Ginger Snap Crafts: April 2014


{wow me} wednesday #151

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

I’m so glad YOU are here!

Last week I featured 12 outdoor & gardening projects & ideas.
So make sure you check out all the fabulous ideas {HERE}.

12 Outdoor & Gardening Projects & Ideas at #linkparty #gardening #features

Tomorrow April 30th is the very LAST day for the Silhouette promotion!
So be sure to get in your orders if you’d like to get an awesome deal!
Annnnd remember all heat transfer material is 30% off. It’s time to stock up!
Don’t forget to use the code GINGERSNAP at check out. :)
Silhouette Heat Transfer Promotion at using the code GINGERSNAP at checkout #SilhouetteCAMEO #SilhouettePortrait #spon [12]

Easy Mother’s Day Gift Ideas with DOVE® Dark Chocolate (free printables) #SharetheDOVE

This post is brought to you by Dove. #SharetheDOVE

Hello! How are you? Mother’s Day is almost here ~ my most favorite holiday! ha! ;) Today I’d love to share two fun & easy Mother’s Day gift ideas using DOVE® Chocolate. DOVE® Chocolate is
the top selling solid dark chocolate on the market with the one of kind, silky-smooth taste of DOVE® Chocolate. It is definitely what you’d think chocolate should taste like ~ smooth & yummy! It’s not just dark, it’s DOVE®. I know any mom would LOVE a Mother’s Day gift made with lots of chocolate. I know I would! ;) So keep reading to see what I made for Mother’s Day. Plus I have some free printables to share, so you can make some, too! ;)

Easy Mother's Day Gift Ideas from #sharethedove #sponpromises_almonddark(2)


#ad Sweet & Spicy Bar-b-que Wings & Grilled Corn on the Cob {grilling ideas} #whatsgrillin #CollectiveBias

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser. #whatsgrillin #CollectiveBias

Hello! Hasn’t the weather been amazing lately? Finally! ha! ;) My husband’s birthday was about 2 weeks ago, and we surprised him with a new grill. He has been anxious to try it out. This last week we have actually grilled outside 3 times. Grilling makes it so easy to make dinners. Plus you don’t mess up the kitchen. I’m kind of impressed with my gift choice! ha! ;) Annnd this past Friday we had a yummy cook out as a family to kick off grilling season. We cooked up some yummy sweet & spicy bar-b-que chicken wings with grilled corn on the cob served with some ice cold lemonade! Yum! So keep reading to get the amazing recipes!

#ad Sweet & Spicy Bar-b-que Chicken Wings at #whatsgrillin #CollectiveBias

20 Teacher Gift Ideas from The Silhouette Challenge

Hello! Happy Monday to all of YOU! Today I am so excited to be teaming up with the amazing Silhouette Challenge Facebook Group to bring you an awesome round up of over 20 teacher gift ideas made with our Silhouettes. The Silhouette Challenge Facebook Group is a group of bloggers, non-bloggers, crafters & Silhouette fans who love sharing their ideas, tips & tricks with each other & of course, all the fun projects we can make with our Silhouettes with each other & all of you! On the second Monday of each month we share a themed blog hop full of tons of Silhouette inspiration. So make sure you keep an eye out for that each month. In case you missed it, this month’s blog hop was all about spring. Yay! You can see everyone’s projects {HERE}. Buuuut before you do make you check out these fun & unique teacher gift ideas! Enjoy! ;)

20 Teacher Gift Ideas at #silhouettechallenge #thesilhouettechallenge #silhouetteCAMEO #silhouetteportraitfrom the Silhouette Challenge facebook group


LEGO® Friends Unlocking Her Creativity #LEGOFriendsCGC

Hello! It’s Friday, and I am so ready for the weekend. My hubby has been out of town for 2 weeks, and I’m so glad that he is back! ;) While he was gone we did have some fun times though! My daughter was super excited to get a special package in the mail just for her! She received a LEGO® Friends Heartland Juice Bar play set! I love LEGO® blocks because every time my kiddos sit down to to play with them they unlock their creativity & find joy in building something of their very own. :) So keep reading to see what my daughter created with her new LEGO® Friends set! ;)

