Ginger Snap Crafts: Sewing with Kids…Easy Sew Owls from Maddie Moes {contributor}

Sewing with Kids…Easy Sew Owls from Maddie Moes {contributor}

Hi! I'm Janice from Maddie Moes and am so delighted to be with Ginger, here, on her team of contributors.  

I am very much a seamstress in progress and have loved learning some new skills over the last few years. More than this though, one of the loveliest parts of sewing has been sharing it with my girls.  They have loved creating their own little unique pieces and watching how they have picked up the basic skills has been so amazing.

This wee owl has been one of their favourite projects…so much so that my eldest has begun making them for her friends!!

easy sew owl

A couple of precursors….

// Using felt is great for kids as it doesn't fray, is easy for them to handle and is bright and colourful.  The main body of the owl itself is relatively small so scraps of lovely fabric can be used…I backed the owls in a white felt so the amount of fabric needed for the body was reduced again, this meant we could use some lovely (but small) offcuts I had.  The fabric we chose was a remnant from my bedroom curtains when I was little; I love, love, love this fabric, a proper 1970s vintage!

// I backed the fabric used for the eyes with iron-on bondaweb, initially we only ironed these on but we found that stitching around made them much more secure.

easy sew owl 1

1. Have a basic stencils for the body, wings, eyes and beak cut out which the girls used to draw around on their chosen fabric.

easy sew owl 2

2.  Cut out each piece of fabric using stencils.

easy sew owl 3

3.  Iron on the eye pieces and sew around to secure in place.  Sew the two 'beak' triangles into position along the top edge.

4.  On back of fabric trace around main owl stencil.

easy sew owl 4

5.  Place the body pieces right side together with the two wings placed inward on either side. 

easy sew owl 5

6.  Sew around the whole body piece leaving a gap to turn right side out.

easy sew owl 6

7.  Trim around owl, clipping curves to give a smooth edge when turned right side out.

easy sew owl 7

8.  Turn fabric right side out and fill with stuffing.

easy sew owl 8

9.  Sew up the gap at the base either using your machine or a small slip stitch.

easy sew owl 9

We have loved making these little owls in different patterns and colours.

More than anything though I love making and creating with my girls…passing on the love of a hobby, of the enjoyment of making something from scratch and the satisfaction of coming up with an idea and following it to it's end.  Trying to combine my ideas with following their own wee creative urges.

Follow along with me on 'Sewing with Kids' series as I try to encourage their fledgling skills!!

easy sew owl

Thank you so much, Janice! That owl is too cute! :)
I know my daughter would LOVE to make one, too!

Make sure you stop by Maddie Moes 
for beautiful pictures & more fun projects like these.

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This project & post were created for Ginger Snap Crafts by Maddie Moes.