Ginger Snap Crafts: Top Ten Post of 2019

Top Ten Post of 2019

Good morning! I say this every year. Annnd I mean it every year! ha! Wow! I can’t believe how fast this past year went. ;) I hope everyone has had a great holiday. I know we have, and I’m grateful that we have a few more days to enjoy it. Buuuut I couldn’t let another year go by without looking back at 2019. 2019 was a busy year for our family. We are still getting settled in our new home, we had a big wedding in August and another one started college in the fall. We have been going, going, going! I’m surprised I had much time to blog! Buuut here were are with another Top Ten post. So here’s a look back at 2019. Enjoy! :)

Easy Room Update with Wallpaper

Turn a Coat Closet into Craft Storage

DIY Book Ledges

Reusable Back to School Sign

Be a Light Lantern

Toothless Slobber Slime

Graduation Napkins

DIY Farmhouse Sign

DIY Housewarming Gift

DIY Bird Feeder

Enjoy these other top ten posts from years past. Click the link below the picture. :)

Top Posts of 2018

Top Post of 2017

Top Post of 2016

Top Post of 2015

Have a happy New Year! :)

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