we did it! ;)

Easy Way to Make Gingerbread Houses at #HolidayMM #shop #cbias #kidcraft #holiday


Over Ten Turkey Crafts & Treats

It’s my favorite day of the week I get to feature some of you! Yay! In celebration of Turkey Day that will be here in exactly ONE week I thought I’d share over 10+ Turkey Crafts & Treats that were linked up to last week’s {wow me} wednesday party. Remember this week’s party is still going on here. So head on over & link up your latest projects, recipes & ideas, & check out what everyone else has been up, too! :) Buuut first enjoy these turkey features! Gobble! Gobble! ;)

Over Ten Turkey Crafts & Treats #gingersnapcrafts #features #turkey #thanksgiving

Glitter Snow Globe {tutorial}

This post is brought to you by Mod Podge & the Blueprint Social. All opinions are my own. #ModPodgeHoliday #ad

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Eek! ;) We even have some snow in the forecast for early next week! Yay! Buuuut until we see some real white stuff we thought it would be fun to make a Glitter Snow Globe. These are the perfect craft for the kiddos, and the new Sparkle Mod Podge was perfect for that sparkly, snow effect. Keep reading to see how easy it was to make these. :)

Glitter Snow Globe with Mod Podge #ad #Christmas #diy #kidcraft at


10 of My Favorite Silhouette Christmas Projects & Silhouette Cameo® Giveaway

This post is brought to you by Silhouette.

If you are looking for {wow me} wednesday go HERE, but you might want to stick around here first & enter to win a Silhouette Cameo®! ;)  Yay! Next Thursday (yes, Thanksgiving!) all the details of the Silhouette Black Friday promotion will be announced right here on the blog along with the winner this Silhouette Cameo® giveaway! Yay! I’m not allowed to give away any Black Friday promotion details (my lips are sealed!) other than to say that this is the biggest, hugest Silhouette promotion that I’ve ever seen! I literally did the happy dance when I read the email with all the details. It is going to be awesome!! So if you have been wanting to make that big Silhouette purchase this would be the time to do it. So mark your calendars for next Thursday at midnight MST when I will spilling the beans! haha! ;) For fun I thought I would share 10 of my favorite Silhouette Christmas projects. Enjoy (& then enter the giveaway!). ;)

10 of my favorite Silhouette Projects from


{wow me} wednesday #130

This post is brought to you by Bobbie Lou’s Fabric Factory.

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!


So glad YOU are here!

I wanted to quickly introduce to one of my newest sponsors, Bobbie Lou’s Fabric Factory! :)
Just check out just some of the adorable fabric that is listed in their etsy shop! Love it!


So if you are in the need for some cute fabric make sure you check them out!
You can also follow them on instagram @bobbieloufabric for new fabric updates & sales!

Tonight I’m also excited to tell you that I’m looking
for 12 new contributors for Ginger Snap Crafts.


White Diamonds Perfume Gift Box ~ Christmas Gift Idea {tutorial}

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and its client. #ScentSavings #shop #CBias

I introduced you to my youngest sister, Megan a few months ago when I convinced her to attend SNAP blogging conference with me last spring! She’s cute, crazy, young & so much fun to be around! Totally opposite of me….I’m kind of old & boring! ha! She does makes me feel like a 20 something year old again though. Especially when we are making middle of the night runs to Denny’s, going into the big city for a night out or running down 3 flights of stairs getting to our seats for a concert. haha! ;) Sometimes it can be a little tricky trying to pick out the best gift for her since we do like such different things, but recently I found the perfect holiday gift for her! Yay! Keep reading to see how I put together this White Diamonds Perfume Gift Box for my sister (& see where I bought it for a great price). :)

Christmas Gift Ideas at #shop #ScentSavings #cbias

#ad Southern Chess Pie {recipe} & a giveaway

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of PAM Cooking Spray. #PAMSmartTips

Thanksgiving is next week! Eek! :) I love when my family gets together but nothing stresses me out more than cooking for such a large group. It’s a little scary! haha! Will everyone like what I cook or will it be a big flop? So one of my biggest holiday cooking tips is to make a recipe you know for sure will turn out! Do you remember my famous lasagna recipe story? ;)

Well, today I am excited to share one of my family’s favorite recipes that I know will turn out perfectly yummy every single time. My mom would make Southern Chess Pie (or Jeff Davis Pie) for us all the time growing up. So keep reading to get this yummy recipe, hear one more holiday tip AND I have a fun giveaway for you, too! Yay!

