Ginger Snap Crafts: August 2014


Easy Paper Flowers with We R Memory Keepers

This post is brought to you by We R Memory Keepers. #wermemorykeepers

Hello! Are you ready for the weekend? I am! ha! ;) Getting back in the routine of getting up early for school is rough! I think we will be sleeping in a little this weekend. :) We also have a few projects to get done around the house including cleaning the garage. Sounds fun, right? ;) Well, before I take off for the weekend I wanted to share one more quick tutorial using some fabulous products from We R Memory Keepers. These easy paper flowers are just that so easy! So keep reading to see how I made them & how you can make some, too. :)

Easy Paper Flowers Tutorial at #wermemorykeepers #ad 


11 DIY Fashion Ideas

Hello! It’s Thursday! That means it’s time to feature some of your amazing ideas & projects. I really appreciate everyone who swings by & links up to {wow me} wednesday each week. It is definitely one of my most favorite things about blogging. I love meeting you, getting to know you a little better & I LOVE checking out what you’ve been up to each week. Today I am excited to be featuring 11 DIY Fashion Ideas that were linked up to the last several {wow me} wednesday parties. These features are awesome! Don’t forget that this week’s party is still going on. So feel free to stop by & check it out right {HERE}. If you are a blogger be sure to link up your latest ideas & projects. I’d love to see them. :) Buuuuut first check out this very stylish feature post. Enjoy! :)

11 DIY Fashion Ideas at #linkparty #features #DIY #fashion


Back to School Shopping for Me with tmobile free 200mb Tablet

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #TabletTrio #CollectiveBias

Hello! Well, the kiddos headed back to school last week, so I decided to do a little back to school shopping for myself. ha! I don’t have a smart phone (shocking, I know!), and I was looking for something that could keep me connected online but not cost tons of money each month. I don’t need any more monthly bills! ha! ;) So I was super excited to find this tmobile free 200mb tablet at Walmart. This little tablet is amazing plus you get free data for life! Can you believe that? So keep reading to see how this tablet is helping me stay connected, get organized & stay on top of all those back to school activities. :)

Back to School Shopping for Mom #backtoschool #TabletTrio #collectivebias #shop

Huge Birthday Giveaway ~ over $950 in prizes

Hello! It's a special day today! We're celebrating blogger birthdays this week with The Cards We Drew, and we've rounded up a great group of bloggers and sponsors to throw the ultimate birthday bash, and we are going to party like it's YOUR birthday! Wahoo! :) We are giving away over $950 worth of prizes for three lucky winner (U.S. residents only). You are going to want to check out all of the great prizes and bloggers involved ~ so keep reading! :)

abbey logo


{wow me} wednesday #169

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)


Last week I featured 7 amazing makeovers. :)
Make sure you check out all the fabulousness right {HERE}.

family vacation tips


How to Decorate with Clean Lines & Simple Patterns

Hello! Happy Monday! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! It was a hot one over here. ha! ;) If you have followed me on instagram over the past year or so you have seen some of the progress (sometimes slooooooow progress!) we made as we added an addition onto the back of our home. What a project that was! Whew! We did all of the work ourselves, and we learned a ton! I'm not sure we will ever attempt that again though! ha! ;) We did pass our final inspection in June, and now that the kiddos are back in school it's time for me to decorate! Yay! At first I was struggling a little bit on deciding how to decorate. I had bought these pillows a few months back. At first I was trying to decorate around them, but it just wasn't working out. :( I guess flowers & gray & yellow aren't my thing! ha! So I decided to go back to the clean lines & simple look that I love. Annnnd I am so excited how it is turning out. I recently received this lovely entertainment credenza from Sauder Furniture. I love the clean lines of this piece. I think it looks great with the simple patterns I’ve picked out for the room. So keep reading to see some more & to find out what style I am! :)

how to decorate with clean lines & simple patterns at


Tie Dye Shoes {tutorial} #TieDyeYourSummer #TDYS

This post is brought to you by I Love to Create. #tiedyeyoursummer #tdys

Hello! I hope your Friday is off to a great start! :) I am so happy that today is the last day of school for this week. I’m so ready for this weekend. I love having my kiddos home. :) This past summer break was so much fun. Annnnd our family was so excited to take part in Tie Dye Your Summer with Tulip. Tulip One-Step Tie-Dye is America's Favorite Tie Dye! You can see us having a little bit of tie dying fun {HERE}. My kiddos loved wearing their tie dyed shirts everywhere! Since it’s back to school time I thought it would fun to tie dye some shoes for a unique back to school look! It was so easy & fun. Keep reading to see how I did it. :)

