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Hello there! I am so excited to partner with some of my favorite bloggers to bring you a fun blog hop full of DIY Family Fun with Cricut. Eek! I know many of us are having lots of extra family time right now (which I love!). Buuuuut sometimes you need a little help to fill the time. Our family has been playing tons of games, and these easy to make Lawn Dice are the perfect thing to add to your game nights especially with the weather being so nice right now. Let’s get started! Oh and you’ll want to scroll down to the bottom of this post to see all the fun ideas from the other bloggers. :)
Lawn Dice {tutorial}
10 Summer Ideas
Good morning! As I was looking through all the ah-mazing link ups last week, and I noticed a lot of red, white & blue ideas, outdoor party ideas, garden ideas and outdoor spaces! Annnnnnd it dawned on me…..hello summer is right around the corner! I had totally forgotten about summer coming so quick with all this weirdness going on! haha! Summer will be here next week for us. Yay! Only 2 more days of school. I can’t wait for some warm summer nights, lightning bug catching & yummy s’mores. Annnnd hopefully a little more normal. :) So I hope you enjoy these 10 Summer Ideas. If you haven’t checked out this week’s party, you can do that here. Buuuuut first check out this fun feature post. :)
{wow me} wednesday #456
Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)
Last week I featured 8 Crochet Projects!
You can check them all out right over here.
8 Crochet Patterns
Hello there! Today’s my favorite day of the week on the blog. I’m sharing your ideas! I loved these 8 Crochet Projects that were linked up to last several {wow me} wednesday parties. Aren’t they so cute? It really makes me wish that I could crochet. Maybe I should try & pick that up since I have a little extra time on my hands. We’ll see. :) Remember this week’s party is still going on! Feel free to swing by & take a look. If you are a blogger, be sure to link up your ideas. You can do all of that here. Buuuuut first check out this fun feature post. Enjoy!
{wow me} wednesday #455
Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)
Last week I featured 10 Garden Ideas!
You can check them all out right over here.
Easy DIY Shiplap Wall {tutorial}
Good morning! This summer we will celebrate our 2 year anniversary in our new home, buuuuut believe it or not I still have projects from our old home that I haven’t shared! ha! Sooooo I thought I’d better get on that. ;) This is a tutorial I shared as a guest post on another blog several years ago, and it inspired the real shiplap we have in our home now. I just love clean look at shiplap (or planks!). Annnnnd I hope this design trend becomes a staple for many years to come. It’s also an easy weekend project that just about anyone can tackle with just a few inexpensive supplies and a few hand tools. We spent under $50 for this project. Let me show you how! :)
10 Garden Ideas
Good morning! One of my most favorite things to do (besides crafting & blogging all about it!) is gardening! I love working outside in the yard! Eek! How about you? Right now we are in the middle of expanding our garden. We have tilled another spot & doubled the size of our garden. I see a lot of weeding in my future. haha! Today I am so excited to be sharing over 10 Garden Ideas that have been linked up to the last several {wow me} wednesday parties. Remember this week’s party is still going on! Feel free to swing by & check out the latest projects being linked up. Annnnnd if you are a blogger, be sure to add yours to the mix. I’d love to feature you, too! You can do all of that here. Buuuut first enjoy this very green feature post! :)
{wow me} wednesday #454
Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)
Last week I featured 8 Farmhouse Ideas for your home!
You can check them all out right over here.
8 Farmhouse Ideas
Good morning! We made it through another week! Yay! ;) All this social distancing & home schooling can be pretty rough. I feel like a nap *might* be on my schedule today. How about you? ;) Today I am so excited to be featuring 8 Farmhouse Ideas that were linked up over the last several {wow me} wednesday parties. Aren’t these ideas fabulous? Remember this week’s party is still going on. Feel free to swing by & check out this week’s link ups. If you are a blogger, be sure to link up your latest projects & ideas. I’d love to feature you, too! You can do all of that right here. Buuuuut first check out this very farmhouse-y feature post. Enjoy! :)
{wow me} wednesday #453
Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)
This week I featured 10 Baked Goods!
You can check out all the yumminess right over here.
10 BakeD Goods
Good morning! With all this craziness, one good thing at our house is that our baked good production is way, way up! ha! We’ll see if this is a good thing long term. ha! For now it’s delicious. ;) So, today I am excited to share 10 Baked Goods that were shared at last week’s {wow me} wednesday party. This week’s party is still going on, and tomorrow night at 7 pm we will have a brand party open up! I hope to see you there. :) In the meantime, enjoy this yummy feature post. :)