Southern Chess Pie ~ recipe from #gingersnapcrafts #recipe #ad


Grateful Praise Door Hanging from Mabey She Made It {contributor}

Good morning! I'm Lisa Mabey from Mabey She Made It where I blog about DIY crafts and sewing. I'm thrilled to be here sharing my Grateful Praise Door Hanging today.

Grateful Praise Door Hanging from Maybey She Made It #Thanksgiving #Gratitude


Over 20 Thanksgiving Ideas for You & Your Family

Thanksgiving is TWO weeks from today! So crazy! :) The holidays are getting so close! Today I’d love to share 20+ Thanksgving ideas for you & your family that were linked up to last week’s {wow me} wednesday party. These will definitely get you in the mood for some fall crafting! :)

Remember if you are a blogger you can link up your latest ideas, recipes & projects to {wow me} wednesday. It’s going on right now! :) It is also a great place to find lots of fun ideas, recipes & tutorials like the ones below. Enjoy! :)

Over 20 Thanksgiving Ideas for you & your family at #Thansgiving #DIY #craft


Busy day…..

Whew! What a day I’ve had! ha! ;) Sorry I’m just now popping in to let you know that had the honor to guest post over at Design Dazzle and Mom on Time Out today! :)

On Design Dazzle I am sharing these cute Reindeer S’more Treat Boxes as part of Design Dazzle’s 100 Ideas of Christmas Wonderful Event. Make sure you check out all the ah-mazing holiday ideas that have been shared over there so far! So fun! :)

S'more Reindeer Treat Box from #Christmas

Coconut Candy Bar Brownies & Triple Chocolate Delight {easy dessert recipes}

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and its client. #KraftEssentials #CBias #Shop

The holidays are upon us! Wahoo! Can you believe it? I love, love, love the holidays. I love spending time together with our families. My husband & I both come from large families, so usually when either of our families get together for the holidays we all pitch in & bring a dish or two for the meal. Of course, the most important part of the meal is the dessert, right? ;) Today I’d love to share two of our family’s favorite holiday desserts. First I’ll be sharing this yummy Coconut Candy Bar Brownies recipe, and then I’ll share a delicious recipe from my husband’s sister ~Triple Chocolate Delight. Yum!

Coconut Candy Bar Brownies at #KraftEssentials #shop #cbias


{wow me} wednesday #129

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

Last week I featured 8 awesome DIY projects for your home. :)
Make sure you check them out if you missed them.

8 DIY Projects for your Home at #linkparty #features #gingersnapcrafts


Silhouette Advent Calendar Promotion ~ Huge 40% Off Discount

This post is brought to you by Silhouette.

Remember last week when I shared my Thankful Thanksgiving Countdown tutorial using a Silhouette Advent Calendar? If not, go check it out. ;) Well, this week you can use the code GINGERSNAP to receive 40% off when you purchase your own advent calendar. Yay! :)

I love this calendar! The possibilities are endless with this one. You can use it to make an advent calendar for Christmas, display instagram snapshots, to hang Christmas cards on & more. Even if you don’t own a Silhouette YET you can still find many fun uses for this calendar in your home. Keep reading to find out more about what’s included in your advent calendar purchase, & you can see where to find some more fun advent calendar project ideas! :)

Silhouette Advent Calendar Promotion ~ 40 off using code GINGERSNAP 11192013 #spon

Painted Nativity {tutorial}

This post is brought to you by DecoArt.

Before we get started I just wanted to say Happy Veteran's Day to all the veterans out there ~ especially my dad & grandpas! I really appreciate the example & sacrifices they & all veterans have made for our country.

Ok….now are you ready for this? ha! It’s my very first Christmas tutorial of the year ~ a super cute painted nativity! Yay! I love, love Christmas. One of my favorite decorations to bring out are my nativity sets. Yes, I have a few. ;) I love having ones that my kiddos can play with! Last Christmas one of my best friends, Robyn from Create it. Go! sent me an unfinished nativity set. I didn’t have time to get it done last year so I was super excited to get to work on it this year in plenty of time for Christmas with the help of some fabulous Americana Acrylic Paints. ;) I love acrylic paints. They dry super fast, and they are perfect for a project like this one. I’m also going to share two of my favorite crafty tips ~ how to make a easy hand sander & how to easily add that distressed look to wood without using wood stain. So keep reading to see all the details. :)

Painted Nativity with DecoArt #Christmas #gingersnapcrafts #ad


Butternut Squash Lasagna from Holly’s Helpings {contributor}

Hello, Ginger Snap Craft followers! I’m Holly from Holly’s Helpings. I love making easy recipes for any taste or diet. I’m so excited to share with you a butternut squash lasagna recipe that will make even the pickiest eaters happy.

