Ginger Snap Crafts: February 2015


Learn to Crochet ~ e-book launch!!!

Hello! Today one of my very good {& super talented!} blogging friends ~ Heather from Twin Dragonfly Designs ~ is launching her brand new e-book, Learn to Crochet! It’s only $5 right now, & you can purchase it right {HERE}. I have always wanted to learn how to crochet, and this is the perfect book to get me started. Yay! Thank you so much, Heather! Heather shows you everything you need to know to get started. She shares tons of pictures, video clips & very detailed instructions on how to get learn to crochet. To celebrate the launch I have rounded up some of my favorite crochet projects from Heather. So keep reading! They are awesome! :)


Popsicle & Duck Tape Purse {tutorial} #craftswithCara

Hello! Good morning! Today I am so excited to turn the blog over to one of my favorite people in the whole world & my best crafting partner ~ my daughter, Cara! Cara loves to make things just about as much as I do! ;) Take it away, Cara!


My name is Cara. I am 8. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And I like to read books and craft like my mom. And I am going to play soccer. And I show cows. And this year I am going to show some chickens. I have 1 sister and three brothers and a mom and a dad. My sister has 5 rabbits. My big brother has a dog. Today I am going to show you how I made my cute purse with popsicle sticks and duck tape.

Popsicle Stick & Duck Tape Purse by Cara


60 DIY Projects for Your Home

Hello! It’s my favorite day of the week! I get to feature some of YOU! This post is full of some amazing DIY projects for your home ~ over 60 to be exact! You will definitely find some ideas to get your started on your next DIY project! These projects were linked up to last week’s {wow me} wednesday party. Plus I’m sharing some of my favorite DIY feature posts from past parties. Don’t forget this week’s party is still going on. So feel free to stop by & check out what everyone is up to. If you are a blogger be sure to link up your latest ideas. I’d love to see them. You can do all of that right {HERE}. Buuuut first check out this amazing feature post. Enjoy! ;)

Over 60 DIY Projects for Your Home at #DIY #features


{wow me} wednesday #194

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)


Last week I featured 12 Lunch Recipes.
You can check out all of the yumminess right over {HERE}.

12 Lunch Recipes at #linkparty #features

SO are you ready to PaRty?


Big Hero 6 Finger Puppets {tutorial} #BigHero6Release

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BigHero6Release #CollectiveBias

Hello! How was your weekend? Ours was pretty great! We were snowed in most of last week! So we have tons of fun things planned & errands to run for this week. Have you heard? Big Hero 6 will be released on DVD/Blu-Ray TOMORROW (Feb. 24h) at Walmart! Eek! You also finds tons of toys and Big Hero 6 merchandise at right now & in Walmart stores starting tomorrow. Also, with purchase of the movie you will get digital copy (while supplies last) included! I know my kiddos can’t wait to see the movie. On our to do list this week is to head to Walmart. I feel a movie night *might* be in our future. ;) So last week (while we were snowed in!) we had a little fun making some Big Hero 6 Finger Puppets! My kiddos have played & played with these! So keep reading to see how we made them. ;)

Big Hero 6 Finger Puppets #BigHero6Release #CollectiveBias #kidcraft #ad


DIY Sports Ribbon {tutorial}

This post is brought to you by Offray.

Hello! Happy Friday! Wow! What a week we’ve had! It’s been so cold, & we started off the first part of the week with 5 inches of snow & a couple of days off from school. Buuuut in a few weeks all that snow will be gone, spring will be here & that means soccer season will start! Yay! This year I have 3 kiddos in soccer. Can you say busy? ;) It’s my youngest daughter’s first year to play soccer, and I thought we make something fun for her to wear in her hair this season. So I am excited to share this cute DIY Sports Ribbon I made with some cute Offray ribbon. It was so easy to put together & can easily be customize with your team’s colors. So let’s get started. :)

DIY Sports Ribbon at


12 Lunch Recipes

Hello! It’s Thursday! That means it’s time to feature some of you! Yay! I must have been a little bit hungry when I was going through the links this week because all of these yummy lunch ideas just popped out at me. ha! So today I am excited to be featuring 12 Lunch Ideas with you that were linked up to last week’s {wow me} wednesday party. This week’s party is still going on. So feel free to swing by & check out what has been linked up so far. If you are a blogger, I’d love to see what you are up to. You can do all of that right {HERE}. Buuuut first check out this delicious feature post. Enjoy! :)

12 Lunch Recipes at #linkparty #features


{wow me} wednesday #193

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)


Last week I featured 20+ Cookie Recipes.
You can check out all the yumminess right {HERE}. :)

Over 20 Cookie Recipes at #cookies #recipes #linkparty #features

Today I was over on The Crafting Chicks! Stop by
& see how I made this colorful burlap wreath. It was sooooo easy! ;)

colorful burlap wreath at #burlap #wreath

I also wanted to remind you about the Silhouette promotion.
These deals expire this Friday, Feb. 20th. So hurry! :)
You can shop {HERE} & use the code GINGERSNAP to get the discount.

