Ginger Snap Crafts: April 2013


{wow me} wednesday #101

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

Don’t forget to enter the
Mother’s Day KitchenAid Mixer Giveaway!
{Go here to enter.}


SO are you ready to PaRty?


Mother’s Day KitchenAid Mixer Giveaway #giveaway

Today I’m excited to be teaming up with some of your favorite bloggers for this awesome Mother’s Day KitchenAid Mixer Giveaway! You can either keep it for yourself or give it to Mom or a friend, annnd you even get to pick the color! Wahoo! Keep reading to see how to enter! :)



#IHeartMyNailArt Party! Party! Party! {Tween Sally Hansen Fingernail Polish Party} #CBias

Disclosure: I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias®  and COTY #cbias #SocialFabric

We were recently asked to host a HUGE #IHeartMyNailArt Girls Night featuring Sally Hansen fingernail polish & featuring the fun Color Blocking fingernail painting technique! Hang tight I’ll be sharing a Color Blocking tutorial in just a bit. ;) Since I have a tween daughter we decided to turn it into a fun Tween Fingernail Polish Party, & boy was it a HIT! It was so much fun….so keep reading for all the fun details. :)

Our HUGE Sally Hansen #IHeartMyNailArt party at #cbias #ad


Hallmark Pics ‘n’ Props Show Mom Love Kit {giveaway}

This post is brought to you by Hallmark. All opinions are my own. #ad

Mother’s Day is right around the corner! I hope you checked out my 15+ Mother’s Day Gift Ideas post from yesterday! Today I have one more fun Mother’s Day gift idea to share with you, & there’s a giveaway. Yay! :) Hallmark has just released a brand new product line~ Pics ‘n’ Props. Several of their kits would help make a Mother’s Day-themed photo shoot a bit more fun, & they would also make a great gift for Mom or Grandma.

Hallmark Pics 'N' Props Giveaway at


15+ Mother’s Day Gift Ideas #linkparty #feature

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet!

This week I’m excited to be featuring 15+ Mother’s Day Gift Ideas.
Come back tomorrow for a fun Mother’s Day Giveaway! ;)

15  Mother's Day Gift Ideas at


{wow me} wednesday #100

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

It’s party #100!!! Holy moly that’s crazy! ha! ;)
I so appreciate all of you for coming each week
& sharing your ah-mazing projects & talents!
you are amazing

Don’t forget to enter the $300 Target gift card giveaway!

SO are you ready to PaRty?

10 of My Favorite Silhouette Vinyl Projects #silhouette

Well, I’m back from Snap, & now I’m trying to get caught back up with normal life! Grocery shopping anyone?? ha! I’ll have a recap post soon & maybe a little giveaway of some of the ah-mazing Snap swag I come home with. ;) So stay tuned for that!

For now enjoy some of my favorite Silhouette vinyl projects that I’ve shared on my blog in the past. Seriously vinyl is one of my most favorite things to craft with. I just love it! :) Annnd just a reminder the Silhouette Cameo & Portrait Vinyl Bundles & Silhouette Vinyl are all still on sale from now until this Friday, April 26th when you use the code GINGERSNAP at checkout! More details are at the bottom of this post.

Some of my favorite #silhouette vinyl projects from #gingersnapcrafts

C.S. Lewis quote, I Believe block, DIY garden pots, DIY blocks, large wall quote


Mother’s Day Gift Card Box {tutorial}

Mother’s Day is coming up soon! It’s my favorite day of the year. ha! ;) If you have a super picky mom (like I am!) then a gift card might be the perfect gift, but you’ll want to make it look a little special! So today I’d love to show you how I made this pretty little Mother’s Day Gift Card Box. Annnd in case my hubby is reading my blog…I’d love a big ole gift card to Hobby Lobby for Mother’s Day. That would be perfect! ;) ha!

