Ginger Snap Crafts: 10 Disposal Dos & Don’ts

10 Disposal Dos & Don’ts

I’m sharing affresh® in my life as part of a sponsored series for Socialstars™. #affresh

10 Disposal Dos and Don'ts at #tips #forthehome

Disposal Do’s:
  • Do take care to what goes into your disposal. Remember anything put into a disposal should be a food product. It’s not for trash or big pieces of bone!
  • Do try to keep your disposal as clean as you can. Make sure you run your disposal each time you do the dishes. Pour a little dish soap inside & let the disposal run for a minute or two with some cold water after rinsing or washing dishes. At least once a month use affresh® Disposal Cleaner to easily deep clean your disposal. (I’ll share more on that is just a bit!)
  • Do turn on your disposal regularly. Using your disposal daily insures that all the parts & blades stay moving & helps prevent things from building up inside your disposal causing unwanted odor.
  • Do use cold water when you are grinding up food. Cold water will help any grease or oils that may go down the drain accidently to solidify. This makes it much easy to chop them up & get that oil & grease safely through your pipes.
Disposal Don’ts:
  • Don’t put grease or oil intentionally into your disposal. Grease likes to accumulate inside your disposal & can cause clogged drains. Plus grease stinks! No fun!
  • Don’t grind extremely high fiber foods like corn husks or celery. Fibers from these types of foods can tangle & wrap around the disposal blades causing the motor to overheat & stop working.
  • Don’t turn off your disposal or your water until all the grinding is completely finished. When every thing is finished, turn off the the garbage disposal first. Then let the water continue to run for at least 20 - 30 seconds. This will help flush out any remaining pieces of food.
  • Don’t put big pieces or large amounts of food down the garbage disposal all at once. Put food into the garbage disposal a little at a time (with cold water running). Cut up bigger pieces. This will help move the food scraps through your disposal, down the drain & out of your pipes.
  • Don’t put large amounts of pasta, rice or potato peels down your disposal. Pasta & rice tend to get bigger when wet & can lead to clogged drains. Potato peels tend to stick to the side of your disposal causing clogs as well. Save these items for your compost pile.
  • Don’t use harsh chemicals like bleach in your disposal. It can damage blades and pipes. Instead, at least once a month use affresh® Disposal Cleaner.

You can fight odor-causing residues with the powerful foaming action of affresh® Disposal Cleaner. affresh® Disposal Cleaner is designed especially for your disposal. Annnnd this product is so easy to use! Remember having a clean home can impress guests & makes it so much easier & less stressful to get through parties, holidays & family get togethers.

affresh disposal cleaner

Let me show you how easy affresh® Disposal Cleaner is to use.

  • First, turn on your HOT water to a low flow.

clean kitchen disposal with affresh

  • Then place 1 tablet in the disposal. Each easy-to-use tablet is designed for monthly use, or as needed, to scrub your disposal clean with a wonderful & amazing citrus scent.

clean your disposal

  • Next, turn on your disposal for 15-30 seconds. Foam may rise. (This is my favorite part!) You can actually hear the foam rising!

how to clean your disposal

  • Turn off your disposal. Let the water run.

clean kitchen disposal with affresh

  • Rinse away foam and any residue down the drain. Turn your water off. All done!

clean disposal

Tip: These steps are also conveniently written on the back of the box, too!
affresh disposal cleaner for your kitchen
You can see affresh® Disposal Cleaner in action below. I love the powerful foaming action! You can actually hear it cleaning. Annnnd I wish you could smell the citrus scent as well. It’s pretty amazing, too!

Wherever there is a specific cleaning job to do in your home, you can count on affresh® cleaners to provide the right tool for the job. So amazing, right? You can always purchase affresh® Disposal Cleaner & other affresh® products right here.

To see my 7 things to do before summer vacation click here.

7 Things to Do Before Summer Vacation #affresh #ad
Let me know your favorite cleaning tips in the comments below.
Do you have a favorite affresh® cleaner? Let me know that, too!
10 Disposal Dos and Don'ts at #tips #forthehome

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This post was created for Ginger Snap Crafts by Ginger Bowie.