Silhouette America February Promotion #SilhouetteRocks #ad

SO are you ready to PaRty?


Photo Puzzle {tutorial}

This post is brought to you by DecoArt.

Hello! Happy Monday! On Saturday I shared an easy mini canvas tutorial with a picture of my cute kiddos, and it reminded me of this easy Photo Puzzle that I made last year & shared over on the DecoArt blog. I never shared it here. So I thought it was about time I did. ;) This is such a fun way to display your photos, & your kiddos will LOVE a personalized puzzle of themselves. So let’s get started. ;)

DIY photo puzzle using Americana Satin Decoupage #DecoArt


DIY Mini Canvas {tutorial}

This post is brought to you by Canvas Corp Brands.

Hello! Happy Valentine’s Day! Annnnd boy do I have some loveliness today! ;) Today Canvas Corp Brand is introducing their Creative Crew for 2015. Annnnd guess who is on the team? Me! I am so excited to be working with them throughout this year. To introduce the team Canvas Corp Brands challenged each member of the crew to a 4x4 Challenge. Eek! So fun! We were each given a tiny 4x4 canvas, & then we were asked to create a canvas that represented us & our design style. So here is my DIY Mini Canvas. So keep reading to see how I put it all together. :)

DIY Mini Canvas at #canvascorp #ad


Skinny Chicken Salad Wraps {recipe}

This post is brought to you by Cans Get You Cooking®.

Hello! Happy Friday! Today I have some exciting news to tell you. I have been asked to be a Canbassador for Cans Get You Cooking® for this coming year! Eek! I’m so excited. I know I use tons of can foods in my cooking & love to stock my “cantry” with all kinds of can goods to cook my family’s favorite meals. Annnnd did you know that February is National Canned Food Month? Yes, it is! So to celebrate I am excited to share one of my favorite meals ~ Skinny Chicken Salad Wraps. Yes, a skinny version! I also have some more ways you can get cooking with can goods & a way you can enter to win $5000. So let’s get started. :)

Skinny Chicken Salad Wraps at


20+ Cookie Recipes

Hello! It’s my favorite day of the week! I get to feature some of your wonderful talents. Annnnd this week is all about those cookies! Yum! I am so excited to be featuring over 20 Cookie Recipes with you today that were linked up to last week’s {wow me} wednesday party. Make sure you click through & pin some of these. I know you are going to want to make some of these very soon! ;) Remember this week’s party is still going on. So feel free to swing by & link up your latest ideas & projects. You can do all of that right {HERE}. I’d love to see them. Buuuuut first take a bite of this yummy feature post. Enjoy! ;)

Over 20 Cookie Recipes at #cookies #recipes #linkparty #features

Chinese New Year Celebration ~ Food, Ideas & Printable #NewYearFortune

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #NewYearFortune #CollectiveBias

Hello! Chinese New Year starts exactly one week from today ~ February 19th. Chinese New Year celebrates the wish of "good fortune" to everyone in the year ahead, & it is the perfect time for your family to have a little fun, celebrate another culture, spend time together & eat some yummy authentic Asian food. I’m so excited to be sharing some of our family’s favorite Chinese New Year traditions (like red-envelope gifts!), a free mini lantern printable & how we used Tai Pei® restaurant inspired appetizers that come in chicken, pork, shrimp, and vegetable flavors for a fun (& easy!) Chinese New Year celebration dinner. So let’s get started! ;)

Chinese New Year Celebration {food, ideas & printable} at  #NewYearFortune #ad 


Exciting News!!!!

If you are looking for {wow me} wednesday, go {HERE}.

Hello! Happy Wednesday! I usually don’t post on Wednesdays because of a little par-tay! Buuuuut this news couldn’t wait. ;) I was recently chosen to be part of Craftaholics Anonymous 2015 Creative Team. Eek! Linda is seriously one of my favorite bloggers, & I am excited to work with her & the rest of the fabulous team. You can meet them all {HERE} by clicking the “about” tab.

Creative Team Banner

I just had my first post go up this week. Eek! So please stop by & see how I turned these supplies into some adorable Mary Jane baby shoes. They are soooooo cute!!! :) If you could pin or leave a comment over there I’d be sooooo grateful. Thank you!

