Ginger Snap Crafts: August 2016


{wow me} wednesday #272

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)


Last week I featured Over 12 Farmhouse Home Decor Ideas!
You can check out all the amazing ideas right over {HERE}.

Over 12 Farmhouse Home Decor Ideas at #farmhouse #homedecor #forthehome

Farmhouse Bench {tutorial}

This post is brought to you by Life Storage.

Good morning! I’m just popping in really quick to let you know that I’m sharing a brand new DIY tutorial over on the Life Storage blog. This simple farmhouse bench has transformed my front porch. I just love it!

farmhouse bench from


Skittles Popcorn {recipe}

Thanks to Skittles for supplying some of the product for this post.

Hello! I hope you had a marvelous weekend! Friday night we had our big community pep rally introducing the fall sports, Saturday we cleaned house (yay!) & had a cookout & then Sunday was church. Today my missionary son will be emailing. I can’t wait! My younger son is playing football this fall, so I am anticipating a bunch of game day get togethers & snacks. ha! This Skittles Popcorn recipe would be perfect for game day. You could do just about any color combination to match your teams colors. Keep reading for this yummy popcorn recipe!

Skittles Popcorn at #popcorn #recipe #yummy


12+ Farmhouse Home Decor Ideas

Good morning! We made it through another week! Yay! ;) Back to school can be pretty rough. I feel like a nap *might* be on my schedule today. How about you? ;) Today I am so excited to be featuring 12+ Farmhouse Home Decor Ideas that were linked up to the last two {wow me} wednesday parties. Aren’t these ideas fabulous? It makes me want to restyle my home with some open shelving, wire baskets, milk paint bottles & greenery. Remember this week’s party is still going on. Feel free to swing by & check out this week’s links. If you are a blogger, be sure to link up your latest projects & ideas. I’d love to feature you, too! You can do all of that right {HERE}. Buuuuut first check out this vintage feature post. Enjoy! :)

Over 12 Farmhouse Home Decor Ideas at #farmhouse #homedecor #forthehome


{wow me} wednesday #271

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)


Last week I featured 10+ Back to School Printables!
You can check out all the fun ideas right over {HERE}.

10  Back to School Printables

Football Inspired Mason Jars {tutorial}

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and GREATER Productions. but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #GREATERMovie #GreaterTheMovie

Hello! Football season is upon us. Yay! Annnnd there is nothing better than an inspirational movie about football. Am I right? ;) I just watched the most amazing movie ~ GREATER. It shares the Brandon Burlsworth story. Brandon was the greatest walk on football player in the history of college football. He went from walk on to an All American player by the end of his college career. Buuuut the best part of his story is what kind of person Brandon was. His story will make you laugh, cry & think about life & how you treat people & how one person can make a huge difference in someone’s life! It was ah-mazing! I was inspired by the Brandon Burlsworth movie to make these Football Inspired Mason Jars (with Brandon’s #77, of course!). I was also excited to share this movie with my own football player son. I know he can relate to the things that Brandon overcame in the movie. I also loved the role model Brandon was to everyone he met. Let’s talk football! ;)

football inspired mason jars at #football #masonjars


5 Awesome Outdoor Games

Good morning! I hope you’ve had a fabulous week! Today I am so excited to be partnering with CLIF Kid to show you the importance of getting your kids to ‘come out to play’. I know when I was young we lived outside….it was one of the best places to play! We spent hours outside playing house, pretending to be a gymnast, building forts & mud pies. It’s a little harder today to get your kiddos outside since we have to compete with screen time. Ugh! Buuuut it’s so important to encourage our kiddos to put down their electronics & simply play! Play is disappearing at home, in school and in communities. 70% of moms played outside when they were kids, & today only 31% of their kids play outside. Let’s change that! When we get our kids outdoors we are teaching them healthy habits & reclaiming important play time. Yay! Today I am excited to be sharing 5 Awesome Outdoor Games that our family loves. Let’s get started! :)

5 Awesome Outdoor Games at #outdoor #games #kids


10+ Back To School Printables

Good morning! How has your week been? We started back to school on Monday. Eek! So far, so good! I can’t believe we’ve been up & ready on time each morning though! ha! Today I am excited to be featuring 10+ Back to School Printables that were linked up to last week’s {wow me} wednesday party. The first day of school is such a big milestone. These printables will make it easy to document all the fun! Remember this week’s party is still going on. Feel free to stop by, link up your ideas & see what everyone else is up to! You can do all of that right {HERE}. Buuuuut first check out this A+ feature post. Enjoy! :)

10  Back to School Printables


{wow me} wednesday #270

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)


Last week I featured 10 Ideas for Your Home!
You can check out all the fabulousness right over {HERE}.

