Ginger Snap Crafts: 7 Easy Spring DIY Projects


7 Easy Spring DIY Projects

Hello there! Ahhhhh…..spring is almost here. Even though we did have snow this past weekend! What?!?! In a few weeks the warmer weather will be here to stay. Yay! I can’t wait. One of the things I love best about spring and warmer weather is the chance to get outside, work in the yard & create some amazing DIY projects for around our home. If you are like me, then you’ll love these 7 Easy Spring DIY Projects that I’ve tackled in the past. They each are a somewhat easy project that you can tackle in one weekend, and they all make a huge impact in your outdoor space. Later this week, I’ll share my latest outdoor project….if the snow melts, & I can take pictures. ha!
7 Easy Spring DIY Projects from #DIY #spring #doityourself #forthehome 

DIY WIndow Box at Gingersnapcrafts.com_thumb
800 flower box tutorial_thumb

DIY window boxes

Simple Garden Bench at GingerSnapCrafts.com_thumb

garden bench_thumb

Simple Garden Bench

DIY herb garden with The Home Depot_thumb[1]

#digin The Home Depot #heartoutdoors_thumb[1]

DIY Herb Garden

farmhouse bench from GingerSnapCrafts.com_thumb

DIY Farmhouse Bench

giant hello sign at #DIY #vinyl #gingersnapcrafts_thumb

front entry way_thumb

Giant Hello Sign

Farmhouse Picnic Table at GingerSnapCrafts.com_thumb

picnic table at GingerSnapCrafts.com_thumb

Farmhouse Picnic Table



Mason Jar Luminaries/Vases

Let me know what project you’ll dying to tackle this spring! I’d love to hear! :)

7 Easy Spring DIY Projects from #DIY #spring #doityourself #forthehome

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This post was created for Ginger Snap Crafts by Ginger Bowie.
