Ginger Snap Crafts: October 2012


{wow me} wednesday #75

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

I can’t believe Halloween is almost here!

Last week I got to go with my daughter’s
kindergarten class to the pumpkin patch!
It was 39 degrees, & the wind was blooooooowing! 
Seriously the coldest I’ve ever been!
We did manage to have a good time even in the brrrrrr cold!


Modest Slip Extender from Babblings & More {review & giveaway}

slip extender giveaway from Babblings & More 


The 25 Days of Christ {25 stories & ornaments} review & giveaway

Today I’d love to introduce you to The 25 Days of Christ.

The 25 Days of Christ kit comes with everything you need
to make 25 ornaments for each day leading up to Christmas Day.
It also comes with a book with stories & scriptures to go along with each ornament.

Sometimes in the hustle & bustle of the holiday season
it’s hard to remember the true meaning of the season~ the birth of Christ.
This kit makes it easier to put Christ back into your Christmas traditions.

 25 days of Christ giveaway 


easy spider party favors with cupcake liners {tutorial}

spider party favors made with cupcake liners from Ginger Snap Crafts


3 Quick Last Minute Halloween Projects using your Silhouette

Eeek!!  Halloween is NEXT week!!
I’m not going to have enough time to
do full tutorials on all my Halloween crafts!
So much to blog about so little time! ha!

So here’s a quick run down on
3 quick Halloween projects
I made using my Silhouette.

Halloween polka dot treat box from Ginger Snap Crafts

take a look at you {my favorites}

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet!

Thank you all so much for sharing each week!

 Here’s just a few of my favorites from last week’s {wow me} wednesday party!

almondcookies (1)


{wow me} wednesday #74

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

This past Friday I was able to attend a blogging event
at the Tyson World Headquarters.  I got to hang out
with an awesome group of bloggers all day long! 
It was so fun meeting some of my blogging friends in real life!
Here I am with Brandi from The Creative Princess
& Rachel from Bubbly Nature Creations.


Front Yard Cemetery from Michele @ Shelstring {guest blogger}

Hi everybody! I'm so excited to do my first EVER guest post
here at one of my very favorite blogs, Ginger Snap Crafts!

My name is Michele and I'm visiting from my blog, Shelstring.


Spooky Spider Wreath {tutorial}

Happy Monday!  Last week I shared this over on Lil’ Luna.
If you didn’t catch it there…here it is again.

Ginger Snap Crafts spider wreath


my not-so-perfect pumpkin {Silhouette tutorial}

paper pumpkin {Silhouette tutorial}


18+ pumpkin inspired recipes {take a look at you}

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet!

Thank you all so much for sharing each week!

 Here’s a FEW of my favorite pumpkin recipes from last week’s {wow me} wednesday party!


Chocolate Pumpkin Granola Bars from It Bakes Me Happy


{root beer} BBQ sandwich {recipe} #DibsOnMyRibs #CBias

{If you are looking for {wow me} wednesday click HERE or scroll down.}

root beer BBQ sandwich with Kraft BBQ sauce


{wow me} wednesday #73

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

Just A Note  Mixed Holiday  Smile

Just wanted to let you know that PSA Essential has just released some new stamps!
Wahoo!  These are the first new Peel & Stick releases in 2 years! Yay!
You can check all the details over on the PSA Stamp Camp blog {HERE}.

Heather from The Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance Blog {guest blogger}

Today it is an honor to share my blog with Heather from The Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance Blog.  Heather helps raise awareness about mesothelioma ~a type of cancer that she was diagnosed with a few months after her daughter was born in 2005, and she is now a 6 year cancer survivor.  She is a beacon of hope for others that have this disease. I loved this quote from their site ~As awareness builds, so does HOPE. So today it’s my hope you that you will be touched as you learn a little bit more about Heather, this type of cancer & her amazing story.  So here she is….meet Heather.

Screen Shot 2012-07-26 at 8.01.02 AM (1)
I had just heard the three words that would surely strike fear into anyone’s core — “You have cancer.”