Mother's Day gift card hold from GingerSnapCrafts


Win a $300 Target Gift Card {giveaway}

Today I’m excited to be helping my good friend, Liz from Love Grows Wild
celebrate her 1st blog birthday with this ah-mazing $300 Target gift card giveaway!
Target Gift Card Giveaway


20+ Cupcake Recipes {round up} #recipe #feature

Well, as you are reading this I am enjoying my first day of Snap! Eek!
You can follow along on instagram, & see what I’m up to! ;)

Oh…and did you see my Silhouette giveaway from this morning! Yay!
Scroll down (or pop over to the blog if you’re in a reader) & ENTER!
Winner will be announced on Sunday! :)

While I’m gone enjoy these 20+ yummy cupcake recipes!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet!

Twenty  Yummy Cupcake Recipes {round up at}

DIY Monogrammed Luggage Tag {tutorial}, April Silhouette Promotion & Silhouette Portrait™ Giveaway

As usual this Silhouette post is packed full of awesomeness ~ a how to design, cut & make a vinyl DIY Monogrammed Luggage Tag tutorial, a Silhouette Promotion & a Silhouette Portrait™ giveaway. Wahoo! So keep reading! :)

DIY monogrammed luggage tag from GingerSnapCrafts,com


{wow me} wednesday #99 & a Sweet is the Work CD #giveaway

Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

Tonight I have a super sweet giveaway for YOU!
Award-winning composer and arranger Kurt Bestor and photographer Mark Mabry have once again teamed up with the flute-and-harp duo Opus 2 in the production of Sweet is the Work. This missionary-themed compilation focuses on the peaceful subset of beloved missionary hymns, and emphasizes the gentle and thoughtful side of missionary service. Songs such as A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief, Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy, Joseph Smith's First Prayer, Army of Helaman, and many others add a gentle glow to the existing canon of missionary music. An ideal gift for missionary study or reflection time, and the perfect gift for the missionary in all of us. Sweet is the Work is now available at

Up for grabs tonight is one Sweet is the Work CD for one of YOU!
Enter in the form below! Good luck! :)
(Open to U.S. residents only.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway
SO are you ready to PaRty?

My Snap Roomie #snapsnippets #snapconf

Tomorrow I’ll be headed on a jet plane to Utah for Snap blogging conference! Eek! I haven’t been on a plane all by myself since I was 19! ha! So I hope I make all my connections & actually make it to Utah! :) I actually have a stop in Memphis on the way there & a 3 hour layover in Minneapolis on the way home. Annnd if you know where I live both of those are in totally opposite directions from Utah! Kind of crazy!

I thought it would be fun to introduce you to my Snap roomie ~ my little sister, Megan. She is fun, bright, outgoing, spontaneous & fabulous….a perfect contrast to her shy & kind of boring older sister! ha! ;) #snapsnippets #snapconf

#snapconf #snapsnippets


Coffee Filter Butterflies ~ Kid Craft {tutorial}

Today I’ve got a super easy & fun craft to do with the kiddos. Our family has been making these coffee filter butterflies ever since my oldest was in kindergarten (a long time ago). They are so easy to put together, & you probably have everything you need to make them on hand. They are the perfect kid craft for spring, too!

coffee filter butterflies from GingerSnapCrafts


So, how fresh is YOUR car? #FresherCar #CBias

Did you know that the air inside of your car can be dirtier than the air outside of your car? Yes, it can! Ewww! As a mom of 5 & with a hubby who has severe allergies, I want the air inside our car to be as clean & smell as fresh as possible. That why we recently replaced our car’s air filter with a FRAM Fresh Breeze Cabin Air Filter made with Arm & Hammer Baking Soda.

FRAM Fresh Breeze Air Filters #fresherCar


DIY Camera Strap Cover #snapsnippets #snapconf

Guys…I’ll be headed to Utah on Wednesday for Snap! Eek! I’m super excited & a lot nervous! ha! Annnnd I have a to do list up to my eyeballs trying to get ready! I think I’ll get it all done but we’ll see I guess! ;)

One of the things on my to do list was making a cute camera strap cover for my cameral Do you think I’ll be the only blogger without a DSLR? ha! I guess I’ll find out very soon! Anyways, I saw this ah-mazing & simple camera strap tutorial over on Capital B, & I thought I’d try it out. By the way, Sky from Capital B was one of my very first blogging friends, & I am soooooo excited about meeting her at Snap! I can’t wait! ;)

DIY camera strap


10+ DIY Jewelry Tutorials {link party features}

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet!

