Ginger Snap Crafts: celebration week {some final thoughts from me}

celebration week {some final thoughts from me}


Wow!  What a week we’ve had at Ginger Snap Crafts!

A big thank you goes out to all YOU!  Thank you to all of the wonderful & talented guest bloggers & to my fabulous sponsors who came through BIG with some truly amazing giveaways!

thank you


Guest Bloggers

A Law Student’s Journey | Lolly Jane | Johnny in a Dress | Brown Paper Packages

Sweet Peas & Bumblebees | Capital B | Sweetly Made Just for You | Lil’ Luna | Sassy Sites



The Vintage Pearl | Cherished Bliss | Shabby Apple

Knick of Time | Tinker B Boutique | Literally Inspired

{Remember all giveaways will be open until Oct. 15th…so there is plenty of time to enter!!! :)}


Now some final thoughts from me!


I love Blogging…yes that’s with a Capital B!

I Heart Crafty Things, too.  So having a C.R.A.F.T. blog has been a dream come true!

These past 6 months have been amazing. I have been Literally Inspired by all of your Sassy Sites!

The BEST thing about blogging is ALL of the Truly Lovely bloggers I’ve met.

{Especially all of you Southern Lovely ones…yes, I’m from the South, too! :)}

My second MOST favorite thing about blogging is that my Someday Crafts are getting done

TODAY!  Wahoo!  I’ve had so many projects on my to do list fOrEvEr…it’s so fun checking things

off the list.   Of course, when I see YOU doing A Little of This, A Little of That it makes my list grow

once again!  I love seeing what YOU are up to each week at my {wow me} wednesday party!

{Thank YOU so much for all the support you give to my little party that has gotten SO BIG!}

Seeing all of the creative ideas UCreate gets me inspired to create some more, too!

{I’m afraid I’m going to have join Craftaholics Anonymous or maybe it’s hopeless, I may just be

Mad in Crafts! ;) } Of course, with the ups of blogging there’s a few downs.

It does take a lot of time, it’s not as Simple as That. Yes, blogging is hard work!

I’ve even thought about trying to recruit my 5 sisters to become “Six Sister’s Stuff, TOO”!

{Do you think they’d go for it?? :)  We could all take turns staying up until 2 am blogging! :)}

I have definitely become a Mommy by Day, Crafter at Night.  Good thing I’m good at

Night Owl CraftingI’ve also found many, many Reasons to Skip the Housework!  {Whoops!}

My home does not have as much Delightful Order as it once did, but I’m working on that.

I’m trying to find a balance…I’m trying be better at Keeping it Simple.

{So where do I go from here?}

I’m not sure.  I started this blog 6 months ago as just something fun to do!

{My goal was to have 100 followers in a year!  So yes, I’m amazed at the support!  Thank YOU!} 

It’s fun receiving kind comments, meeting all of you, answering your questions, hosting fun

giveaways, thinking of new crafts & post to write & learning new blogging tips & tricks.

It’s fun gaining a new follower who becomes a friend!

So yes, I’m beyond thrilled to be at this point in A Step in the Journey for my little blog. 

Hope you all will continue to follow along!


See you on Monday!