10 Ideas for Your Home at #forthehome #DIY #gingersnapcrafts


Washer Necklaces {tutorial}

Hello! Today is the first day of school. Annnnd today my missionary son hits his 2 month mark. Yep….I’m a little emotional! ha! I love being a mom so much! My kiddos are the best. I know I’m a little prejudice, but it’s true! :) I love making fun crafts with my kiddos! These fun Washer Necklaces are the perfect craft to do with your preteen girls. My daughter loved making these with me, & I know your girls will love making them, too! Let’s get started!

washer necklaces at #kidcrafts #crafts


10 Ideas for Your Home

Good morning! It’s midnight here, & I am just now sitting down to watch the gymnastics all around competition. Don’t tell me who won! ha! ;) We’ve had a busy week! My kiddos are showing their cows in the fair. So fun! Annnnnd it’s the week before school starts, so we’ve have all the open houses & meet the teacher nights this week, too. It’s been a little bit crazy! I’m kind of looking forward to next week when things calm down, & we get into our old routines again. I might even try to sneak in a few projects around the house. ha! Today I am excited to be featuring 10 Ideas for Your Home that have been linked up to the last several {wow me} wednesday parties. Remember this week’s party is going on right {HERE}. Be sure to swing by & check out this week’s link ups. Buuuuuut first enjoy this fabulous feature post! :)

10 Ideas for Your Home at #forthehome #DIY #gingersnapcrafts


{wow me} wednesday #269

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)


Last week I featured 8 Pokemon Ideas!
You can catch them all right over {HERE}.

8  Pokemon Ideas at #pokemon

DIY Quiet Bag {tutorial}

Can you believe back to school is coming up and back to school shopping has already started? Where did the summer go? ha! We love stopping by Sam’s Club & checking out their back to school sales each year. This back to school season Sam’s Club is partnering with participating Kellogg’s and J.M. Smucker Company products to bring you a special “Start School Like a Champion” offer where you get one Scholastic book for free & another book gets donated to a local school. Isn’t that awesome? Annnnnd I think this cute DIY Quiet Bag would be perfect for holding your free book in! Let’s get started! :)

DIY Quiet Bags for Kids at #diy #kids #kidcrafts


8+ Pokemon Ideas

Hello! How many of you or your kiddos have gotten into Pokemon Go this summer? My kiddos have played a little bit here & there. My 6 year old downloaded it to my phone. So, I guess I could play, too! ;) Today I am excited to be featuring 8+ Pokemon Ideas. Most of these where linked up the last several {wow me} wednesday parties. Remember this week’s party is still going on. Be sure to swing by & check out the latest projects & ideas that have been linked up. If you are a blogger, be sure to link up your post. I’d love to feature you, too! You can do all that right {HERE}. Buuuuut first check out this “gotta catch ‘em all” feature post. Enjoy! :)

8  Pokemon Ideas at #pokemon


{wow me} wednesday #268

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)


Last week I featured 12 Cookie & Cupcake Recipes!
You can check out all the yumminess right over {HERE}.

12 Cookie & Cupcake Recipes at #recipe #desserts


What’s in Your Backpack? {free printables}

Good morning! Back to school is right around the corner. Last week we started some of our back to school shopping! I love to do most of my back to school shopping online. PayPal makes that so easy! They also make it super simple to give back to your community. I’ll be sharing more about that in just a bit! Buuuut first I wanted to talk about {What’s in Your Backpack?}. That’s a question I ask my kiddos all the time. I know getting everyone out of the door with everything they need inside their backpacks can be a real struggle! Today I’m excited to be sharing what we do to make sure we have everything we need inside our backpacks every morning. Let’s get started! :)

What's in your backpack #backtoschool #BTS.png