Tie Dye Shoes for #backtoschool at #tiedyeyoursummer #ilovetocreate #tdys #ad


7 Amazing Makeovers

Hello! Wow! What a week we’ve had! :) School started on Monday, and we are trying to get settled into our new routine! I think I’m going to have some tired kiddos by the end of the week! ha! ;) Today I am so excited to feature 7 Amazing Makeovers that were linked up to the last several {wow me} wednesday parties. You’ll have to click over to see the befores. You won’t believe it! Remember this week’s party is still going on right now. So feel free to swing over & check out this week’s link ups. If you are a blogger, I’d love to see what you’re up to! You can do all of that right {HERE}. Buuuut first check out these amazing transformations! Enjoy! :)

7 Amazing Makeovers at #linkparty #features


Silhouette Gift Basket Giveaway

Hello! Today I am so excited to partnering with some of my favorite Silhouette loving bloggers to bring you a super fun Silhouette Gift Basket Giveaway! Eek! This is going to fun! :) This basket is FULL of Silhouette goodies including the brand new PixScan Mat! Have you seen this mat? It is amazing! I can’t wait to get my hands on one! So keep reading to see what else is in the basket & how to enter! Good luck! :)


{wow me} wednesday #168

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)


On Monday I featured over 60 amazing back to school ideas!
Make sure you check them all out right {HERE}. :)

60  Back to School Ideas at #linkparty #features #backtoschool_thumb[2]


Try Sam’s Wholesale Club with a Friend #TrySamsClub

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and Sam’s Club. All opinions are mine alone. #TrySamsClub #CollectiveBias

Hello! Who has a Sam’s Club membership? Raise your hand! ha! ;) I have had mine for several years, & I love going to Sam’s Club for all sorts of things. Usually I go shopping for food. Remember I have 5 kiddos! They eat a lot! ha! Buuuuut did you know that Sam’s Club has everything you need for your next party, lots of pretty flowers, tons of home decor, a great furniture selection (yes!), everything you need for your home plus so much more! Last week my friend, Robyn (from Create It. Go!) & I went on a fun shopping trip to Sam’s Club! Wahoo! Girl time! ;) I wanted to show Robyn how great having a Sam’s Club membership is! We had a blast browsing the aisles of Sam’s Club checking out everything! Yes, I mean everything! We ended up filling up TWO carts! ha! So keep reading to see what we picked out. :)
Try Sam's Club with a Friend #trySamsClub #cbias #shop

How to Make Your Own Soap Pumps with Palmolive #Palmolive25Ways #cbias

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #Palmolive25Ways #CollectiveBias

Hello!  Do you have a favorite dish soap? Mine hands down is Palmolive. :) My grandmother used Palmolive (remember when it only come in green?), and I have loved it since then. Plus not only is it tough on grease & soft on hands ~ you can use it in so many different ways from making bubbles, scrubbing fleas off the dog, getting oil off your driveway (it works!), soaking your hands in before a manicure & more. You can find so many different uses for soap other than just dishwashing. At our house I use Palmolive not only to wash the dishes but also as hand soap in the bathroom. I recently made these DIY soap pumps. (They are so easy to make!) So today I’m excited to show you how to make your own soap pumps, too. So keep reading to get the tutorial. :)

how to make your own soap pumps at #Palmolive25Ways #CollectiveBias #shop

60+ Back to School Ideas

Hello! Happy Monday! My kiddos head back to school this morning. Boy! This summer flew by! I need a couple of more weeks at least! ha! ;) Last week we spent most of our time at the county fair. You can see all the fun things we did over on instagram. ;) I didn’t have time to post a feature post last week. So I decided to save this HUGE back to school round up with over 60 back to school ideas for today! Yay! :) I hope you enjoy! :) Annnnd if your kiddos are headed back to school this week, too ~ tell them good luck for me! I hope they have an amazing first week back. :) Now on to this A+ feature post! :)

60  Back to School Ideas at #linkparty #features #backtoschool


Stuffed Oreo Pops {recipe}

This recipe was first seen over at Bloom Designs as part of their Summer in Bloom series.

