Flip Flop Pool Bag {tutorial}
12 Fun Ideas for the 4th of July
Hello! I am definitely on a red, white & blue kick this week! I love the 4th of July & all things Americana! I’m right in the middle of making some new patriotic décor for our home. I can’t wait to share! So today I am excited to feature 12 Fun Ideas for the 4th of July that were linked up to last week’s {wow me} wednesday party. If you haven’t swung by this week’s party make sure you do! Annnnd if you are a blogger, I’d love to see YOUR ideas! You can link up & check out this week’s links right {HERE}. Buuuut first scroll through this very patriotic feature post. Enjoy! :)
{wow me} wednesday #207
Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)
Last week I featured fun 10 Craft Projects. :)
Make sure you check out all the craftiness right over {HERE}.
50+ Red, White & Blue Ideas #redwhite&blue
Hello! I hope you all have some amazing plans for this Memorial Day! I am enjoying spending some time with my family (in the rain!). ;) I know that this is all possible because of the men & women that have fought & died defending our freedoms. I am so thankful for them & for their families. To celebrate this Memorial Day I thought it would be fun to round up over 50 of my favorite Red, White & Blue Ideas that have I have shared over the years. Enjoy! :)
Rainy Day Monsters {kid craft} #makeitfuncrafts
Hello! How are you? We are on the countdown to no more school. Yay! Only 3 more days! We can’t wait! ha! Over the summer we definitely bust out the craft supplies more often especially when it’s raining or too hot to play outside. I keep a big tub of craft supplies in our pantry so the kiddos can grab it anytime they feel like creating. We have all kinds of things inside. One of the things I love to keep on hand are the fun foam products that come in so many fun shapes & sizes from Make It Fun Crafts®. I’m so excited to show you our latest rainy day creation. (It has rained a bunch!) These Rainy Day Monsters are so fun to make with just a few supplies! So let’s get started. :)
10 Craft Projects
Good morning! Are you ready for the weekend? I am so looking forward to a long weekend with the family! Of course, we will probably have a few craft projects thrown in. ha! ;) Today I am excited to feature 10 Craft Projects that were linked up to the last several {wow me} wednesday parties. If you haven’t checked out this week’s party make sure you do! Annnnd if you are a blogger, I’d love to see YOUR ideas! You can link up & check out this week’s links right {HERE}. Buuuut first check out this crafty feature post. Enjoy! :)
Chalky Finish Bench Makeover #chalkyfinish
This post is brought to you by DecoArt. #chalkyfinish #decoartprojects
Hello! Good morning! I don’t know if you are like me, but I have a gazillion things on my “I want to get this done” list. Annnnd sometimes it takes me quite a while to get things check off that list. ha! Buuuut it feels so good when I do! ;) I have wanted to makeover the storage bench in our front entry way for forever. It has gotten pretty beat up & bang up over the years. I finally took a day & got it done with some help from the fabulous Americana Decor® Chalky Finish Paint line & supplies. So let me show you how I did it. Let’s get started!
{wow me} wednesday #206
Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)
Last week I featured 15 Recipes with Chocolate.
Check out all the yumminess right over {HERE}.
Teacher Gift Idea for a Man #GearLove
I made this amazing teacher gift basket (for a man) using great products from Office Depot as part of a sponsored post for Socialstars. #GearLove #GearUpForGreat
Hello! How are you? Amazing! I hope! As you may know I come from a big family ~ 6 girls & one (lucky!) boy. ha! My brother has been a news reporter for several years. Right now he is in Dallas covering all the top stories. So I was a little bit surprised when he called me last week & told me that he was hanging up his camera & life in the spotlight to become a teacher! Eek! He will be teaching 7th grade Texas history starting this fall. I am so happy for him, and I know he will make a great teacher. Of course, as his big sister I want to help him gear up for a great year this fall. So I headed off to Office Depot to pick up some of the gear that I love that I knew would be perfect for his new classroom this fall. I picked up some of my favorite things & made this teacher gift basket for a man. You don’t see many manly teacher gift ideas! ha! So keep reading to see what gear love I am sharing with my brother. I’ll also give you some tips for assembling a gift basket, & I have a cute teacher printable for you, too. So let’s get started. :)
Pizza Party Ideas & Printables #BigPizzeriaTaste
This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and TONY’S® Pizza, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #BigPizzeriaTaste
Hello! How are you? Did you have a great weekend? I hope so! We had tons to do, & I think we got most of it done. ha! When I was a little girl nothing brought us more excitement than two words ~ Pizza Party! Our pizza parties always included frozen pizza (like yummy TONY’S® Pizza!!), soda, chips & a dessert. We have continued that tradition with our own kiddos, & they love them just as much I did as a kid. At our house every Friday night is pizza party night. So keep reading to see how easy it is to throw a simple pizza party for your family. I also have some cute pizza party printables for you. :)
Color Blocked Garden Pots {tutorial}
This post was first seen over on The Creative Studio by Canvas Corp Brands.
Good morning! Spring has arrived, and summer will be here soon! Yay! We have been working outside in our garden a bunch! When we first got married I would always kill everything I tried to plant! ha! I have gotten a little bit better since then. ;) Thank goodness! I really enjoy working outside now. We have a ton of strawberries starting to turn red. Making some strawberry jam is next on the list! Today I’d love to show you how I made these simple Color Blocked Garden Pots. These would look cute in your home or garden. They’d make a great gift idea, too. I used the amazing High Impact Mixed Media Paints from Tattered Angels. These paints are so fun to use, & they would be perfect for your next project. So let’s get started.
