Hello! It’s been a few months since I’ve been able to participate in a Silhouette Challenge! It’s been a little bit crazy around here! ;) So I am super excited to jump in this month’s challenge ~ DIY Gifts! So make sure you scroll down to find tons more gift ideas from my amazing blogging friends. For my DIY gift I decided to share what we gave all of our neighbors last year. I didn’t have time to blog about it back then! ha! ;) This Chalkboard Countdown is so, so easy to make! You can make a bunch of these fast & quick & for not a lot of money. So keep reading to see how I did it. :)
You’ll need a few supplies to get started:
wood plaque (I found this one at Hobby Lobby for $2.99!)
chalkboard paint
foam brush
vinyl lettering
sawtooth hanger & hammer
First you will give your wood plaque a couple of coats of the chalkboard paint. Let it dry completely. Then apply your vinyl lettering. :) I just used one of my favorite fonts & my Silhouette to make my vinyl decal!
Let your chalkboard cure (or dry) for 3 days. Then rub the entire surface with chalk, & then erase. This conditions your chalkboard & makes it ready to use.
Finally you’ll attach a sawtooth hanger to the back with a hammer. All done! Easy peasy! :) When giving as a gift include a couple of pieces of chalk in a cute fabric bag tied with twine.
Now check out some more DIY gift ideas from my Silhouette blogging buddies. :)
Want to Check Out More Silhouette Projects?
My Silhouette Challenge buddies and I are all sharing projects on our blogs today, so peruse the projects below for a wealth of Silhouette inspiration! 
1. Get Silvered // 2. My Paper Craze // 3. unOriginal Mom // 4. Creative Ramblings // 5. Chicken Scratch NY // 6. Pitter and Glink // 7. Ginger Snap Crafts // 8. Architecture of a Mom // 9. Silhouette School // 10. McCall Manor // 11. Just a Girl and Her Blog // 12. Weekend Craft // 13. Rutchee Design // 14. Adventures in All Things Food // 15. My Favorite Finds // 16. Please Excuse My Craftermath // 17. Simply Kelly Designs // 18. Dragonfly & Lily Pads // 19. Practically Functional //
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This post was created for Ginger Snap Crafts by Ginger Bowie.