Some Inspiration from World Market #WorldMarket_HGTV

Have you heard about the HGTV & World Market’s Passport to Style Sweepstakes? The Grand Prize includes a $10,000 World Market gift card along with a design consultation with an HGTV Designer.  Wouldn’t that be ah-mazing?? Oh the things I could do with HGTV and World Market….

HGTV and World Market giveaway information


colorful pumpkins {tutorial} #Tuteracelebrate

colorful pumpkin tutorial from Ginger Snap Crafts 


take a look at you {my favorites}

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet!

Thank you all so much for sharing each week!

 Here’s a FEW of my favorites from last week’s {wow me} wednesday party!


Candy Corn Cream Cookies Bars from Wine & Glue


10+ Recipes with Kraft {#DibsOnMyRibs Event} #CBias

Happy Wednesday! 
I know I don’t usually post on Wednesdays because of my link party
but I had some big news, & I couldn’t wait to tell YOU.
On Friday I will be attending my first event as a blogger!  Exciting, huh?
I was invited to attend the #DibsOnMyRibs Pork Recipe Cook-Off in Springdale, AR.
The top 6 recipe winners from the Dibs on my Ribs challenge will be competing.
There should be lots of food, entertainment & good times. I can’t wait!
{You can find more event details here.}



{wow me} wednesday #72

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes last week!
I had a wonderful birthday.  My family made it extra special.
Annnd since it was my birthday I convinced them to take family pictures! 
Yay!  We had the wonderfully talented Kristen Hallmark take them.
{If any of you live in NW Arkansas…you can find her on facebook.}
Here’s a little sneak peak…I can’t wait to see the rest!

familly pictures 2012

Making Handmade Cards in 3 Easy Steps #Tuteracelebrate

David Tutera Celebrate Card Line #Tuteracelebrate


5 ingredient taco soup {recipe}

5 ingredient taco soup {recipe}


Cleaning with Vinegar {tips & tricks} #HeinzVinegar #CBias

cleaning with vinegar


paper pumpkin {Silhouette tutorial}

paper pumpkin tutorial from Ginger Snap Crafts

$75 gift card to Shabby Apple {giveaway}

Good morning! 
To end the week I’ve got an amazing giveaway for you.
Up for grabs today is a $75 gift card to Shabby Apple.
This is an amazing gift because the winner can choose anything they want!

Shabby Apple is well know for their beautiful dresses.

shabby apple dress giveaway        shabby apple dress


Ooey Gooey Cake {cake recipe} #CoolWhipFrosting #CBias


13 fall wreaths {take a look at you}

It’s my favorite day of the week…I get to feature some of YOU!  Yay!
This week’s party is still going on so feel free to link up {here
} if you haven’t yet!

Thank you all so much for sharing each week!

 Here’s a FEW of my favorite fall wreaths from last week’s {wow me} wednesday party!

fall mantel 1

Fall Mantel & Wreath from Days of Chalk and Chocolate


{wow me} wednesday #71

Welcome to  {wow me} wednesday!

So glad YOU are here!

Well, today is my birthday! Wahoo!
So I’ll make this short & sweet. Winking smile

I have some fun giveaways going on this week from~
Cutting Edge Stencils & the David Tutera Celebrate Card Line.
Annnd Thursday I’ll be sharing a recipe for my favorite cake.
It is sooooo good! Yum! I’ll also be featuring some of YOU on Thursday!
Friday I have one more fun giveaway & an easy Halloween craft.
Make sure you check back in.

It’s going to be fun, fun, fun! You don’t want to miss out!

SO are you ready to PaRty?

David Tutera Celebrate Card Line {$50+ giveaway} #Tuteracelebrate

I am so excited about today’s giveaway!
I know you are going to LOVE this one!
Today one of YOU will get the chance to receive a
David Tutera Celebrate Card Line prize pack worth $50+.


The new David Tutera Celebrate Card Line is
now available at Joann Fabric & Craft Stores.  Yay!


Cutting Edge Stencil {giveaway}

It’s my birthday week! 
I have some fun things planned all week long!

First up is an amazing giveaway from Cutting Edge Stencils.
I’m soooooooooooooo excited for one of YOU!
Cutting Edge Stencils has graciously offered to give one of YOU a
$50 credit plus free shipping to use toward any one of their amazing stencils!

