Ginger Snap Crafts: September 2017


Meet the Cricut Maker

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Cricut. The opinions and text are all mine.

Good morning! My Cricut Maker arrived a few weeks ago! Buuuuut with all the back to school activities going on, the homecoming dance & football games, I just found time to open the box this week! Annnnnnd boy was it worth the wait! This machine is ah-mazing! I can’t wait to see all the things I can make! Eek! :)

Meet the Cricut Maker at #CricutMade #CricutMaker

cricut maker


10 Pasta Recipes

Good morning! Who’s addicted to pasta like me? haha! I just can’t get enough of a good pasta recipe. Yum! So, today I am excited to be bringing you 10 Pasta Recipes that have been linked up over the last several {wow me} wednesday parties. Remember this week’s party is still going on. Feel free to swing by & check it out. You can find more yummy recipes, craft ideas, seasonal projects, home decor & more. If you are a blogger, be sure to link up your ideas. I’d love to feature you, too! You can do all of that here. Buuuuuuut first check out this yummy pasta filled feature post. Enjoy! :)10 Pasta Recipes at #pasta #recipes #gingersnapcrafts


Removing the Background on an Imported Image in Cricut Design Space

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Cricut . The opinions and text are all mine. #cricutmade #cricut

Hello there! Just popping in really quick to let you know that I’m over on the Cricut blog today. I’m showing you how to Remove the Background on an Imported Image in Cricut Design Space. It’s pretty cool! I’m also showing you how I made this cute Pumpkin Patch sign. You can see how I did that here. :)

removing the background on an imported image


{wow me} wednesday #318

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)


Last week I featured 15 Warm & Cozy Recipes!
You can check them all out right over here.

15 Warm & Cozy Recipes at #recipes #gingersnapcrafts

DIY Farmhouse Ladder for under $10 {tutorial}

This post is brought to you by Life Storage.

Hello there! I’m just popping in really quick to let you know that I am over on the Life Storage blog this week. I’m sharing this oh so easy DIY Farmhouse Ladder that my hubby & I made for under $10. Eek! Isn’t that amazing? All you’ll need is three 2x4s, some wood stain & a Saturday afternoon. This ladder is perfect for holding your warm fall blankets & throws, & it’s fun to decorate as well. :)

$10 DIY Ladder at #farmhouse #DIY


What is the Cricut Machine?

This post is brought to you by Cricut. Affiliate links are used for your convenience.

Good morning! How was your weekend? I hope it was fabulous! :) I also hope you’ve been following along with my Cricut Question Series. :) If not, you can find question 1 here & question 2 here & question 3 here & question 4 here & question 5 here & question 6 here & question 7 here & question 8 here & question 9 here & question 10 here. Now we are up to question 11 ~ What is the Cricut Machine? I feel like I probably should of started with this question first, instead of almost at the very end of the series! Oops! ;) So, today I am going to recap all of my favorite Cricut machines that I’ve talked about in my previous posts. Let’s get started! :)

a Cricut Question Series at What is the Cricut Machine

Hmmmmmmm….the questions we ask our crafty selves. :) Which Cricut Machine do we *need*?
Which Cricut Machine Do You Need #cricutmade #cricutmaker


15 Warm & Cozy Recipes

Good morning! Fall is in the air! Ahhhhhh! Annnnd today is the official first day of fall. That means more baking, apple cider sipping & watching football. Fall is just so warm & cozy. Am I right? ;) Today I am excited to be sharing 15 Warm & Cozy Recipes that were linked up over at the last {wow me} wednesday party. I’m sure I missed a few, so check out the link ups here. Annnnnd don’t forget this week’s party is still going on. Be sure to check that out, too! You can do that here. Buuuuut first check out this delicious feature post. Enjoy!

15 Warm & Cozy Recipes at #recipes #gingersnapcrafts


Preparing Your Kids for the Real World

This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Greenlight, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #GreenPMG

My kiddos range in age from 8 to 20. Yep! I’m old! haha! Right before my oldest left from home, I began to worry. Did I teach him enough? Does he know how to budget? Can he change a flat tire? Will he be able to take care of himself? Does he know how to fry an egg? ;) I felt we prepared him pretty well, but of course, we could always have done better. One of those is budgeting. One of the biggest hurdles young people face when getting out on their own is handling money. They have to learn fairly quickly to budget, how to spend money & how to save, how to pay bills and more! With my younger kiddos I’ve decided to start some of this process a little bit earlier than I did with my oldest. I want them to be savvy with their money way before they leave home. That is why I love Greenlight, the smart debit card for kids. It helps your kiddos get a pretty good feel for how to handle their own money in the real world. Let me show you! :)

preparing your kids for the real world with Greenlight


{wow me} wedesday #317

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)


Last week I featured 10 Black & White Halloween Ideas!
You can check them all out right over here.

