Ginger Snap Crafts: 10 Must-Haves for the Sidelines

10 Must-Haves for the Sidelines

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, INC. and The Coca-Cola Company, all opinions are mine alone. #SaveSnackScore #CollectiveBias

Hello there! Oh my goodness! We are right in the middle of sports season (again!). Annnnd I spend a lot of time on the sidelines….sometimes for hours and hours and hours. ;) Anyone else have a kiddo in track? ha! You know what I’m talking about! I also have two in soccer with back to back games every Saturday. So I’ve learned that I need to pack a few essentials to make sure I have what I need to power through the games & be that sideline hero my kiddos need me to be!  Today I’ve partnered with POWERADE® & RITZ Bits Cracker Sandwiches to bring you my 10 Must-Haves for the Sidelines. Let’s get started! :)

10 Must-haves for the Sidelines at

soccer mom

To be the sideline hero this sports season, you need to do three things ~ save, snack, and score! You can save money by looking for the coupons on specially marked packages of POWERADE® & RITZ Bits Cracker Sandwiches at your local Walmart store. While you are at the game cheering on your kiddos, you will have plenty to snack on, & you can be sure to score extra points by sharing these snacks & drinks with the other parents watching the game! Alright, here are my top 10 things to have on the sidelines!

ritz bits and powerade for parents

1. First, of course, is plenty of snacks & drinks. I like to bring a small cooler with ice to keep my drinks nice & cool. I love the NABISCO multi-packs. There’s plenty for me & plenty to share with others. :)

2. Be sure to pack wipes &/or tissues. You never know when a bloody nose might happen. #truestory Soccer can be tough sometimes. Throw in some band aids & antiseptic spray, too.

ritz bits and powerade for the win
3. Bring an extra soccer ball. I love bringing an extra soccer ball on game days. My daughter’s game is first, so my younger son can grab his ball & pass the time playing a pick up game with some of the other kids. It’s a life savor!

4. Pack a light jacket. You never know what spring weather is going to do! You’ll be glad you have it if you need it. :)

ritz cover

5. Always bring a chair! I know this sounds obvious, but I have shown up to soccer games without my chair! It makes for a long morning standing up. ha! Now during soccer season, I just keep our chairs in the back of my van. They are harder to forget that way! ;)

6. I always throw an umbrella in my bag. An umbrella comes in handy if a pop up shower rolls in or as a shade from the sun on those warm sunny days.

ritz crackers & powerade
7. Bring a book or a magazine. My 8th grader is running track this season. Have you ever been to a track meet? Oh my goodness! I might spend hours at a track meet before his event starts. So I try to pack a book or magazine to pass the time.

8. Sunglass &/or a hat come in super handy on those bright early mornings on the soccer field! Don’t forget those!

ritz crackers

9.  Homemade signs! Now this is totally optional. haha! Buuut I love to embarrass my kiddos by making signs to hold up & cheer them on. Secretly, I think they like it! haha! :)

10. Annnnd the most important thing you will need is your phone &/or camera! You’ll want to capture the action of your little superstar. Am I right? ;)

ritz sandwich crackers and powerade

Click the pictures below for some more fun sideline ideas! :)

DIY Pom Poms at #pompoms #schoolspirit_thumb

Snack & Beverage Station Tutorial at #DIY #soccer #snacks_thumb

POWERADE® 8pk 20oz size is on rollback at Walmart right now. Also, be sure to look for a coupon on the POWERADE® bottles to save $1.50 on NABISCO 20-pack Multipack. You can also find a coupon sticker on boxes of NABISCO snack packs with a savings of 75 cents when you purchase a 12-pack or larger NABISCO Multipack.


Be sure to check out other fun ideas for being a sideline hero right here!
What sports are your kiddos playing? Let me know in the comments below.

10 Must-haves for the Sidelines at

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This post was created for Ginger Snap Crafts by Ginger Bowie.