Hello! Happy Friday to you! Whew! What a week we have had over here. My kiddos are showing some of their animals on the county fair. Last night was the showmanship show, and I was so proud of my kiddos. They did awesome! It was also my youngest son’s 5th birthday! He partied hard at the fair last night. ha! :) We didn’t get home until almost midnight! So thank goodness I remembered that I hadn’t shared this easy & yummy recipe with you yet. I shared this stuffed Oreo pops recipe a few weeks ago over at Bloom Designs. They are good! My kiddo gobbled these up real quick! So keep reading to get the recipe. :)

Stuffed Oreo Pops by #popsicle #recipe


Go Hogs! Jell-O Jigglers {tailgating recipe}

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #TeamJellO #CollectiveBias

Earlier this week I told you how excited our family is for our local football season to start. College football is just around the corner, too. Yay! Whether you attend your favorite college football game or are watching the big game on TV you’ll need the perfect tailgating food! Annnnd nothing says game day food better for us than some Go Hogs! Jello-O Jigglers. How about those Hogs? ;) Buuuut just because we live in Arkansas now doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten our Texas roots! I’ll let you know what other team we LOVE to “root” for, too! :) So keep reading to find out what team that is & see how to get those perfect Arkansas Jell-O Jigglers colors.

University Mold Jell-O Jigglers at #TeamJellO #CollectiveBias #shop


Silhouette Back to School Bundles

This post is brought to you by Silhouette.

On Monday I shared my latest Silhouette project with you ~ an easy back to school teacher gift, and today I’m excited to share the latest Silhouette promotion with you as well! Yay! :) I love when Silhouette offers bundles this big with great deals on their machines plus a whole lot of specialty media to keep you busy for quite a while! Hey ~ you are going to have lots more time on your hands once the kiddos go back to school, right? ;) So keep reading to see what all is included in this month’s Back to School promotion. :)

back to school bundles from using the code GINGERSNAP #spon


{wow me} wednesday #167

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)


Last week I featured 13 fun projects with lots of pattern.
Make sure you pop over {HERE} & check them all out. :)

13 Projects with Lots of Patterns at #linkparty #features #pattern

Q Wunder Board Game for Kids ~ Q’s Race to the Top #Qsracetothetop

This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and EQtainment, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia  #Qsracetothetop

Hello! I’m sure you kiddos are like mine in that they LOVE to play games! We play games all the time in our family. We even have one family night set aside each week, & we always plan a fun activity or game to go along with it. So to say my kiddos were excited to see the brand new Q Wunder Board Game ~ Q’s Race to the Top show up at our door recently is a huge understatement! They were thrilled! :) We are so happy to be a part of the Q Wunder Board Game Kickstarter event that starts TODAY! The game is a bit different than your usual board game. This game focuses on the emotional intelligence of your kiddos, & it will help them learn & grow in that area (& have lots of fun, too). So keep reading to find out more. :)

I love this board game that helps with your kid's emotional health PLUS it's lots of fun! ) #Qsracetothetop #pmedia #ad


Easy Back to School Teacher Gift & Printable

Good morning! It’s the 2nd Monday of the month which means it’s time for another Silhouette Challenge! I LOVE participating in these each month! :) This month’s theme is all about school! Can you believe it’s time for the kiddos to head back to school already? My kiddos head back next Monday. I’m going to miss those kids! I don’t know about you but it’s been crazy busy at our house, and I haven’t had much time to craft! That’s why I love this easy back to school teacher gift. It was so easy to put together, & it turned out so cute! I’ll be sharing the free printable so you can make one, too. I’ll also have links to lots more fun school ideas for you, too! Yay! So keep reading! :)

Easy Back to School Teacher Gift at #SilhouettePortrait #SilhouetteCAMEO #printable

