Ginger Snap Crafts: August 2018


12 Dinner Ideas

Hello there! Dinner, dinner, dinner…what’s for dinner? ha! I think I hear that question every single day. ;) I love finding new recipes to try out. We get tired of the same old thing every night. So, I was super excited to find these 12 Dinner Ideas linked up to last week’s {wow me} wednesday party! Yum! Remember this week’s party is still going on. Feel free to swing by & check out this week’s links right here. Buuuut first, check out this amazingly yummy feature post. Enjoy! :)

12 Dinner Ideas at #dinner #recipes #recipeoftheday


{wow me} wednesday #366

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Last week I featured 10 Yummy Recipes!
You can check them all out right over here.

10 Yummy Recipes at #yummy #recipes #recipe


10 Yummy Recipes

Hello there! It’s my favorite day of the week. It’s time for a fun feature post! :) My mouth was watering as I went through last week & this week’s link ups. Yum! So today I am excited to be featuring 10 Yummy Treats that were linked up to the last two {wow me} wednesday parties. Remember this week’s party is still going on. Feel free to swing by & check out all of the link ups. If you are a blogger, be sure to link up your ideas. I’d love to feature you, too! You can do that right here. Buuuuut first check out this extra yummy feature post. Enjoy! :)

10 Yummy Recipes at #yummy #recipes #recipe


{wow me} wednesday #365

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Last week I featured some Back to School Organization Ideas!
You can check them all out right over here.

Back to School Organization Ideas at #school #organization #backtoschool

DIY Open Shelving in the Kitchen for under $100

This post is brought to you by Life Storage.

Goooooooood morning! School started last week, so I am a little behind sharing some of my favorite projects! I’m looking forward to sharing all. the. things. with you. ha! One of those things is the DIY Open Shelving we just put up in our kitchen! I am in love! Honestly, I wasn’t sure how much I would really like open shelving. Buuuuut with a tight budget, I was willing to try it out. ha! Annnnnd it ends up that I love, love, love it! I’m sharing all the details over on the Life Storage blog. You’ll have to head over there to see how we did it! :) Buuuuut stick around here for just a little bit, & I’ll let you know 5 reasons why I love open shelving so much. :)

DIY Open Shelving for Under $100 at Life Storage


Back to School Organization Ideas

Gooooood morning!!! One of my favorite things to do is organize! Annnnnd back to school is the perfect time to reorganize and deep clean your home. We have been busy getting our schoolroom organized this week. My younger two kiddos are enrolled in an online charter school this year. We start Monday. We can’t wait to start our new adventure. So, today I am excited to feature some really fun Back to School Organization Ideas that were linked up to the last several {wow me} wednesday parties. Remember this week’s party is still going on. Swing by here to check that out. Buuuuut first check out this fun back to school feature post. Enjoy! :)

Back to School Organization Ideas at #school #organization #backtoschool


{wow me} wednesday #364

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Last week I featured 10 Back to School Ideas!
You can check them all out right over here.

10 Back to School Ideas at #backtoschool #school


Custom Mailbox with Cricut

This post is brought to you by Cricut. Affiliate links are used for your convenience.

Gooooood morning! As most of you know, we moved this summer! We have been building a home over the last year. Annnnd one of the first things I did (even before we moved in!) was to put up a mailbox. Cricut made it so easy to personalize & customize this project, too! Check out our custom mailbox! So cute! :)

personalize your mailbox with Cricut #cricutmade #cricut #cricutmaker


10 Back to School Ideas

Hello there! Didn’t the summer just start??!! Now we are headed back to school next week. Eek! How did that happen??? Sometimes I wish we could slow down time just a little bit! Buuuuut that’s not how it works. haha! Annnnd honestly I kind of like buying school supplies and getting everything organized for back to school. So, today I am excited to be featuring 10 Back to School Ideas that were linked up over the last several {wow me} wednesday parties. Remember this week’s party is still going on. Be sure to swing by & see what everyone is up to here. Buuuut first check out this A+ feature post. Enjoy! :)

10 Back to School Ideas at #backtoschool #school


{wow me} wednesday #363

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)

Last week I featured 10 Ways to Save Money!
You can check out all the awesome ideas right over here.

10 Ways to Save Money at #money #budget #tips

Ways to Keep Your Home Safe From Carbon Monoxide

Thank you First Alert for sponsoring this post. Don’t let the beep steal your sleep.

Good morning! Today I’d like to talk about something that is extremely important to me. Something I am passionate about ~ keeping my home safe for my family. A few years ago, some friends of ours lost some close family friends to carbon monoxide poisoning. The cause was a faulty heating system and not having carbon monoxide detectors in their home. Having those detectors could of prevented that senseless tragedy. As soon as I heard about it, I went right to the store and bought carbon monoxide alarms for our home. It’s crazy that it took a tragedy before I did something so simple as installing those alarms. Many states (California, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma Oregon, Virginia, Washington & Wisconsin) adopted new building codes that took effect in 2011 which requires carbon monoxide alarms in all one-and-two-family homes. That’s been seven years ago! As with everything, these alarms don’t last forever. So, today I am excited to partner with First Alert to remind you that it’s time to change out those aging carbon dioxide alarms with brand new ones. Even if you don’t live in one of those states, please take action. It could save your life and the lives of your family!

Ways to Keep Your Home Safe from Carbon Monoxide #ReplaceYourCOAlarms


10+ Ways to Save Money

This post is brought to you by Wikibuy.

Good morning! Summer is almost over. Ugh! Can you believe it? It really flew by this year. Annnnnd if you are like me, your summer budget went a little over & now it’s time for back to school shopping. So, I always love finding ways to save money. :) That’s why I am excited to share 10+ Ways to Save Money that were linked up to the last several {wow me} wednesday parties. This week’s party is still going on. You can check it out right here. Buuuuut first stick around & scroll through these very budget friendly ideas. Enjoy! :)

10 Ways to Save Money at #money #budget #tips