LEGO® Friends Unlocking Her Creativity at #LEGOFriendsCGC #spon


12 Outdoor & Gardening Projects & Ideas

Hello! How are you? Well, you might of noticed (or you might not of!) that this post is up way late! Ugh! I have major computer problems going on right now, so I’m so thankful just to be able to get this up! ha! Hopefully we’ll get it figured out soon! Buuuut I promise this post was worth the wait! Tonight I am featuring over 12 outdoor & gardening projects & ideas that were linked up to last week’s & this week’s parties. These projects are perfect for this time of year! Remember this week’s party is still going on so be sure to link up your latest ideas, projects or recipes {HERE}. I’d love to see them. :) Buuut first enjoy this very green feature post! Enjoy! :)

12 Outdoor & Gardening Projects & Ideas at #linkparty #gardening #features


{wow me} wednesday #151 & a Silhouette Portrait {giveaway}

Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

Make sure you’ve entered to win the Silhouette Portrait Heat Transfer Bundle. Eek! ;)

Silhouette Portrait Giveaway at #spon #silhouette #giveaway

Silhouette Portrait Heat Transfer Bundle {giveaway}

This post is brought to you by Silhouette. #SilhouettePortrait #giveaway

Yesterday I told you about the new Silhouette Heat Transfer promotion, and today I get to giveaway a Silhouette Portrait with a Heat Transfer Starter Kit to one of YOU! Yay! ;) This is the most amazing little machine, and I’m so happy to give one of you the chance to win your very own Silhouette Portrait. So keep reading to see how to enter! :)

Silhouette Portrait Giveaway at #spon #silhouette #giveaway


Ruffled Lamp Shade with LED Power {tutorial} #LEDSavings #CollectiveBias

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser. #LEDSavings #CollectiveBias

Hello! How are you? Awesome, I hope! Well, today I’m excited to share something fun I  found while shopping at Target last week ~ super bright LEDs light bulbs from GE. Some of these bulbs can last over 20+ years! Isn’t that awesome? Just think of the savings you’d have if you didn’t have to shop for light bulbs for over 20 years. It could really add up quick! :) I’m also excited to show you my latest DIY project with lots of LED power ~ a cute ruffled lamp shade. So keep reading to see how I made it! Annnnd I’ll tell you more about these light bulbs & where you can go to get a coupon! ;)

Ruffled Lamp Shade Tutorial at #tutorial #LEDSavings #CollectiveBias #cbias #shop

Baby Animal Onesies {tutorial} & a new Silhouette Promotion

This post is brought to you by Silhouette. #SilhouetteCAMEO #SIlhouettePortrait #heattransfer

Hello! Today is a busy Monday here at Ginger Snap Crafts. ha! ;) Make sure you’ve entered the amazing Mother’s Day dream basket giveaway going on right over {HERE}. Annnnnd if a Silhouette is on your Mother’s Day wish list, too then this is the post for you! Yay! ;) I’m so excited to share the latest Silhouette promotion with YOU! This month’s promotion is all about their fun heat transfer material. I’ll also be sharing this quick & so cute baby animal onesies tutorial with you. So keep reading for all the fun details! ;)

Baby Animal Onesies Heat Transfer Tutorial at #SilhouetteCAMEO #SilhouettePortrait #Silhouette #spon

Mother’s Day Gift Basket Giveaway

Hello! Happy Monday to you! :) I hope you all had a fabulous Easter weekend! Ours was wonderful. :) Annnnd now it’s on to the next holiday ~ Mother’s Day! I have teamed up with 18 of my favorite blogging friends to bring YOU the ultimate Mother’s Day Gift Basket giveaway! Yay! Each blogger has created a unique basket for one of YOU to win! I’ll have links to everyone’s giveaways in just a bit. So be sure to look for that! ;) Up for grabs in this post is this yummy chocolate gift basket! So keep reading to see how to enter. :)

chocolate gift basket giveaway at #giveaway


Personalized Journals {tutorial}

This post is brought to you by We R Memory Keepers. #wermemorykeepers #lifestylestudios

