Ginger Snap Crafts: November 2018


Easy Gutter Fix with Gorilla Waterproof Tape & $250 Home Depot Gift Card Giveaway

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of The Gorilla Glue Company. All opinions are 100% mine.

Good morning! As most of you know we recently built our own home. It was a process! Whew! ;) We had our final inspection a few months ago. I was so excited to have our LAST one! They came back & said everything looked great, buuuuuuuuuut we would have to add gutters before we could convert our construction loan into a conventional home loan. What??!! To say we were a little bit busy over the next several days putting up gutters is an understatement. ha! We had to work quickly, so that we could close on our home on the originally scheduled day. I didn’t want anymore delays. In our rush we forgot to seal one of our gutter joints. Unfortunately, the first time it rained we had a mini waterfall on the side of our house right through that gutter seam. Thank goodness I found an Easy Gutter Fix with Gorilla Waterproof Patch and Seal Tape. Let me show you how! (Annnnnd I have a fun Home Depot giveaway for you, too!)

Easy Gutter Fix with Gorilla Waterproof Patch & Seal Tape


10 Holiday Recipes

Good morning! The holidays are upon us, & that means it is time for some holiday food! Yum! Today I am excited to be featuring 10 Holiday Recipes that were linked up to the last two {wow me} wednesday parties. Remember this week’s party is still going strong! Be sure to stop by & check out the latest link ups. If you are a blogger, be sure to link up your ideas & projects, so I can feature you, too. You can do all of that right here. Buuuuut first check out this yummy feature post. Enjoy! :)

Ten Holiday Recipes at #holiday #recipes


Easy Holiday Paper Crafting with Cricut {tutorial}

This post is brought to you by Cricut.

Good morning! Thanksgiving is over, and it’s time to bust out those Christmas crafts, DIY holiday decorations & handmade holiday gifts. Am I right? ;) I have always loved to craft. I haven’t always been the best at it though. ha! That all changed when I learned that getting the right tools can be a game changer. That’s how I feel about my Cricut Maker. With the Cricut Maker I feel like I can do anything. :) Paper crafting has always been a little bit overwhelming to me, but with the Cricut Maker and the new scoring wheel. I was able to whip out these cute DIY gift boxes and gift tags in no time at all, and they turned out so cute! So keep reading to see how Easy Holiday Paper Crafting can be with your Cricut Maker & scoring wheel. :)

Easy Holiday Paper Crafting with Cricut #cricut #cricutmade #cricutmaker


{wow me} wednesday #379

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Last week I took the entire week off from blogging.
It was glorious! I’m glad to be back though! :)

Since I didn’t do a feature post last week. Check this out!
You can get 15+ DIY Ornament tutorials right here.

15  DIY Ornaments #Christmas #crafts #DIY


{wow me} wednesday #378

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

First, of all Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope you are surrounded by lots of family & yummy food. :)

Thank YOU for being here!

Last week I featured 8 Rustic Christmas Ideas!
You can check them all out right over here.

8 Rustic Christmas Ideas at #christmas #rustic #farmhouse #forthehome


8 Rustic Christmas Ideas

Goooooooood morning! Are you a pre-Thanksgiving Christmas decorator or after Thanksgiving? I’m definitely the latter, buuuuut I do enjoy looking at Christmas ideas any time. ;) Annnnnd today I am excited to feature 8 Rustic Christmas Ideas that were linked up to the last two {wow me} wednesday parties. Aren’t they pretty?? Remember this week’s party is still going on. Feel free to pop over here to see what everyone is up to this week. Buuuuut first check out this very Christmas-y feature post. Enjoy! :)

8 Rustic Christmas Ideas at #christmas #rustic #farmhouse #forthehome


{wow me} wednesday #377

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Last week I featured 10 Pumpkin Recipes!
You can check them all out right over here.

10 Pumpkin Recipes at


Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse Waffle Bar {party Idea}

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #EggoAndDisney #LoveMyEggo #CollectiveBias

Good morning! Guess who’s celebrating a birthday this month? M-I-C…..K-E-Y…..M-O-U-S-E! Did you sing that in your head when you read it? ;) Annnnnd it’s a big one! Mickey Mouse is turning 90 years old! So, it’s a great time to celebrate along with him by hosting a Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse Waffle Bar for your family! Eggo Mickey Homestyle Waffles, 16ct makes celebrating all things Mickey even easier. Let me show you how! :)

happy birhtday mickey mouse


10 Pumpkin Recipes

Turkey Day is coming up quick! Gobble! Gobble! :) Annnnnd today I am so excited to feature 10 Pumpkin Recipes with you today that were linked up to last week & this week’s {wow me} wednesday parties. Remember this week’s party is still going on. Feel free to swing by (link up your ideas, if you’re a blogger!) and check out all the fun ideas right here. But first, check out this yummy pumpkin-y feature post. Enjoy! :)

10 Pumpkin Recipes at


{wow me} wednesday #376

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Last week I featured 15 Delicious Desserts!
You can check them all out right over here.

15 Delicious Desserts at #dessert #recipes #yum[8]


Why You Need a Cricut EasyPress 2

This post is brought to you by Cricut.

Good morning! How was your weekend? Amazing, I hope! :) Has this year flown by for anyone else? I’m having a hard time believing that November is already here! So crazy! Soon Christmas will be here! Eek! Have you thought about what YOU want for Christmas yet? I know crafting goodies are always on the top of my list. Annnnnnd if you haven’t added a Cricut EasyPress 2 to your craft room, you totally should add it to your list! Let me tell you why! :)

Why you need a Cricut EasyPress 2

easypress 2


5 Simple Ways to Organize Your Kitchen

This post is brought to you by Life Storage.

Good morning! Are you ready for the weekend? Ours is going to be busy! ha! I’m helping with a craft day at our church, & my two daughters have all day activities with choir & their youth group on Saturday. So we will be running from one to the other! I’m also hosting Thanksgiving at our house this year. I think I’d much rather stay home & do some deep cleaning & organizing to get everything ready for that. ha! Oh well! That will have to wait until next weekend. ;) If organizing and cleaning are your thing, you’ll want to pop over to the Life Storage blog & check out 5 Simple Ways to Organize Your Kitchen. I’m also sharing how we made this DIY kitchen island (which I’m thinking about changing up!). I’ll keep you posted! ;)

5 Simple Ways to Organize Your Kitchen at LifeStorage Blog


15 Delicious Recipes

Hello! It’s my favorite day of the week! I get to feature some of YOU! ;) I really, really appreciate all of you linking up each week to {wow me} wednesday! You are awesome! Today I’m excited to be featuring 15 Delicious Recipes that were linked up to last week’s {wow me} wednesday party. It might not be the best idea the day after Halloween though….so pin this post for later. ha! Don’t forget this week’s party is still going on right here. So make sure you stop by to see what everyone is up to! If you are a blogger, I’d love to see what you’re up, too. Buuuuut first check out this delicious feature post. Enjoy! :)

15 Delicious Desserts at #dessert #recipes #yum