10 Black & White Halloween Ideas at #halloween #blackandwhite


10 Black & White Halloween Ideas

Good morning! The weekend is almost here! Yay! Do you have any big plans? No surprise here….I’ll be working on projects. ha! ;) Well, I am so enjoying all the fall & Halloween projects being linked up to {wow me} wednesday. They are spook-tacular! So, today I am excited to feature 10 Black & White Halloween Ideas that have been linked up over the last several {wow me} wednesday parties. Remember this week’s party is still going on. Feel free to pop on over & check it our right here. Buuuuut first enjoy this spooky feature post! :)

10 Black & White Halloween Ideas at #halloween #blackandwhite


Halloween Coloring Cards {tutorial} + A Cricut Maker Giveaway

This post is not sponsored, but Cricut has graciously offered to giveaway a brand new Cricut Maker to one of YOU! Affiliate links are used for your convenience.

Good morning! I am so, so, so excited about this month’s Craft Lightning theme. Annnnd I have a giveaway for the brand new Cricut Maker! Eek! So please stick around & enter that one before you leave! :) Our assignment this month was to make a 15 minute or under craft using our Cricut machines. So I decided to whip out these adorable Halloween Coloring Cards for my primary kiddos. They were so easy to make. Let’s get started!

Halloween Coloring Cards at #papercrafts #Halloween #craftlightning


{wow me} wednesday #316

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)


Last week I featured 10 Fabric Projects!
You can check them all out right over here.

10 Fabric Projects #gingersnapcrafts #fabrics


10+ Fabric Projects

Hello there! It’s almost the weekend! Yay! This week has flown by! Who’s ready for the weekend though? Me! My parents are heading up this way & my youngest son is getting baptized a member of our Church on Sunday. So it should be a pretty special weekend for our family. :) Today I am excited to be featuring 10+ Fabric Projects that were linked up over the last several {wow me} wednesday parties. Several of these are no sew, too! Yay! Remember this week’s party is still going on. Feel free to stop by & check it all out right here. Buuuuut first enjoy this “sew” lovely feature post. :) 10 Fabric Projects #gingersnapcrafts #fabrics


{wow me} wednesday #315

Hello! Welcome to {wow me} wednesday!
I’m so glad you are here. :)


Last week I featured 10+ Fall Projects!
You can check them all out right over here.

Over 10 Fall Projects at #fall #DIY #forthehome

Meet the Cricut BrightPad™

This post is brought to you by Cricut. Affiliate links are used for your convenience.

Good morning! How was your Labor Day? Fantastic, I hope. :) I think we labored a little bit too much! ha! We are busy working on a huge project as a family. I’ll share more details soon. A few weeks ago I was able to attend the Cricut Mountain Make-a-thon in Salt Lake City. It was nice to get away & relax & mingle with some amazing bloggers & friends. While I was there, Cricut announced 3 brand new products. Eek! I’ll be telling you all about each of them in the coming weeks. By the way, my Cricut Maker just arrived a few weeks ago! I can’t wait to start creating with it soon. Buuuut first I’d love to introduce you to the brand new Cricut BrightPad™. Annnd I’ll be answering another question in my Cricut Question Series! :)

Meet the Cricut BrightPad™ #CricutMade #ad

Cricut BrightPad™ 1


10+ Fall Projects

Good morning! It was 59 degrees this morning! Ahhhhhh! Fall is in the air. Annnnnd can you believe it's September already? Fall is definitely one of my favorite times of the year with hayrides, cooler weather, pumpkins, hot apple cider and more. I can’t wait! Today I am excited to be featuring 10+ Fall Projects that were linked up to the last several {wow me} wednesday parties. Remember this week’s party is still going on. So feel free to stop by & link up your ideas. You can do that here. Buuuuut first check out this wonderfully fall feature post. Enjoy! :)

Over 10 Fall Projects at #fall #DIY #forthehome