Ginger Snap Crafts: Our Shutterfly Book & Giveaway #shutterfly

Our Shutterfly Book & Giveaway #shutterfly

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I love, love, love pictures! You might of already figured that out! ha! :) Recently we went to one of our favorite places on family vacation ~ Nauvoo! When we got home I wanted to take some of my pictures & turn them into a book. So my kiddos could flip through it & remember the amazing time we had there. Enter Shutterfly! I have used Shutterfly many times, and I have always been impressed with their quality, how easy their website is to navigate & how fast they ship! I was able to make this book & have it in my hands within a week of our vacation. Awesome, huh? ;) Keep reading because there is a chance for TWO of you to win you very own Shutterfly book! Yay!

shutterfly book

Before we get to the giveaway I wanted to share some of my favorite pictures from our trip. I included these in our book, too! :) Nauvoo is a historic old town that has been partially restored to how it looked in the mid 1800s. It’s almost like going back in time! The kiddos had fun wearing their pioneer hats! Aren’t they cute?

family vacation
The most beautiful building in the Nauvoo is the rebuilt Nauvoo Temple. It’s breathtaking!

nauvoo temple
One of my kiddos favorite spots in Nauvoo is called Pioneer Pastimes. They dress up, play pioneer games, play & have a wonderful time. We stopped by there a couple of times each day we were there. So fun! :)

nauvoo trip
We also had plenty of rock candy while we were there, too! Yum!

We had a wonderful time, and we want to always remember our week spent in Old Nauvoo!

nauvoo family vacation turned into a book

So we were super excited when our book, “A Trip to Nauvoo” was delivered to our door! It will be a wonderful keepsake of our trip. :)

shutterfly memory book

Now are you ready to win a Shutterfly book of your own?

shutterfly giveaway

Enter in the form below.
Good luck! :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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This project & post were created for Ginger Snap Crafts by Ginger Bowie.