Ginger Snap Crafts: Confetti Eggs {tutorial}

Confetti Eggs {tutorial}

These confetti eggs are one of our family’s favorite Easter traditions!

Confetti Eggs at #eggs #family #traditions #Easter

My Grandmother started the tradition of having confetti eggs at Easter when I was a kid. She would hold huge Easter egg hunts with hundreds of eggs for all of the grandchildren. We would look forward to these every year! She would make each grandchild a confetti egg with their name on it. She would hide the confetti eggs along with the rest of the Easter eggs. If we found our own egg we would get a dollar. Yes, a whole dollar! ;) If we found someone else’s egg we would run & bopped them on the head. We would have confetti everywhere, in our hair, on our clothes & in the yard. We had a blast chasing each other around with those eggs! We have continued that tradition with our kids, and they love it just as much. You can make you own confetti eggs like my Grandmother did.

For this project you will need:
1 dozen eggs
egg dye
vinyl lettering {optional)
tissue paper
school glue
plastic cups or mugs
water or vinegar

egg dye

First, you will empty out your eggs. I used a corn cob skewer to poke a hole in the bottom.

egg cracking

Rinse them out. I hadn’t done that yet when I snapped this picture. ;)

egg shells

Dye your eggs as usual following the instructions on the box.

egg dying

Let dry.

dyed eggs1

Fill your eggs with confetti.

confetti egg

Cover the end of your eggs with some tissue paper & glue.


Next, I added everyone’s name using vinyl & the smiley monster font. You could always use a Sharpie like my Grandmother did, too!


eggs for Easter

The only thing left to do is to hide these eggs along with the other Easter eggs.
Then let the kiddos find them & take turns bopping each other on the head!

confetti eggs for Easter

Some years I go the easy route & just buy the confetti eggs in the store, but I find that when I take the time (like my Grandmother di)d to make each family member a handmade confetti Easter egg it makes this tradition that much better. I can imagine my Grandmother taking the time to make our eggs. It really makes me feel close to her. I am grateful for my Grandmother & the many family traditions that started with her & still continue today through my siblings & cousins. From lining up all the way from her “junk” room to the Christmas tree passing presents from one cousin to the next until the tree was overloaded with gifts to saying “Fun, fun, fun! Party, party, party!” every time we were together. I love when my family all gets together & shares our favorite memories. I hope one day my kiddos will do the same thing with their kiddos. Family really is everything!

confetti eggs

Let me know some of your family’s favorite Easter traditions on the comments below. :)

Confetti Eggs at #eggs #family #traditions #Easter

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This post was created for Ginger Snap Crafts by Ginger Bowie.