Hello! Happy Friday to YOU! Today is extra special for me because my hubby is on his way home as we speak. Yay! ;) He has been gone all week, and I am so ready to have him back home. Today I’d love to share an awesome & easy gift idea ~ a personalized journal. Two of my sons have birthdays in the next few months, and these are their gifts. Shhhhh! Don’t tell! ha! It’s kind of a tradition in our family to get a new journal on your birthday. I kept a journal growing up, & I love looking back & reading them. I want my kiddos to have the same experience. So keep reading to see how easy these were to put together. :)

personalized journals at #wermemorykeepers #lifestylestudios #giftidea #personalized #diecuts #spon


15 Fabric Projects

Hello! Hello! I’m so glad to see you! :) It’s my favorite day of the week. I get to feature some of your amazing projects! Yay! :) I have enjoyed going through this week’s & last week’s link parties, & I’ve picked out 15 of my favorite fabric projects that were linked up to {wow me} wednesday! This week’s party is still going on {HERE} so make sure you swing by to check out all of this week’s links, and if you are a blogger be sure to link up your latest & greatest. I’d love to see it! Buuuut first check out this “sew” fabulous feature post. Enjoy! ;)

15 Fabric Projects at #fabric #sewing #refashion #linkparty #features


{wow me} wednesday #150

Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!


I’m so glad YOU are here!

Last week I featured 15 must try recipes.
You can check them all out {HERE}.

15 Must Try Recipes at #recipes #linkparty #features

Also, mark your calendars for next week!
I’ll be co-hosting a HUGE Mother’s Day basket giveaway
with some of your favorite bloggers! It’s going to be fun! :)


Neon Paper Pinwheels {tutorial}

Hello & happy Monday to all of YOU! :) I hope you had a fabulous weekend! Our weekend was awesome, & we had gorgeous spring weather to enjoy it in. It can’t get any better than that! ha! ;) Which brings me to this fun & easy SPRING inspired neon paper pinwheels tutorial that I made this month as part of The Silhouette Challenge. At the end of this post I’ll have links to 40 more spring inspired projects from some of my favorite bloggers! So make sure you keep reading! You don’t want to miss out! ;)

NEON pinwheels at #SilhouetteCameo #SIhouettePortrait #papercraft


15 Must Try Recipes

Hello! It’s Friday! Wahoo! Do you have any big plans this weekend? My hubby’s birthday is on Sunday! I still need to decide on a gift! ha! ;) Since I had a recipe post that needed to go up yesterday I decided to wait until today to share this yummy feature post. This post is full of 15 must try recipes that were linked up to last week’s {wow me} wedneday! I promise these were worth the wait! ha! :) Remember this week’s {wow me} wednesday is still going on for a few more hours so feel free to check that out, & if you are blogger link up some of your ideas! I’d love to see them! Buuuut first enjoy these delicious features! :)

15 Must Try Recipes at #recipes #linkparty #features


Easy Easter Dinner Idea with Kraft Fresh Take #FreshTake

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser. #FreshTake #CollectiveBias

Hello! Isn’t springtime amazing? We are finally able to go outside again! Yay! The weather has been fabulous! :) I love all things spring ~ flowers, trips to the park, Easter, long walks, working in the yard & having lots of fun family time outside. Yes, outside not inside! Buuuut we still need to eat! ha! That is why I love the new Kraft Fresh Take meal kits that are available at Walmart. Kraft Fresh Take makes it so easy to prepare a yummy & nutritious meal for your family, and you will still have plenty of time left to do all that fun spring stuff! Yay! :) Recently I tried out a new meal on my family ~ Southwest Chicken, Cheddar Jack & Bacon Twice Baked Potatoes, Texas Toast & fresh green beans. They loved it! So keep reading to see how easy this meal was to put together. (I’ll also have a coupon for you, too!)

