Ginger Snap Crafts: {think outside the blog}

{think outside the blog}

If you follow Mommy By Day, Crafter By Night
you’ve seen some great post recently about thinking outside of the blog
or in other words the real lives behind of some your favorite bloggers! 
If you haven’t read any of them yet pop over
Mommy By Day, Crafter By Night & check it out!


I was grateful for the chance to take part in the series.
So if you missed it over there, here’s my
 think outside of the blog post.

I am so grateful for this opportunity to "think outside the blog"!
Most of you know me from this blog, but actually I have another blog.
Yep, it's true annnnd if I had to chose which blog
to keep up the craft blog would lose BIGTIME.
The blog I'm talking about is our family blog.
Annnnd yes, it wins hands down as my favorite blog.
When I started my craft blog almost a year ago
I was determined not to let it affect our family blog.
I love keeping a journal of my little family! 
They are what inspire me! 
They inspire me everyday to do better & be better.
Here are a few pictures from our family blog! 
Enjoy a peek into our wild & crazy life! :)

My husband, Clay & I were college sweethearts. 
Boy, I thought I loved him the day we got married...
but I seriously love him a million times more today! 
He inspires me, supports me & loves me!
What else could a girl ask for??!!  I feel so blessed to have him in my life.
Together we have built of life full of laughs, crazy fun,
working hard & just having a great time being together.
We have 5 wonderful kiddos...each day they inspire me
to be a better mom...a better person!
I love being their mom! 
I love watching them grow into their own person.

Who inspires YOU?
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