15 Yummy Recipes with Chocolate
Hello! How are you? Awesome, I hope. :) It’s one of my favorite days of the week. I get to feature some of your amazing ideas! Yay! :) This week it is all about that chocolate. Yum! I am so excited about (& can’t wait to try!) these 15 Yummy Recipes with Chocolate that were linked up to last week’s {wow me} wednesday party. If you haven’t checked out this week’s party make sure you do! I have a Cutting Edge Stencils over there. Eek! Annnnd if you are a blogger, I’d love to see YOUR ideas! You can link up, check out the links & enter the giveaway right {HERE}. Buuuut first check out delicious feature post. Enjoy! :)
{wow me} wednesday #205 & a Cutting Edge Stencils Giveaway
Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)
To start this party off let’s have a giveaway! Wahoo!
My friends at Cutting Edge Stencils have just released
some adorable nursery stencils & trendy chalkboard stencils.
Hello Summer Party Ideas, Games & Printables #WhereFunBegins
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.
#WhereFunBegins #CollectiveBias
Hello! Summer is almost here! Yay! Every morning my kiddos let me know exactly how many more school days they have left. Just in case you were wondering today we are down to 12. Eek! I can’t wait! We love to have fun during the summer. Annnd the perfect way to kick off summer vacation is by having a party. Don’t ya think? :) So we decided to throw a party with some of our friends to kick off summer time! We had lots SunnyD (of course!). What says summer & fun more than SunnyD? ;) I also have the recipe for an easy to put together cupcake bar & lots of fun summer inspired games. I also have free summer party printables so you can throw a Hello to Summer Party, too. {You can also find TONS more fun ideas at} So let’s get this party started!
How to Keep Your House Clean When You Don’t Have Much Time to Clean & Eureka® Giveaway #CleaningUntangled
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.
#CleaningUntangled #EurekaPower #CollectiveBias
Hello! How was your Mother’s Day weekend? Fabulous! I hope! I was actually able to go down to Texas & visit my mom for Mother’s Day! I haven’t been with her on Mother’s Day for years! So it was good to say Happy Mother’s Day in person. ;) Right before we left I did receive a fun Mother’s Day surprise of my own. This amazing Eureka Brushroll Clean™ with SuctionSeal® showed up at my door right right before we left on Friday. Eek! If you know how much I love a clean house (annnd vacuum lines!!) then you know that this was the perfect gift for me. I’m also spilling the beans on how to keep your house clean when you don’t have much time to clean. So keep reading! :)
Happy Mother's Day! #itwasMom
Good morning! I just wanted to pop in real quick to wish you a Happy Mother's Day!
Enjoy this video! You might need to get some tissues ready. :)
Mexican Fiesta Dip {recipe}
This post is brought to you by I am a member of the Mom It Forward Blogger Network.
Hello! Happy Friday! As you know I have been asked to be a Canbassador for Cans Get You Cooking® this year! Eek! I’m so excited. I know I use tons of can foods in my cooking & love to stock my “cantry” with all kinds of can goods to use in my family’s favorite meals. So far I’ve shared an easy (& skinny) chicken salad wrap recipe & a yummy peanut butter chocolate cup recipe. Today I’m sharing an easy recipe for a yummy Mexican Fiesta Dip. This dish would make a great appetizer at your next party, & it is even hearty enough to eat for lunch. It’s full of lots of protein & incredible flavor. I’ll also be sharing some tips for healthy, homemade meals & snacks. So keep reading! :)
8 Teacher Gift Ideas
Hello! Good morning! It’s my favorite day of the week. I get to feature some of your awesome ideas! Yay! :) I can’t believe it’s almost summer! Eek! This year has really flown by! It’s also that time of year when we start thinking about giving an appreciation gift to our kiddos’ amazing teachers. So I am excited to be featuring 8 Teacher Gift Ideas that were linked up to the last few {wow me} wednesday parties. If you haven’t checked out this week’s party make sure you do! If you are a blogger, I’d love to see YOUR ideas! You can do all of that right {HERE}. Buuuut first check out A+ feature post. Enjoy! :)
{wow me} wednesday #204
Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)
Last week I featured 10 Refreshing Drink Ideas.
You can check out all the delicious beverages right {HERE}.
Don’t forget Mom’s Week is in full swing! You still have time to register.
Hurry! You don’t want to miss out on some amazing products & giveaways.
Annnnd I have a fun giveaway from CanvasPop. Yay!
Enter in the form below to win a 16x20 canvas print. Good luck!
CanvasPop {review & giveaway}
This post is brought to you by CanvasPop.
Hello! Eek! I have something fun for you today! Yay! Recently I was contacted by the awesome folks at CanvasPop asking if I’d like to review one of their beautiful wrapped canvas prints. I’m kind of obsessed with pictures! Annnd I soon as I checked out their site I was hooked! Their canvas prints are beautiful. Annnd I am absolutely in love my new canvas print from CanvasPop. I love that the colors are vibrant, the picture is crystal clear, I love that it is a nice thick canvas with perfectly folded corners & that it came all ready to hang. Annnd guess what? I get to giveaway a 16x20 CanvasPop canvas print to one of YOU! So keep reading to see how to enter! :)
Snack & Beverage Station {tutorial} #SidelineHero
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.
#SidelineHero #CollectiveBias
Good morning! How was your weekend? Awesome, I hope! :) We are in a super busy time of year right now! Three of our kiddos are in soccer. Whew! So we were busy running from practices to games & back again this weekend. ha! It’s a whole lot of work, but it’s a whole lot of fun, too! I love watching them out on the field running with a big smile on their face having a blast! When they come off the field they are definitely in need of a way to refuel. That’s why I created the ultimate soccer sideline kit with POWERADE® & some fresh produce to help them get rehydrated & ready to do it all over again. I’m going to show you how I made this easy Snack & Beverage Station. It is perfect to use on the sideline! So let’s get started!
DIY Playroom Art {tutorial} #PutTogether
#puttogether #ad