Ginger Snap Crafts: personalized DIY notepad {teacher gift} tutorial

personalized DIY notepad {teacher gift} tutorial

personalized diy notepad teacher gift
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If you read my post on Monday I know I’ve keep you in suspense
on how to made your own personalized {teacher} notepads! 
Well, no more waiting. I’m telling ya today!  Yay!
{The PR is our school’s initials, & red, white & black our our school colors!}

I got the idea to make these from Kitty at A Law Students Journey.
You can see her personalized notepad tutorial {HERE}. 

diy notepad

You’ll need:

I just used some typing paper cut into 4 pieces.
I put From the desk of Mrs. Hager (my son’s teacher) across the top.
I used one piece of cardstock for the backing.
paint brush
padding compound

I bought the padding compound from BG Buttons on Etsy {HERE}.

diy notepad paint


Clip your paper together,
& then use the paint brush to lightly “paint”
the padding compound on the top edge of your notepad.

diy notepad let dry

After I was finished “painting” on
the padding compound
I added a few more
clips along the top to hold it good & tight. 
Then I let it dry for several hours.

diy notepad washi tape

After the padding compound was dry & to make it a little cuter Winking smile
I added a strip of washi tape across the top.  {I only put it on the first sheet.}

diy notepad tear pages

Isn’t that the coolest!? I want to make some more! Winking smile

teacher gift diy notepad

I made a set of 3 & tied them together with some twine.  Love it! Smile

Since the padding compound was so CHEAP I order TWO kits.
So far I’ve made 4 notepads with the kit I have, & I still have plenty left. 
So whoever leaves the first comment
letting me know you want it the extra kit is yours!
Make sure I have a way to contact YOU!