Ginger Snap Crafts: #TENways to Get Ready for Swimsuit Season #pmedia #ad

#TENways to Get Ready for Swimsuit Season #pmedia #ad

This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Dr. Pepper Snapple Group but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #TENways

This year is seriously flying by! I’m not sure what to think about that! ha! ;) Summer will be here before you know it! Yay! I love summer! I love having my kiddos home, love the lazy days, sleeping in, catching fire flies, watching my kiddos have a blast on a water blob, vacations & fireworks. I could go on & on! The only thing I’m not totally thrilled about is that summer also means swimsuit season! Ugh! Buuuut this year I am determined to be ready for it! So today I’m sharing #TENways to get ready for swimsuit season! So keep reading ~ so you can get ready, too! :)

#TENways to get Ready for Swimsuit Season at #pmedia #ad

1. Swap things you are currently eating for something a little better. For example ~ for lunch I’m swapping out my usual peanut butter & jelly with a healthy salad, an apple instead of chips & switching a full calorie soda with one of the TEN sodas I picked up recently.

simple ways to get healthy #ad

Have you heard of the new TEN calorie sodas? You can spot them at your local Walmart, and I’ll have a coupon for you at the end of this post! Yay! These sodas are amazing! You’d never know that they are a low calorie beverage. You get all of the flavor of regular soda with just a tiny amount of calories! Awesome! ;)

#tenways #pmedia

You can find TEN products in the following flavors ~ TEN A&W Root Beer, TEN Canada Dry, TEN 7UP & TEN Sunkist. #TENways OK, now back to my “get ready for swimsuit season” list! ha! ;)

2. Get more sleep! This is one that I struggle with a lot (as I type this post at almost midnight!). I do feel so much healthier, & I have so much more energy when I do get enough sleep though. So this one is a big one! One way that is helping me to get more sleep is working way ahead on my blog. I try to work 2-3 weeks in advance on projects & post. That helps a bunch!

3. Get moving! We are lucky that we live so close to everything. We can walk to the park, walk to school & have tons of trails around. As a family we try to walk as much as we can. The more you move, the healthier you’ll be. ;)

4. Exercise regularly. In addition to moving more, I still need to work up a sweat! ha! So I try to exercise vigorously at least 3 times a week. I still have a young kiddo at home during the day so right now an exercise DVD in my living room is my best bet. Annnd if you ever saw me exercise that’s probably a good thing! haha! ;)

excercising #tenways #ad

5. Unplug. This is one I have been working on a bunch! Lately a couple of times a week I have actually put my laptop & I-pad in the car for the day so I can resist the urge to check email, instagram & facebook every 5 seconds. ha! I don’t have a smart phone (shocking!) so that helps a lot, too! I have found that I get so much more done by unplugging! I move more. I have more time to exercise. It has been amazing. Try it for a day & see! ;)

6. Treat yourself. Don’t forget to treat yourself every now & then. It’s OK to have an occasional cookie or piece of chocolate but not everyday! We reserve Monday nights as treat night at our house. It makes having a treat extra special, & it’s nice not to have a lot of temptations around the rest of the week. One of our new favorites is skinny butter pecan floats! Yum! You just use the TEN A&W Root Beer & some low fat butter pecan ice cream from Walmart. It is amazing! Try it! Annnnd you don’t have to feel too guilty about this sweet treat! ;)

skinny butter pecan float at #tenways #pmedia #ad

7. Have lots of fruits, vegetables & healthy snacks available to munch on. For snacks at our house we have lots of fruits & veggies! One of my kiddos favorite snacks (& mine, too) are apple slices & all natural peanut butter. We also love baby carrots. I also have lots of yogurt, yogurt sticks, fruit snacks, low fat pudding & cheese to munch on, too.

8. Write down your health goals. I am the type of person that has to write down my goals. It’s just not official until it’s written down in black & white. ;) Write down some of your goals, and then put them in a place where you can review them often & adjust them as needed. I have a free printable below. Just right click & save on your computer. Then you can open it up in Word & size as needed.

My Simple Health Goals printable at

9. Go swimsuit shopping! ;) Swimsuits are already in the stores. Have you seen them? Go ahead & pick out a cute one. Nothing will motivate you more than a cute swimsuit, right? ;)

10. Enjoy yourself! Life is to be enjoyed! So once swimsuit season gets here put on that swimsuit (even if it’s tight!), & enjoy yourself. Your kiddos aren’t going to care if you haven’t quite gotten down to your goal weight or not. They’ll be happy to see that you are trying to be healthy! Annnnd I bet they’ll be even happier to see YOU doing a big cannon ball right in the middle of the pool! ha! ;)

#tenways #ad

Or seeing YOU helping them build the biggest sand castle ever on the beach! Have fun! It’s summertime! Wahoo! :)

#ad simple ways to get healthy

Click the picture below to find your TEN soda coupon.

TEN coupon at Walmart #pmedia #ad

PROMOTION: $0.50 off of the purchase of TWO 2 Liter bottles or TWO 4-pack cans of 7UP TEN, A&W TEN, Canada Dry TEN, or Sunkist TEN soda. However, if you share the digital coupon via email, FB, Twitter (there is a click to share function) you will get brought to a coupon that will get $1.50 off that purchase rather than just $0.50.  Offer available while supplies last, from 3/27-4/17.

You can keep in touch with the all the TEN products {7UP, Sunkist, A&W and Canada Dry} on facebook & twitter.

What are you favorite things to do in the summer?
How are you trying to get ready for swimsuit season?
I’d love to hear your ideas & tips! :)

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This post was created for Ginger Snap Crafts by Ginger Bowie.