Butternut Squash Lasagna from Holly's Helpings


8 DIY Projects for Your Home

It’s November! To most people it means Thanksgiving but for me it just means that my hubby will be gone for a week long hunting trip sometime during the month! ha! ;) The only thing that I like about him being gone is that it does give me plenty of time to do a simple DIY project around the house! Yay! Last year I repainted the living room, and this year I’m thinking about totally redoing our pantry! I was so inspired by A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That’s pantry makeover that she shared last week. Did you see it? Ah-mazing!

So today I thought I’d share 8 DIY projects for your home that were linked up to last week’s {wow me} wednesday party! All of these seem pretty do-able if your find yourself with some extra time this month like me! ha! Remember this week’s party is still going on to feel free to browse or link up your latest creations or ideas {HERE}! Buuuut first enjoy these lovely DIY projects!

8 DIY Projects for your Home at #linkparty #features #gingersnapcrafts


{wow me} wednesday #128 & a Shabby Apple Giveaway

This post is brought to you by Shabby Apple.

Welcome to {wow me) wednesday.

So glad YOU are here!

Tonight I have a fun giveaway from Shabby Apple!
Shabby Apple is know for their gorgeous dresses & vintage clothing!

Shabby Apple Giveaway at #spon

Thankful Thanksgiving Countdown with Silhouette {Advent Calendar tutorial}

This post is brought to you by Silhouette.

Thanksgiving is almost here! Eek! Wasn’t it just summer time? ha! I really do love the holidays though, and I’m so excited for Thanksgiving & then Christmas to come along! My kiddos always love counting down to the holidays. Today I’d love to show you how I made this easy Thankful Thanksgiving Countdown using a Silhouette Advent Calendar frame. Keep reading to see how I did it. :)

Thanksgiving Countdown with Silhouette #advent #countdown #thanksgiving #ad


#ad Chicken Nugget Dipping Sauce Party ~ A Fun Kids Meal #LoveUrNuggets

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and their client. #LuvUrNuggets

We are huge Tyson Chicken Nugget fans at our house! Some of my kiddos even refuse to eat anything but Tyson. My kiddos love them because they are a yummy, fun food. I love Tyson Chicken Nuggets because they make an easy dinner or easy lunch. I just serve them with a veggie & a salad, and then we are good to go. I love making them on those busy school nights when we have other activities to get to. So we were super excited on a recent trip to Walmart when we spotted TWO new Tyson Chicken Nugget varieties ~ Cheesy Chicken Nuggets & Spicy Chicken Nuggets! So we decided to celebrate these new flavors by having a fun Chicken Nugget Dipping Sauce Party. So keep reading to see what we did! :)

Chicken Nugget Dipping Sauce Party #LoveUrNuggets #ad


Champions for Kids #SimpleGiving Service Project #Champions4Kids

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and its client. #Champions4Kids

Our family loves participating in the Champions for Kids #SimpleGiving service projects each month. They are awesome, and Champions for Kids make it so easy to give back to kids in your community. I know we are all so busy ~ so that helps out a lot! :) Right now at many local Walmarts you can find displays with personal care items like Kleenex tissues, hand wipes, Dial soap, shampoo & deodorant that you can pick up & then drop in donation boxes near the checkout. Keep reading to see how easy it was for our family (& YOU) to give back to children in our community. :)

Champions for Kids #SimpleGiving Monthly Service Project #shop #cbias


Amazing Pantry Makeover from A Little of This, A Little of That {contributor}

Hi!  I'm Sarah from A Little of This, A Little of That.  As the name of my blog suggests, there is a little of everything going on over there.  I love to decorate, DIY, sew, craft and cook!  I'm a momma to three beautiful children.  I blog about my latest projects, so I hope you'll stop by some time and get your creative juices flowing.  I've known Ginger for a long time, and am so honored to be a contributor on her blog today! We recently moved into a new house, and I have had so much fun decorating, painting, and all that a new house involves.
One thing has been lurking-and driving me nuts. 

Our scary pantry.
This is the scary before picture. 
Brace yourself!

I could never find anything.  Ever!

Here are a few {easy} things I did to spruce it up!

I’m over at A Girl and a Glue Gun today!

Happy November! Seriously can’t believe I just typed that! This year is flying by! Today I am over a A Girl & a Glue Gun sharing a yummy pumpkin pancakes recipe perfect for this time of year!  I hope you’ll pop over & say hi! :) Then check back later today for an ah-mazing before & after post for my awesome contributor, Sarah from A Little of This, A Little of That! :)

To celebrate November check out 5 of my most favorite Thanksgiving projects. :)