It's done! Wahoo!
This is what I've been working on all week.
So yes, the rest of my house is a little messy & unorganized, but that's OK. :)
{My inspiration was found
here. Thanks, Kristyn!}
I bought all of my frames from
Hobby Lobby for half off.
{Don't you just love Hobby Lobby's half off sales??}
It seems like every time I go in there what I need is half off! Love Hobby Lobby! :)
First I laid out all my frames on my kitchen table,
along with the words I wanted on my family wall later
so I could get an idea of where everything would fit.
I played with the arrangement & came up with something I liked.
I took a picture & printed it I wouldn't forget how I had it arranged. :)
Then I started hanging up my pictures. :) My goal was to have as few extra nail holes as possible.
I was doing so good until I realized my pictures where WAY to low. Oops!
So I had to move everything up...much better...but yep, I do have a few extra holes in my wall! Grrrr!
Most of them were hidden behind pictures...I only had to touch a few spots. Yeah! :)
Once I started hanging the pictures I did make a few changes in my arrangement,
but it did help to have a general idea of where I wanted the pictures to go.
After I got all the pictures hung...I started cutting the vinyl. :)
Fonts List:
Family is... {Not His Angel}
forever {My Own Topher}
laughter {Hiccups}
joy {Curlz MT}
love {Oh Photo Shoot}
smiles {Mr. & Mrs. Popsicle}
wonderful {AR Julian}
strength {My Own Topher}
kindness {Bosshole}
lots of fun {Every Time I Miss You}
Then all I had to do was apply the vinyl lettering.
I love it! Of course, my hubby didn't even notice
until about 30 minutes AFTER he got home.
{Hmmmm....not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing! ;)}
My 4 year old did say she loved it each time
I asked her as I was working on it! Love that girl! :)
{Hope you all are having a fabulous Friday!}
Be sure to check in tomorrow!
Seasonal Countdown Block winner will be announced.
{If you haven't entered click
PLUS I've got LOTS of fun stuff planned for September!
I'll be telling you all about it TOMORROW.
Can't wait!

I link up to several link parties throughout the week! {Thank you so much for hosting, ladies!}
You'll find a link to each of these fabulous blogs on my sidebar.