Ginger Snap Crafts: {homemade} play dough

{homemade} play dough

homemade play dough recipe

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I have the worst luck making play dough!  Ugh!
It always ends up super sticky & gooey! A mess!

My son, Rylan’s class made some play dough a few weeks ago at school.
I was so impressed!  It look really good…well…like play dough!

So when his teacher sent home the recipe we had to try it out!
It turned out pretty good…I kind of impressed myself. Winking smile

Note: This recipe makes a bunch…probably 4 good sized balls of play dough.
So you might want to cut it in half if you don’t need that much.

No-Cook Play Dough

4 cups flour
1 cup salt
4 tbsp oil
1 and 1/2 cups water
food coloring


First, mix the oil, water and food coloring together.
Next, add the flour and salt.
Then mix until pliable.
(We used our hands to do that part.)

Then play!


Store your play dough in a container or plastic bag to keep it fresh!

Hope you are having a great Monday!
We are enjoying spring break this week!  Yay!
(Annnd yes, we’ll probably be making more play dough!) Winking smile

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