Good morning! I decided to change things up today. I’m not sharing a new project or recipe or sponsored post today. Shocking, I know! ha! ;) This weekend I just wanted to take a break from all things crafty & blogging & focus on these special people & Halloween. We had a good time! I also have a thing for pumpkin patch pictures, & I wanted to share a few pictures with you from our trip to the pumpkin patch last week! ha! ;)
This fall has been an interesting time for me. My youngest started kindergarten, & my oldest is a senior. It’s been tough adjusting to the changes that come with all of that. Annnd trying not to cry every time I think about how fast my kiddos are growing up! I’m slowly getting used to all of the kiddos being gone during the day. I do have to say it’s been super quiet. Ugh! Not too happy about that. ha! I love having my kids home & the noise & messes that come with it. I tried to convince the hubby to try for #6, but he’s not budging! ha! ;)
I did start a new tradition ~ mom day! Once a semester each kiddo can take a one day break from school & spend the whole day doing something fun (with me!). So far I took my youngest daughter on a trip to Build a Bear & lunch & went shopping with my teenager for fall clothes. My kindergartner’s turn is next. We are thinking about going to the safari or the new children’s museum. Decisions, decisions. ;) Oh, how I love this little guy!
One good thing about having all the kiddos in school is that I am available to help out in the classroom more often. It’s nice not have to worry about finding a babysitter for the younger ones. On Friday I was able to make 2 fall parties. We had a really good time! I was able to help this little lady’s class play pin the spider in the web. I’m pretty sure everyone was cheating. ;) They all got their spiders right in the middle. ha! I love that she’s my little crafty partner. One day she’ll be taking over this blog! Just wait & see! ha!
This fall we have been spending a ton of time watching games! This guy started playing 7th grade football, & he is on the middle school soccer team. He is “lightning in a bottle”. He’s a quick as can be! I love watching him play. Of course, I need to stop asking him if he’s OK every time he comes off the football field. ha! (Buuuut see that bruise on his knee!!!)
Friday night was senior night at the high school football game. See the guy pulling the wagon….that’s my senior! I can’t believe it. He has grown into the most amazing young man. I love him so much. I seems like yesterday when we brought him home from the hospital, & now look at him. He’s taller than me. He plays the tuba in the band. He is so awesome at that. We always kid him that he can cut metal with that tuba! He’s loud! Their halftime show starts out with his tuba solo. Love it!
My oldest daughter is growing up, too. She started high school this fall. She is a beautiful young lady with a little bit of attitude. Any tips for parenting a teenage girl? ha! She plays the clarinet & saxophone at school, & at home she plays the piano all the time. I love listening to her play. She’s so talented! :)
On our family blog right at the top I have a quote from author Anna Quindlen who reminds us not to rush past the fleeting moments. She said: “The biggest mistake I made [as a parent] is the one that most of us make. . . . I did not live in the moment enough. This is particularly clear now that the moment is gone, captured only in photographs. There is one picture of [my three children] sitting in the grass on a quilt in the shadow of the swing set on a summer day, ages six, four, and one. And I wish I could remember what we ate, and what we talked about, and how they sounded, and how they looked when they slept that night. I wish I had not been in such a hurry to get on to the next thing: dinner, bath, book, bed. I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less.”
I really try to keep this in mind as I go throughout my day. While my kiddos are at school I try to hurry & get everything done so when they get home I can just enjoy them! :) I’m looking forward to the next couple of weeks. Football & soccer will be wrapping up. The holidays are coming. Annnnnd I just want to enjoy all of our holiday traditions with my little family. Family truly is everything to me! :)
What have you been up to this fall?
I’d love to hear. Leave a comment below.
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This post was created for Ginger Snap Crafts by Ginger Bowie.