I told you before that I was recently called as the Primary President.
Primary is the children’s organization at our Church.
We meet for 2 hours each Sunday.
We have class time, sharing time & singing time. :)
What I didn’t tell you was that we are a brand spanking new Primary. :)
In our Church we have congregations called wards.
Sometimes a ward gets too big, so it will be divided into 2 wards.
One Church building can hold 1, 2, 3 or more wards.
We stagger our meeting schedules so each ward
can have their own block of time they attend church.
(Confused, yet?? Keep reading…it’s gets a little more confusing!) :)
Some of the wards in our building were getting too big,
so they did some reorganization of the ward boundaries
& came up with 3 wards & one branch in our building.
(A branch just means that there is not enough people YET to make a ward!)
Our family was lucky enough to be assigned to the branch.
It has been fun & a little challenging…definitely a growing experience!
This all happened in December,
so it didn’t give us much time to get ready for the new year.
Each year in Primary we have a new theme to focus on.
For 2012 our theme is Choose the Right.
Here are some of the fun Primary helps
I’ve found around blogland.
(They have made my job a whole lot easier! Yay!)
CTR blocks
from Lil’ Luna
You can go here to download your free printable, too!
Thank you, Kristyn! :)

You’ll need:
5x7 inch block of wood
print out from Lil’ Luna (click here)
Elmer’s Spray Adhesive
black paint

Here’s what you do! So easy! :)

Paint your block of wood. Cut out your CTR image. Spray the spray adhesive on the back.
Put it on your block of wood. Smooth it down. Tie a bow around the top. That’s it. :)

I’m making these CTR blocks for all of our Primary Teachers.
We just got fully staffed last week. Yay!
Having teachers is such a HUGE help!
Primary teachers are the best!!!
Primary Theme Printables
from Simply Fresh Design

We used these printables for our Primary Bulletin Board. Love!!
(Annnd that font is CK Chemistry in case you were wondering. My new fave!)
Go here to download your set from Simply Fresh Design..
Article of Faith Printables
from Simply Fresh Design
One of our goals this year is to
have the kids memorize the 13 Articles of Faith.
(The 13 Articles of Faith are 13 basic beliefs of our Church.)

I downloaded the 4x6 printables that had 2 Articles of Faith on one picture.
Got them developed at Walmart just like regular pictures. Yay! So easy!
Then I just cut them in half & laminated them. Then I put them on a key ring for each child.
We are practicing one Article of Faith a month. (Except for Jan. we did #1 & #2.)
Each month they will get a new card to add to their key ring.
At the end of year they’ll have a whole set. :)
You can download your Article of Faith cards from Simply Fresh Design here.

Article of Faith Bookmark Printable
from Little LDS Ideas.

We have a big key ring that holds all of the bookmarks.
Each time the kiddos pass off an Article of Faith they put a sticker on that number.
When they get them all passed off we will give them their bookmark to take home.
TIP: I color coded each class so it’s easier to find their bookmarks. :)
Visit Little LDS Ideas here.
Primary Helper Sticks

Oh…and if you didn’t see it… check out my Primary helper sticks tutorial.
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!
See you back here on Monday. :)