Ginger Snap Crafts: February 2019


Cute St. Patrick’s Day Ideas

Hello there! Can you believe that tomorrow is March??!! Spring Break will be here soon, and before that St. Patrick’s Day will roll around. Today I am excited to be featuring some super Cute St. Patrick’s Day Ideas that were linked up to last several {wow me} wednesday parties. This week’s party is still going on, so feel free to swing by & check out this week’s link ups. You are sure to be inspired! You can do all of that right here. Buuuuut first check out this very green feature post. Enjoy! :)


{wow me} wednesday #392

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Last week I featured 8 DIY Projects!
You can check them all out right over here.


8 DIY Projects

Good morning! It’s my favorite day of the week. I get to feature some of you! Yay! Annnnd that’s the best job ever! I love looking through the link ups each week. You guys are always inspiring me with your creativity. :) Today I am excited to feature 8 DIY Projects that were linked up to the last several {wow me} wednesday parties. Remember this week’s party is still going on. Drop by here to check that out & link up your ideas. I’d love to see them & feature you, too. Buuuuut first check out this fun feature post! Enjoy! :)


DIY Graduation Party Ideas with Cricut

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Cricut. The opinions and text are all mine.

Good morning! With 5 kiddos, it always seems like we have a reason to celebrate from birthdays, holidays, graduations to engagements (gulp!) there is always a party going on over here. ha! I love making every celebration extra special, & my Cricut Maker makes that task so, so easy & lots of fun, too. My oldest daughter is graduating from high school this May. Annnnd you’d better believe that we are going to be celebrating BIG time! ;) I am so excited as she heads off on her next adventure…! Annnnd I’ve already started planning her big graduation party. Today I’m excited to share some DIY Graduation Party Ideas with Cricut. Let’s get started. :)

DIY St. Patrick’s Day Crafts with Cricut

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Cricut. The opinions and text are all mine.

    Good morning! This year is flying by! I seem to say that every single year! ha! Buuuuut can you believe that it is almost March? Spring Break & St. Patrick’s Day will be here before we know it! Annnnnd today I am excited to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with Cricut. I used my Cricut Maker to make some cute & easy DIY St. Patrick’s Day Crafts with my kiddos. We made some cute t-shirts, a lucky horseshoe, cute lucky clover socks & a cute St. Patrick’s Day card all with the Cricut Maker. Let’s get started! :)


        {wow me} wednesday #391

        Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
        I’m so glad you are here. :)

        Last week I featured 10 Lunch Recipes!
        You can check them all out right over here.


        10 Lunch Recipes

        Good morning! :) How are you? Are you ready for the long weekend? I know I sure am! I love having a 3 day weekends. Yay! It doesn’t happen near enough. ;) Today I am excited to be featuring 10 Lunch Recipes that were linked up to the last several {wow me} wednesday parties. Remember this week’s party is still going strong. Be sure to swing by & check out all the fun ideas, recipes & projects. You can do that here. Be sure to link up your ideas, if you are a blogger. I’d love to feature you, too! Buuuut first check out this yummy feature post. Enjoy! :)


        Make Your Own Embroidery Patterns with the Cricut BrightPad

        This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Cricut. The opinions and text are all mine.

        Good morning! :) The Cricut BrightPad™ is one of THE most favorite tools in my craft room. (Ok…I really just have a craft closet! ha!) Anyways, this is a must have tool no matter where you craft at. So in a craft room, at the kitchen table or in a comfy chair, the Cricut BrightPad is a must have! Annnnd today I am excited to show you how you can Make Your Own Embroidery Patterns with the Cricut BrightPad. Let’s get started! :)


        {wow me} wednesday #390

        Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
        I’m so glad you are here. :)

        Last week I featured 10 Heart Inspired Projects!
        You can check them all out right over here.


        10+ Heart Inspired Projects

        Good morning! Valentine’s Day is next week, so today I am excited to be sharing 10+ Heart Inspired Projects with you. Most of these are simple & quick. You still have plenty of time to get your Valentine craft on. ha! All of these lovely heart ideas were linked up over the last several {wow me} wednesday parties. You can still link up to this week’s party right here. Be sure to do that, if you are a blogger. I’d love to feature YOU, too! :) Buuuut first check out this heart & love filled feature post. Enjoy! :)


        Cute Organization with the Cricut BrightPad™ {tutorial}

        This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Cricut. The opinions and text are all mine.

        Good morning! :) I’ve introduced you to the amazing Cricut BrightPad™ before. Annnnnnd I love how easy this crafting light pad, along with a few Cricut accessories, can make weeding vinyl (especially glitter vinyl and iron-on vinyl!). It’s a lifesaver! I am also so excited to share some Cute Organization with the Cricut BrightPad™. Let’s get started! :)


        {wow me} wednesday #389

        Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
        I’m so glad you are here. :)

        Last week I got busy, & I didn’t do a feature post!
        I will make up for that this week. Promise. :)
        In the meantime, check out these cute handmade Valentine ideas right here. :)


        DIY Housewarming Gift {tutorial}

        This is not a sponsored post, but affiliate links are used for your convenience. Thank you for supporting Ginger Snap Crafts. :)

        Good morning! Hello there! Can you believe it’s already February! Eek! Time just doesn’t stop! ;) We just passed our 6 month in our new house anniversary. (Is that a thing? ha!) What do you think is the perfect housewarming gift? I’ve done some thinking. Annnnnd I have decided that it is…..disposable dinnerware. Not having to wash dishes was a life saver for me in the first few weeks in our new home. So today I’m going to show you how easy it was to make this cute Home Is Where the Heart Is tote bag. Fill this cute little bag with disposable dinnerware & you will have the perfect DIY Housewarming Gift in no time at all. Let’s get started!