Ginger Snap Crafts: {wow me} wednesday #70

{wow me} wednesday #70

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here at party #70!
Wowzers! I’m starting to feel old. ha!

Sunday I was working on our family blog, & I realized that I had just
passed an amazing {for me!} milestone!  I’ve been blogging for over 5 years!

Here’s what my first blog post looked liked:
We had just moved away from our “home” state of Texas, and my sister,
Amber had encouraged me to start a blog so everyone could keep up with us.
I never knew how much I would enjoy blogging, & how much it would change my life.

The biggest blessing of blogging has been that now I have a record of our family!
Yay!  Each year since 2007 I’ve turned our blog into a book.
These books are amazing & so easy to do. I blogged about it over {HERE}.

blogging books

The second biggest blessing of blogging has been this little craft blog.
When I started this blog about a year & a half ago I never realized
how many amazing bloggers, readers & friends I would meet & how many
opportunities I would have to work with some amazing companies.
I love my little space on the web, & I’m so happy that
YOU are sharing this journey with me!
Thank you for all of your support & encouragement!

I have two fun giveaways going on right now!
So if you LOVE washi tape or vinyl head over here:
 washi tape giveaway & vinyl giveaway

OK…. enough talk, let’s party! Smile

The “rules” are simple.
Follow Ginger Snap Crafts. {Thank you!}
Grab a button or add a link somewhere on your blog.
Must be something made by YOU.
Link up to your post, not your main blog.
{No etsy shops, giveaways, round ups or business links, please.}
Visit other links, make new friends & most of all have fun!
Feel free to grab my {wow me} wednesday button!

FYI: Links are in random order…so each link will have a chance at the top spot.  :)

Thank you so much stopping by my blog!
If this is your first time visiting I’d love to keep in touch.