DIY Mary Janes baby shoes


{wow me} wednesday #192

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)


Last week I featured 12+ Homemade Valentines.
Make sure you check out all the loveliness right {HERE}.

Over 12 Homemade Valentines at #linkparty #features

SO are you ready to PaRty?


Love You Valentine’s Jar {tutorial} + Print & Cut Blog Hop

This post contains affiliate links from Silhouette.

Hello! It’s that time again ~ time for another fun Silhouette Challenge! Wahoo! I just love these! This month’s challenge is all about the most amazing feature of a Silhouette machine ~ Print & Cut! These Love You Valentine’s Jars were so easy to put together! Keep reading to see how I did it, get some tips on using the Print & Cut feature AND I’ll have links to tons of Print & Cut ideas from my fellow Silhouette Challenge bloggers. So let’s get started! ;)

Love You Valentine's Jar at #Valentine #printandcut #Silhouette


DIY Valentine Card #myfavoriteValentine

This post is brought to you by Canvas Corp.

Hello! Happy Saturday! I just wanted to pop in really quick to let you know about a fun Valentine Pin & Win Contest from Canvas Corp. The contest ends Monday morning so you’ll need to hurry over {HERE} to find out all the details on how to win! Good luck! :) Buuuut first check out how I made this cute DIY Valentine Card for my hubby, and then go enter to win! ;)

DIY Valentine Card at #diy #valentine


Polka Dot Washer & Dryer {tutorial} & giveaway

This post is brought to you by Happy Crafters.

Hello! Happy Friday! :) Are you ready for the weekend? I sure am. The weather is suppose to be beautiful. Yay! I have been slowly (very slowly!) working on a laundry room makeover over the last several months. Sometimes it takes awhile! ha! (Scroll down to see the before & after!) My most recent addition to this makeover are my adorable polka dot washer & dryer. I'll show you how easy this was to do with just a few supplies from Happy Crafters! So let's get started! :)

Polka Dot Washer & Dryer at #happycrafters #ad 


12+ Homemade Valentines + Silhouette PixScan™ Promotion

This post is brought to you by Silhouette.

Hello! Good morning! We were so hoping for a snow day today! Buuuut everyone around us is closed but us. Boo! Buuuut I am happy about this sweet feature post with over 12 Homemade Valentines ideas for you that were linked up to last week’s {wow me} wednesday party. They are adorable! Remember this week’s party is still going on. So feel free to drop by, check it out & link up your latest ideas right {HERE}. I also have a brand new Silhouette promotion to tell you about. So keep reading to get all of the lovely details! Enjoy! :)

Over 12 Homemade Valentines at #linkparty #features

Silhouette America February Promotion #SilhouetteRocks #ad

When you shop {HERE} & use the code GINGERSNAP
you can get some amazing deals on PixScan™ bundles.

All Heat Transfer vinyl is also 35% off using the same code. :)

OK….now on to these lovely features. Enjoy!


{wow me} wednesday #191

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)


Last week I featured 25+ Dinner Ideas. Yum!
So make sure to pop over {HERE} & pin that for later. :)

25  Dinner Ideas for Your Family at #dinnerideas #linkparty #features

My Tiny Home Office & Getting Ready for Tax Season #Absolute0 #cg

Hello! It’s almost tax time! I know I’m a little bit strange, but I actually look forward to this time of year! I love doing my taxes! One big reason that I have such a good relationship with tax season is because of my great relationship with TurboTax. I have used TurboTax for over 10 years. Once you go with TurboTax you will never go back. I promise! I love how TurboTax empowers me to tackle my own taxes. I love not needing to go to a tax preparation company for our taxes. Annnnd I really love doing my taxes in the comfort of my own home. PJs, anyone? ;) This year TurboTax has launched the Absolute Zero option for those filing a 1040EZ or 1040A federal and state tax returns. Absolute Zero means absolutely no cost to you to use TurboTax. Eek! That’s awesome. (I’ll tell you more in just a bit!) Since we are talking taxes I also thought I’d show you My Tiny Home Office & give you a few tips of how to get organized for tax season. So keep reading!

Tiny Home Office at #livingBIGinasmallhouse


Cake Mix Cookies {recipe}

Hello! How was your weekend? Ours was a little rainy. I was hoping for snow but no luck yet! We have had NO snow yet this entire winter. Crazy! If this keeps up we will be getting out of school mid-May. I could go for that! ha! :) Last week when I shared our milk & cookies party I told you that I’d share the easy Cake Mix Cookies recipe with you, too. So here you go! Enjoy! :)

Cake Mix Cookies Recipes at #cookies #recipes