This is my 2nd feature post of today from the #biggestlinkpartyever!
Be sure to check out my 15+ Home Décor DIY Projects , Tips & Reveals features.

Now I’d love to feature 10+ DIY Jewelry Tutorials
that were linked up to last week’s party.

10  DIY Jewelry Tutorials {features from}

15+ Home Décor DIY Projects, Tips & Reveals {link party features}

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet!

Today I’m sharing 15+ ah-mazing home décor DIY projects, tips & reveals.

I’ll be back later today sharing some more
fabulous features from the #biggestlinkpartyever!

15  Home Decor DIY projects, tips & reveals #features at

Duck Tape® Clutch {tutorial} #StuckAtProm #spon

This post brought to you by Duck® Brand. All opinions are 100% mine.

I think we've all seen someone who LOVES using Duck Tape®  to make purses, wallets, flowers....just about anything! Well, prom season is just around the corner & Duck Tape® is sponsoring a fun Stuck at Prom® Contest! Doesn't that sound fun? More details will be keep reading. ;)

Buuut before we get to that I'd love to show you how I made this cute prom inspired clutch in under 30 minutes!


{wow me} wednesday #98

So glad YOU are here!

Thank you all so much for partying with us last week
at the #biggestlinkpartyever! Wahoo! We had almost 800 links!
You guys rocked my crafty socks off! Seriously! ;)
I have two huge feature post in the works for later this week!

These ladies were so awesome to work with,
& many of them did feature post of their own!
So please show them some bloggy love! :)

Don’t forget to enter my blog birthday giveaway!
3 stores ~ 3 cards ~ 3 winners
{Enter HERE}
$25 gift card giveaway at 3 cards ~ 3 stores ~ 3 winners

SO are you ready to PaRty?

Fighting Hunger Together

This post brought to you by Walmart. All opinions are 100% mine.

Walmart is working with Feeding America and ten of the most recognizable food companies in America this spring to launch the third chapter of the Fighting Hunger Together initiative. Vote and volunteer to fight hunger this spring with Walmart. This time they will be focusing on reducing hunger across the country. According to the USDA, more than 50 million Americans live in food insecure households, and more than 16 million of those impacted are children. That is a staggering number!


Genius Ultimate Cutting Platform {tutorial} #imagenius #LifestyleCrafts

A few weeks ago I told you about some of the fun things Lifestyle Crafts has been doing lately all centered around their ah-mazing new Genius Ultimate Cutting Platform.  All this week you can follow along over on the Lifestyle Crafts blog as they share more Genius fun. #imagenius

I have a Genius Ultimate Cutting Platform that I love using. So I thought I’d share a little tutorial on how it all works. :)



Southwestern Style Chicken Wraps {recipe} #inspiremydinner #CBias #spon

If you follow me on instagram you might of noticed that our family got a special delivery in the mail this past week from Tyson Foods. Yes, we had some yummy chicken delivered right to our front door. Now that was a first! :) We were able to sample Tyson Foods’ brand new line of marinated chicken breasts that will be available this coming week at Walmart. Yay!;)

I used some of the chicken to make these super easy & yummy Southwestern Style Chicken Wraps. This is a healthy & quick dinner recipe that your family will love.  Seriously, they were so delicious! #InspireMyDinner

Southwestern Style Chicken Wraps (recipe from


$25 Gift Card Giveaway {3 stores, 3 cards, 3 winners} #giveaway

Well, my blog birthday week has been a blast! If you haven’t linked up to the biggest link party ever you still have a few more hours left. :) I’ll be sharing two huge feature post next week! I know many of my co-host are doing feature post, too! {So link up HERE if you haven’t yet.}  You can also check out my two ah-mazing feature post from this week ~ 10+ colorful projects & 25+ yummy cookie recipes. I also shared a link party {blogging tip} post as well. So check it out if you missed that.

