Ginger Snap Crafts: tutorial {xoxo valentine tic tac toe}

tutorial {xoxo valentine tic tac toe}

valentine tic tac toe tutorial

You know I’m always up for a good craft challenge, right??? ;)
And did you also know that I love, love, love Pick Your Plum??
(They are an affiliate sponsor of GSC by the way. Yay!)
{You can find PYP on pinterest, facebook & their website.}

Well, when I heard that my friend,
Ashley from Cherished Bliss was
hosting a Pick Your Plum monthly link party
I knew I haaaaaad to participate!
Annnd I was one of the lucky few that received a
surprise package in the mail from Ashley and Pick Your Plum!
My challenge was to make something crafty with it!  So fun!

FYI: You can participate, too! 
Starting TOMORROW (Feb 1st) you can link up any craft
that you’ve made using a Pick Your Plum product!!!! 
Annnnd there will be a giveaway from no other than Pick Your Plum. 
You can check out all the details here! 

Cherished Bliss

I was soooooo excited when my package arrived!
Inside my package were 20 bottle caps from Pick Your Plum.
Hmmmmmm…..what to make??? 
Then it came to me I’d make a
{Valentine} Tic Tac Toe board.
Ooohhhh…. a game full of X’s & O’s…..perfect for Valentine’s Day!
Get it??!!!  XOXOXOXOXO :)

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{from Pick Your Plum}

I used the 20 bottle caps that Ashley sent me.
I also had some metal sheets that I had bought from Pick Your Plum.
I had my husband cut them to 4 1/2 by 4 1/2 inch squares.

You’ll also need:

wood blocks (6 inches x 6 inches)
paint (I used red & pink for mine.)
Valentine scrapbook paper
mod podge/foam brush
1 inch circle punch
hot glue
vinyl X’s & O’s (I used the Comic Sans MS font.)
vinyl tic tac toe grid
adhesive squares
adhesive magnet strips

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I cut a piece of scrapbook paper to fit my block. 
Then I mod podged my scrapbook paper to my block of wood. 
While the blocks dried I cut some 1 inch circles out
of my scrapbook paper with my 1 inch hole punch. 

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Then I got my circles & applied the vinyl X’s & O’s right onto the paper.
Then I got my bottle caps from Pick Your Plum & some adhesive squares.

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I used the adhesive squares to attach my X’s & O’s to the inside of the bottle caps.
Then I put the clear circles that came with the bottle caps on top.
They are sticky on one side & stick right on top.  Next you’ll need your magnetic strip.

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I cut the magnet strip into smaller pieces
& then stuck them on the back of the bottle caps.
Applied my vinyl tic tac toe grid to my sheet metal. 
Then I hot glued the metal to my block of wood.
Now it’s time to play a little {Valentine} tic tac toe!


tic tac toe game for valentine's day

Have you made anything fun with Pick Your Plum???

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