Ginger Snap Crafts: April 2012


adorable chore chart {tutorial}

Every two months I get to guest post
over on Lil’ Luna as a craft contributor!
Kristyn is such a talented lady,
& it’s been so fun getting to know her.

I shared this project a couple of weeks ago over there,
so just in case you missed it here it is again.


Patio Makeover {on a budget} #KmartOutdoor

patio makeover 1
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personalized DIY notepad {teacher gift} tutorial

personalized diy notepad teacher gift
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If you read my post on Monday I know I’ve keep you in suspense
on how to made your own personalized {teacher} notepads! 
Well, no more waiting. I’m telling ya today!  Yay!
{The PR is our school’s initials, & red, white & black our our school colors!}


take a look at you {my favorites}

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet!

Thank you all so much for sharing each week!

 Here’s a FEW of favorites from last week’s {wow me} wednesday party!
It’s sooooo hard to narrow it down to just 10…the link ups were amazing last week!

 37 a charming pillow

A Charming Pillow from Alderberry Hill

37 blue dress

Tiffany Blue Dress from Welcome to the Good Life

Campus Book Rentals & Operation Smile

OK…for those of you that read my blog regularly
I bet you can’t guess what my major was in college???

Any guesses???

OK…I’ll give you TWO hints!
You might of seen me carrying around a book like this or this.

campus book rentals campusbookrentals2
picture source

So did you guess? Those are pretty obvious clues!  I graduated from SFASU {Go Jacks!} with a double major in Criminal Justice & Political Science.  Are you shocked?  Most people are!  What’s a nice, sweet, quiet gal like me doing studying about bad guys & politicians??!!  Buuuut I love it!  Court cases & politics…it just doesn’t get any better!  My hubby thinks it’s just because I like to get in other people’s business! ha!  I don’t use my degree too much right now but boy do we do have fun on election night!  I always let my kiddos stay up late & watch the results come in…we always have a big party!

Here’s a picture from Election Day 2008!  Smile


{wow me} wednesday #48

Welcome to
{wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

Before we get started I wanted to let you know that our
Pinspired & Rewired link party for this month has begun!
Yay!  You can link up over at The Gunny Sack.
This month’s theme is stencils.
You can link up any type of stenciling project
you have been inspired to make using
handmade stencils,
bought stencils, stencils cut with vinyl
or contact paper~ any kind of stenciling technique!
There will be 3 winners chosen on Friday
with prizes sponsored by Cutting Edge Stencils!!!
So if you have a great stenciling project link it up HERE.

Here are a few of the most viewed links from last week!


Washi Tape Journal from How to Nest for Less

Heaven is Here {read this!}

How many of YOU read NieNie?
I’ve been reading Stephanie Nielson’s blog,
The NieNie Dialogues for several years now.
Her story is amazing…just click the button,
& it will take you to her amazing blog.

To tell you the truth I haven’t read a book
from cover to cover since I started blogging!
Buuut as soon as I heard that Stephanie had
written a book about her experience I knew I had to read it.

heaven is here
{picture source}


Pinspired & Rewired {It’s time to link up your stencil projects!}

It’s that time again!
Time to link up your Pinterest inspired {stencil} projects!

Pinterest Green Wording

This month we are doing it a little bit different.
Tonia from The Gunny Sack is hosting this month’s link party.
So you’ll have to head over to her great blog to link up your stencil projects.

teacher gift {with Lifestyle Crafts}

Today I’m sharing my first project as a Lifestyle Crafts affiliate!
So excited! Can’t wait to tell you about my first time using my Epic Six.
{I’m not going to lie…I was super nervous to use it!}
It set in the box for a couple of weeks before I got it out to take a peek.
Before this project I had NEVER used a letterpress, embossed
or used cutting dies before! Yikes! I know, I know where have I been?
So I’m happy to say for this project I was able to use all 3 techniques!

teacher gift card and notepad
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washi tape business cards + a PSA Essentials stamp review {tutorial}

A few weeks ago I was contacted by
Little Miss Monogram
to see if I would like to review one of their
PSA Essentials personalized stamps
that they carry in their online shop.
So, of course I said yes!

DIY business cards
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take a look at you {my favorites}

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet!

Thank you all so much for sharing each week!

 Here’s a FEW of my favorites
from last week’s {wow me} wednesday party!

46 ABC bean bags

Alphabet Rainbow Beanbags from Inspired by Family Magazine

strawberry & banana smoothie {recipe} #SilkFruit

silk smoothie recipe

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{wow me} wednesday #47

Welcome to
{wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

Before we get started just wanted to let you know
that Lifestyle Crafts is offering FREE SHIPPING for any order
over $25 from now until the end of April.  Yay!