To finish up the week I’m excited to be sponsoring a giveaway for YOU ~ my fabulous readers! I know without your support I wouldn’t be here. Thank you all so much! You’re awesome! So up for grabs today are {3} $25 gift cards to 3 of my most favorite crafty stores ~ Hobby Lobby, Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores & Michaels! There are 3 stores, 3 cards and 3 winners! Yay!

$25 gift card giveaway at 3 cards ~ 3 stores ~ 3 winners


25+ Yummy Cookie Recipes {#linkparty features}

It’s my favorite day of the week I get to feature YOU!
Annnd today I get to feature even more of YOU! Yay!
Yep…this is my second feature post today! :)
So be sure to check out my bright & colorful feature post.

The #biggestlinkpartyever is still going on so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet!

Here are 25+ Cookie Recipes that have been linked up so far! Yummy!

25  Yummy Cookie Recipes at

10+ colorful projects for you & your home {link party features}

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!
Today there will be two feature post~ this one from last week’s party
& then later on this afternoon I’ll have one from this week’s party!

Have you linked up to the #biggestlinkpartyever yet?
Go {here
} if you haven’t! It’s huge! :)

Check out these 10+ Colorful Projects that were linked up to last week’s party! :)

10  bright & colorful projects


{wow me} wednesday #97 with 40+ Co-Host #biggestlinkpartyever

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

You have come to the right place tonight!
Wahoo! It’s the #biggestlinkpartyever!
I’d love to introduce you to my 40+ fabulous co-host
who are helping me celebrate my 2nd blog birthday!
Whether you link up here or at one of their blogs
your link will be seen all over blogland tonight!  Yay!

how to hold a stress-free, fun & successful link party {blogging tips}

This week marks my 2 year blog birthday! I can’t believe it! I still feel like I’m so new to this blogging thing & half the time don’t even feel like a blogger! ha! I’ve got some fun things planned for this week so I hope you’ll follow along! Tonight we are going to have a huge {wow me} wednesday party with over 40 other bloggers co-hosting!! It’s going to be ah-mazing! #biggestlinkpartyever. (See it even has it’s own hashtag! ha!) So make sure you stop by tonight to link up your latest & greatest.

On Thursday I’ll have two huge feature post from last week’s party & this week’s party. My co-host will also be featuring some of their favorites on facebook, twitter, pinterest &/or on their own blogs. So you’ll want to check that out. Annnd on Friday I’ll have an awesome giveaway that I’m sure all you crafty ladies will want to enter! ;)

I absolutely love blogging, and I feel so blessed with all the amazing bloggers I’ve met, opportunities that have come my way & how much my blog has grown over the past 2 years. I love sharing my own projects on my blog, and I love featuring all of YOU just as much or even more. When I look back over the past two years I feel that my link party has been one of the biggest things that has helped my blog grow, introduced me to many of you & allowed me to feature YOU. Sometimes I think link parties get a bad rap around blogland…some say that there are too many, too much work & too time consuming. Buuut I’m here to tell you that you can hold a stress-free, fun & successful link party! Here’s how! :)

how to hold a stress-free, fun & successful link party from


Spring Garden Inspiration from The Home Depot #DigIn #DigInHD

I am absolutely thrilled to be participating in The Home Depot Spring DIY program. Just check out my yard before pictures later on in this post, & you’ll see why! ha! ;) I hope you’ll follow along as I work with The Home Depot & turn my lawn & garden into something fabulous! I hope you’ll join in the fun, too! I’d love to see what you are doing in your yard. If you’ve been on The Home Depot’s website lately you might of noticed The Home Depot Garden Club. I was so excited to join, & I encourage YOU to check it out, too! So many ideas! Ooh…I can’t wait to get started in my yard! Yay for spring! :) #DigIn #DiginHD

Home Depot Garden Club #digin

{all images from The Home Depot}