Southwest Chicken with Kraft Fresh Takes at #freshtakes #collectivebias #shop #
#freshtakes #shop
cheddar jack & bacon twice baked potatoes #freshtakes #collectivebias #shop


#TENways to Get Ready for Swimsuit Season #pmedia #ad

This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Dr. Pepper Snapple Group but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #TENways

This year is seriously flying by! I’m not sure what to think about that! ha! ;) Summer will be here before you know it! Yay! I love summer! I love having my kiddos home, love the lazy days, sleeping in, catching fire flies, watching my kiddos have a blast on a water blob, vacations & fireworks. I could go on & on! The only thing I’m not totally thrilled about is that summer also means swimsuit season! Ugh! Buuuut this year I am determined to be ready for it! So today I’m sharing #TENways to get ready for swimsuit season! So keep reading ~ so you can get ready, too! :)

#TENways to get Ready for Swimsuit Season at #pmedia #ad

1. Swap things you are currently eating for something a little better. For example ~ for lunch I’m swapping out my usual peanut butter & jelly with a healthy salad, an apple instead of chips & switching a full calorie soda with one of the TEN sodas I picked up recently.

simple ways to get healthy #ad

{wow me} wednesday #149

Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

Recently I’ve featured some amazing Spring & Easter projects & ideas.
Click the pictures below to check out all of the amazing features. :)
Thank you for sharing your talents with us each week! You are all awesome!

Over 15 Spring Ideas, Recipes & Projects featured at #linkparty #features #spring


Over 20 “Eggs”cellent Ideas

Hello! Happy Monday! I hope your week is off to a great start! My week is super busy! I’m hoping I can get everything done that I need to! We’ll see how that goes! ha! ;) This past weekend was really nice though! My son had his first soccer game. They won! Yay! :) Annnd our Church had it’s semi-annual General Conference in Salt Lake City. They broadcast it over the internet, and it was nice to hang out with the family all weekend long & listen to our Church leaders. You can listen to some of the talks {here}. :) #LDSconf Last week our HUGE Easter Link Party wrapped up, & today I am excited to feature over 20+ “eggs”cellent ideas that were shared. Enjoy! :)

Over 20 Eggscellent Ideas at #Easter #eggs #linkparty #features


Chalkboard Easter Eggs {tutorial}

Hello! I’m so excited to share my first Easter project with you today. I had fun updating my chalkboard eggs from last year with some Americana Clear Chalkboard Coating & Americana acrylic paints to turn these wooden eggs into cute, colorful chalkboard eggs! (Do you remember when I used this same coating back at Valentine’s Day to make an I love you because…. block?) It’s really a lot of fun to use! So keep reading to find out more. :)

chalkboard eggs #Easter #kidscraft #chalk #decoart


Over 15 Spring Ideas, Recipes & Projects

Hello! Spring is definitely in the air now! Yay! After a long, cold winter I am so ready! ha! ;) How about you? Today I am thrilled to be featuring over 15 spring ideas, recipes & projects that were linked up to last week’s {wow me} wednesday party. This week’s party is still going on so feel free to stop by & check out all the amazing link ups. If you’re a blogger link up some of your own. I’d love to see them. :) Buuuut first check out this lovely & spring filled feature post.

Over 15 Spring Ideas, Recipes & Projects featured at #linkparty #features #spring


{wow me} wednesday #148

This post is brought to you by

Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

You know how much I LOVE stamps!
So I just wanted to give you a heads up on two amazing
deals going on right now over at Expressionery.

You can get
30% off custom address stamps with the code SPRINGSTAMP, 
and they have free shipping with a $50 purchase. {expires on April 9th}

Here are a few of my favorites!