SNICKERS® Football Brownies {recipe} #Chocolate4TheWin

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #Chocolate4TheWin #CollectiveBias

Hello! Football season is right around the corner. Yay! Can you believe it? This year my youngest daughter will be cheering on the sidelines for her school. She’s in 2nd grade. Really….is there anything cuter than tiny cheerleaders & football players? They are adorable. My daughter is super excited, and she has already started practicing with her squad. I can’t wait to see them cheer. Today I am excited to bring you a yummy recipe perfect for football season ~ SNICKERS® Football Brownies. This is one of my family’s favorite dessert recipes. It’s good! Candy bars make the perfect addition to any brownie recipe, & in my opinion, SNICKERS® bars are the best ones to add! So keep reading to get this delicious recipe. :)

Football Brownies at #ChocolatefortheWin #collectivebias #shop


Capri Sun Clippies {tutorial} #CapriSunMomFactor

I made these stylish Capri Sun clippies using Capri Sun pouches as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars. #CapriSunMomFactor

Hello! It’s almost time for school! Yay! That means cute outfits, brand new school supplies, sipping on a Capri Sun from your lunch kit & having lots of fun. :) My kiddos love Capri Sun drinks, and I love that Capri Sun products have no artificial flavors, colors, dyes or preservatives. That’s why you see them in my kid’s lunches. Annnnd I have to admit my crafty side LOVES that after the kiddos are finished drinking them we can make something out of the empty pouches! ha! ;) Today I’m excited to show you how to make these easy Capri Sun clippies using empty Capri Sun pouches & a few other supplies. Aren’t they adorable? They are perfect for back to school, don’t you think? ;) So keep reading to see how easy they are to make. :)

Capri Sun Hair Clippies Tutorial at #caprisunmomfactor #spon


13 Projects with Lots of Patterns

Hello! It’s my favorite day of the week!  I get to feature some of you! Yay! I have loved all of the amazing & colorful projects with lots of fun patterns that have been linked up over the last several {wow me} wednesdays. So today I am excited to feature 13 Projects with Lots of Patterns. Remember this week’s party is still going on right now! Make sure you swing by & see what everyone is up to. If you are a blogger make sure you link your latest projects & ideas. I’d love to see them! I also have fun giveaway from JewelScent. So make sure you’ve entered. You can do all of that right {HERE}. Buuuut first check out this fun feature post! Enjoy! :)

13 Projects with Lots of Patterns at #linkparty #features #pattern


{wow me} wednesday #166 & a JewelScent Candle & Body Scrub Giveaway

This post is brought to you by JewelScent by Lauree.

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)


Tonight I am excited to bring you a fun giveaway from JewelScent by Lauree.
If you haven’t seen anything from JewelScent before you are in for a treat.
Inside all of JewelScent products you will find a hidden jewel valued at $10 to $7500!

JewelScent #Giveaway


JewelScent Giveaway at


How to Survive a Family Road Trip #showusyourmess

This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Wet-Nap but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #showusyourmess

Hello! Happy Monday! I hope it’s a good one for you. :) If you follow me on instagram you know that last week at this time we were just rolling in from a 10 day, 11 state road trip! Eek! Annnnd guess what? We survived! ha! ;) So today I’m excited to share some of my favorite tips on how to survive a family road trip, & how to have a little fun along the way, too! Plus I’m going to show you how taking some Wet-Nap hand wipes with you can really help cut down on messes that can make a trip not so fun! So keep reading! (Oh & I’ll have a coupon for you, too!) :)

How to Survive a Family Road Trip with a Smile ) at #showusyourmess #pmedia #ad


Strawberry Jam Cheesecake Pops {recipe}

Hello! It’s Friday! Yay! Do you have any fun plans for the weekend? We are still recovering from our huge trip, so I think we will just be relaxing this weekend. We are tired! ha! ;) Today I have a super simple & oh so yummy recipe to share with you! :) These strawberry jam cheesecake pops went super fast at our house! ha! My kiddos loved them! So keep reading to get the recipe. :)

Strawberry Jam Cheesecake Pops at #cheesecake #strawberries #popsicles #recipe