Free shipping

{Don’t forget to use the code GINGER for 20% off your order.}
I’ll be sharing my first Lifestyle Crafts project on Monday! Smile

easy spring dress {tutorial}

Do you remember just over 2 weeks ago {in this post}
I said you’d never see me make a dress?

cute and easy spring dress tutorial

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Well, I was so wrong!!!!
Are sitting down?? I made this dress!!!
I am seriously so excited about this! Winking smile


I’m at Lil’ Luna today!

Today I’m over at Lil’ Luna
sharing this cute chore chart tutorial.
{You can check it out HERE.}

chore chart

A Great Day to be a Dog {+personalized dog bowl tutorial} #iLoveMyK9

I introduced you to our dog, Baxter, a couple of weeks ago.
He is such a good dog!  He is perfect for our family!
So we decided that we needed to pamper our favorite pooch!
There are 3 things you should know about Baxter.
He LOVES to eat, LOVES to play & LOVES be loved on! 
So pampering him is easy!


Baxter’s favorite treat is Milk Bones.  He LOVES them.
So I headed to Walmart to pick up some more Milk Bone treats
& other fun things to pamper our most favorite pooch!

IMG_20120411_053843 IMG_20120411_053828 IMG_20120411_053916

When I got to Walmart I saw some new treats for Baxter to try out.
I got some Milk Bone Trail Mix, Pup-Peroni Mix Stix and Milo’s Kitchen Homestyle Treats.
{You can check out my entire doggy shopping trip over on google+.} Winking smile

great deal on patterned paper {Lifestyle Crafts}

This week Lifestyle Crafts will be offering
their 24 pack of patterned paper for only $10!
That's 50% off the normal price. Yay!!!

Paper web banner

Annnnd if you use the code GINGER you’ll get an additional 20% off!!!


That makes it 70% off!!! WOW!!!

What are you waiting for?  Get to shopping! Winking smile


The Twinery giveaway winner!!!! {plus my one year giveaway recap….there’s still time to enter some}

Wow!  You all really LOVE The Twinery!
There were over 300+ entries!!!!  Wow-zers!

twinery twine 

cutey bracelet {review & giveaway} 3 winners!!!

This week I received a package
in the mail all the way from England! Yay!
Inside the package were these 3 cute bracelets. 

cutey bracelets 2

pizza flag {recipe} #veggieworld #spon

This post is sponsored by Country Crock.
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of
Clever Girls Collective,
and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

pizza flag

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spring cleaning & organizing in the kid’s bathroom #EasterSmiles

Aren’t you just loving this spring weather?
If you are like me, spring puts you in the mood to work!
I love getting outside, working in the yard
& also working inside the house
doing a little spring cleaning & organizing!

On the schedule this week:
the kid’s bathroom

bath toothbrushes


take a look at you {my favorites}

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU! Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet!

Thank you all so much for sharing each week!

Here’s a FEW of favorites
from last week’s {wow me} wednesday party!

feature Butterfly Favors

Butterfly Favors from A Pumpkin & A Princess

handmade scrapbook from Lil’ Cup of Jo {giveaway}

Good morning!  Today I’d love to introduce you to Kristy from Lil' Cup of Jo.
I recently “met” Kristy, & she is adorable & so talented.
Just take a look at one of her handmade scrapbooks!  So cute!



{wow me} wednesday #46

Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

Thank you all so much for helping me
celebrate my blog birthday last week!
I did read all of your comments
& LOVED each and every one of them.
Thank you all so much for your support, kind words
& encouragement throughout this past year.
Can’t wait to see what this next year brings! 

One more time a HUGE shout out
to my 20 wonderful co-host!
Thank you all so much!!!!

Natalie from
Johnny in a Dress
Randi from
Dukes & Duchesses

Kim from
Cups By Kim
Carrie from
My Favorite Finds
Shannah from Just Us Four
Keri from Shaken Together
Jenilyn from
Grits & Giggles
Karah from The Space Between
Kimberly from The Night Owl Blog
Krissy from The Taylor House
Laura Beth from A Step in the Journey
Sara from Applestone Drive
Crystal from A Pumpkin & a Princess
Holly & Nat from
My Sister's Suitcase
Jessica from Mom 4 Real

Next year we will definitely be doing this again!

We had over 600+ link ups last week!

DIY stenciled curtains {tutorial}

stenciled curtains tutorial

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ad space bundle {giveaway}

Now this giveaway is HUGE!!!
{I’m so excited for one of YOU!!} 
Today I’ve got a fabulous group of blogging ladies together
who all have offered to give one very lucky Ginger Snap Crafts follower
30 days of FREE advertising on each of their blog’s sidebars!


{You’ll get 30 days free sidebar advertising on my blog, too!}
Combined that’s over 7000+ GFC followers
plus the many others readers that follow & visit our blogs in other ways.
Click on the picture to visit these blogs…make sure you come back & enter though! Winking smile

ad space Gunny_Sack_banner4


ad space raising memories

ad space southern lovely
