Ginger Snap Crafts: how to {give thanks blocks}

how to {give thanks blocks}

Last week I shared this at Creativity Week on Seven Thirty Three,
but if you missed it over there, I’m sharing it over here TODAY!
So here they are my cute & easy {give thanks} blocks.
We actually made these block’s at my church’s fall craft night.
I got to help out since I’m “crafty”. ;) 
So not sure who to give credit for the design, but aren’t they cute!?!?
{Want to know how to make the pumpkins? click here}

2x4 blocks cut the following sizes:
5.5 in x 3.5 in (2), 3.5 in x 3.5 in (4), 2.5 in x 4 in (1)
3.5 in x 2.5 in (2), 4.75 x 2.5 in (1)
craft paint
fall-ish scrapbook paper
mod podge
foam brushes
vinyl letters for Give Thanks
{I used dark brown vinyl & His Name is Honey font for mine.}

All you do is paint your blocks whatever color you'd like to match your scrapbook paper. 
Then cut your scrapbook paper to fit the front of your block.
Modge podge the scrapbook paper onto your blocks. 
Let them dry.  Stack your blocks up. 
(It makes it easier to figure out which letter goes where.)
Then apply your vinyl letters.  That's it!  So cute {& easy}.

Hope you are having a happy Monday! :)